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The Unofficial Sexy Shrimp Thread


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hi im a proud owner of 4 sexy shrimp. 2 of my littel sexys paired off from the group sadly the eggs didnt make it in the reef tank i was wondering how much ia breeding pair could sell for?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was reading through this thread and it only makes me want a Sexy shrimp even more. I have a 20L with a baby YWG and a small Six Line I just added and was wondering if they would pick on or eat sexy shrimp? I have been wanting sexy shrimp for a while so I was just wondering.

Edited by swayd
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rbengal - Looks like 3 girls!


hi im a proud owner of 4 sexy shrimp. 2 of my littel sexys paired off from the group sadly the eggs didnt make it in the reef tank i was wondering how much ia breeding pair could sell for?

I'm not really sure that sexy shrimp form pairs and if they did, they wouldn't be worth anything more than individual sexies because as long as you put more than one female and more than one male in the same tank, you're almost guaranteed to have fertilized eggs and offspring.



swayd - I think I've heard of a YWG eating a sexy shrimp before, but I think it's uncommon. Sexies are pretty cautious and super fast so I don't think you have to worry about them very much.

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Oh ok thank you, I dont think my YWG can fit them in his mouth yet, as he is still a baby only at 1". I was thinking of getting 7, adding them 3 at once and then 4 later. I might just go ahead and get them this weekend or next! :happydance:fingerscrossed

Edited by swayd
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they might be small but they are tuff little bugs. my damsel always tries to get them until they flail that tail around and the damsel dips out scared. and be careful of them hosting zoas. they love to eat zoa skirts

Edited by jdl
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  • 3 weeks later...

Will sexy shrimp do okay with a tail spot blenny? I have some sexy shrimp in a nano and am wanting to add this particular blenny. Would there be any problems there? I'd assume no since the shrimp are so fast. They'd give Superman a run for his money where speed is concerned.

Edited by Cloudburst2000
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  • 3 weeks later...

SO I have two in my 5 gallon and they are constantly hosting? my acans. I say hosting because they are constantly on them and their liiltle feet look like they are picking at them. They deflate and look terrible when this is going on but it seems they move to another one for a day or so and the first set come back looking good as ever. Yesterday I bought a new acan frag and they were all over it an hour later and now it looks like crap, any chance they are doing damage or eating them or is there just something they like about acans? I feed them 3 times a week and have some zoa's in there as well and they do not bother them at all?

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I've decide that my tank is now worthy of a herd of sexies, so I brought home three of them over the weekend. I'd like to say I'm in the sexy club now, but no-one would believe me because they haven't come out to play for several days. As far as anyone can tell, my tank is still unsexy. Is this common? I don't think I have anything that would bother them, and I checked the parameters. The tank is a 12 gallon long. Tank mates are two black clowns, about ten snails, xenia, mushrooms, some chaeto, and some awesome zoas.

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SO I have two in my 5 gallon and they are constantly hosting? my acans. I say hosting because they are constantly on them and their liiltle feet look like they are picking at them. They deflate and look terrible when this is going on but it seems they move to another one for a day or so and the first set come back looking good as ever. Yesterday I bought a new acan frag and they were all over it an hour later and now it looks like crap, any chance they are doing damage or eating them or is there just something they like about acans? I feed them 3 times a week and have some zoa's in there as well and they do not bother them at all?

Hmmm, acans aren't the most accepting of being a sexy shrimp host, but mine have come to accept the little shrimpies after a while. If the acan tissue starts receeding or it looks like damage is being done, then you know they aren't tolerating it very well. But if they just close up for a while and open again later, it's just a minor irratant to them. :)


I've decide that my tank is now worthy of a herd of sexies, so I brought home three of them over the weekend. I'd like to say I'm in the sexy club now, but no-one would believe me because they haven't come out to play for several days. As far as anyone can tell, my tank is still unsexy. Is this common? I don't think I have anything that would bother them, and I checked the parameters. The tank is a 12 gallon long. Tank mates are two black clowns, about ten snails, xenia, mushrooms, some chaeto, and some awesome zoas.

:welcome: to NR and to the sexy club! :happydance:

Can you see them at all in the tank? They can hide pretty well and may spend the first few days hiding until they get used to the new environment. Usually the best time to do a head count is when you feed the tank. Next time you feed, keep an eye out for the little buggers waving their tales. If you don't see them in another week.... well, maybe they didn't acclimate correctly. :/

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:welcome: to NR and to the sexy club! :happydance:

Can you see them at all in the tank? They can hide pretty well and may spend the first few days hiding until they get used to the new environment. Usually the best time to do a head count is when you feed the tank. Next time you feed, keep an eye out for the little buggers waving their tales. If you don't see them in another week.... well, maybe they didn't acclimate correctly. :/


Thanks, I've been following this thread for a while now and couldn't wait to be a part of the action, I hope it lasts longer than these few days. I know they all made it to day two, because I caught them dancing on my zoas in the morning. Since then I've been able to spot feed one of them a couple of times, but she hasn't come out for a couple of days, so... for now, I'm keeping the faith.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bringing Sexy back!


I had a BC8 with 16 about two years ago...tank was not my best effort, traded them in moved on.


Restarted the BC8 and have it pretty stocked with LPS, Zoas and Shrooms, ordered a dozen today. Will be posting pix soon. :)

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The guy I am getting the sexies from had a skunk cleaner and 2 sexies without a problem.... The skunk mysteriously disappeared one day but it had nothing to do with the sexies I assure you haha

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I had two that lasted 2 weeks or so then poof, gone.

Not sure if something ate them or what.

Worst fish I have is a sixline.


Might need to try a few more soon. I got them from a breakdown so maybe they could acclimate to the move.

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I had two that lasted 2 weeks or so then poof, gone.

Not sure if something ate them or what.

Worst fish I have is a sixline.


Might need to try a few more soon. I got them from a breakdown so maybe they could acclimate to the move.


I wouldn't trust the six line.

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I have a pair of sexy shrimp in my six gallon nano cube, and I am pretty sure that they look to be a boy and a girl (couldn't not be a girl probably a boy). Monday night the girl walked underneath my flower leather soft coral for a while. I had not seen her underneath it before. Yesterday I saw my new Panda Goby, which I have had for a grand total of 5 days as of yesterday (I got her last Thursday), in the same place. She was there all day. I was wondering if my female sexy shrimp could have laid her eggs there and my Panda Goby ate them?

I do not know very much about sexy shrimp reproductive habits. I do have a book on my amazon wish list about breeding and raising peppermint shrimp since it says it has helpful instructions for other species. I will buy it if I do not get it for Christmas. Before I had rather assumed that the eggs developed the same way as I had heard that they do on a cleaner shrimp: that the mother carries them on her abdomen until they hatch. Thank you for you input.

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