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The Officially Unofficial Tank Contest


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For those who have asked for prices on things and I haven't gotten back to them yet-- I'm very sorry for the delay, I've been out of town for a Frag Swap, and then got sick with food poisoning when I got back. I will be working on getting prices to you today. Thank you for your patience!

I have been enjoying watching these tanks take shape, even this early in the game.

Maybe I'll even get some work done on MY tank today!!! :o:P

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For those in this contest who struggle with taking good tank pics, what kind of camera are you using?

Please post answers here.

Thx! :happy:

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For those in this contest who struggle with taking good tank pics, what kind of camera are you using?

Please post answers here.

Thx! :happy:


canon powershot A630


not in the contest, but i use a cell phone :)


you may also want to consider using an algae scraper :P

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lol, you may want to consider buying me one.


$2 pack of single edged razor blades goes a long way haha


i'm sure your tank would look beautiful if we could see through it ;)


nothing personal, it's just been buggin my OCD.

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Canon PS A710 IS


I suck at teh photos. I should get extra points, lol.


yeah, me and ty should get like a 5 vote handicap for poor photo quality :P

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I have a Canon Powershot A720 IS, and I recently discovered a setting that helps me to get more realistic colors under MH lighting.

Turn the dial on the top to "SCN";

Use the L and R arrows on the circular button next to the display screen to get to the snowman, which is the "snow" setting;

If you want to shoot in Macro, push the little tulip icon on the same circular button. I think you have to push it twice.

(NRF, take note!!! ^^^)

I have also found that when taking Macro shots w/this camera, if it doesn't focus well at one angle, if I shift just slightly things will often come into focus just fine. Try focusing slightly over the subject looking down or slightly under it looking up.


I don't if this is exactly the same for all Canon Powershot A series cams, but it wouldn't hurt to try since several of you seem to be shooting with these cameras.

If your settings are a little different, look in the manual for how to shoot with the "snow" setting. It's under "Shooting Modes for Specific Scenes" in my manual.

I love my Canon Powershot A720 IS.

Here's a link to 2 threads with pics I've taken w/it:




And this is one of my most recent coral macro shots I've taken with it:


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Looks good Weetie, I'll try that. My problem is that in macro mode I cannot zoom all the way to get close enough shots through the glass. I realize that you cannot use the digital zoom in macro mode but if I go more than say 75% of the allowed zoom in macro it won't focus.

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I have the same difficulty with zooming in Macro.

When taking Macro pics of corals, I just take Macro's only w/corals that are fairly close to the glass and if they're not close enough I don't take a Macro pic.

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Here are two shots of the same thing. The zoas are about 4-5 inches from the front of my tank. First shot is normal auto settings and second is the "snow" setting.






As I mentioned my photo skills bring teh suck.


Here is a FTS set up the thing same.





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:lol: Much better! What I told Ty to do was fairly simple.

He was having trouble with the highlights, or bright spots, being too bright. Most cameras will have a function where: when you push the shutter button down half way or almost the whole way, the camera will focus and calculate the exposure and if you keep holding it down, you can frame the shot without those setting changing. Point the camera at the sand, which is usually the brightest part, and hold the shutter down halfway, then move the camera to frame up the whole tank and press the shutter button the rest of the way. Hopefully that will work for most of you the same way. :)

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:lol: Much better! What I told Ty to do was fairly simple.

He was having trouble with the highlights, or bright spots, being too bright. Most cameras will have a function where: when you push the shutter button down half way or almost the whole way, the camera will focus and calculate the exposure and if you keep holding it down, you can frame the shot without those setting changing. Point the camera at the sand, which is usually the brightest part, and hold the shutter down halfway, then move the camera to frame up the whole tank and press the shutter button the rest of the way. Hopefully that will work for most of you the same way. :)

Yup thats what I dood. For the contest I'm hiring Lalani to come do photos of my tank, do I have to deduct that from my $300? :P

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Yup thats what I dood. For the contest I'm hiring Lalani to come do photos of my tank, do I have to deduct that from my $300? :P

Haha, you couldn't afford me. ;)

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Is there any said time we need to have water in the tank?


oh and since were on the subject of cameras. does anyone use a kodak easyshare cx7430? with successful results?

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You don't have to start your tank thread immediately, as long as you do it by 10/17, which is when you have to post your first FTS.



I better HTFU.....

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Is there any said time we need to have water in the tank?


oh and since were on the subject of cameras. does anyone use a kodak easyshare cx7430? with successful results?



This is the "official Weetie quote"

You don't have to start your tank thread immediately, as long as you do it by 10/17, which is when you have to post your first FTS.


I suppose you can take that as you wish.





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