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The Unofficial Sexy Shrimp Thread


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Yay! :D

My trio is doing great in the 40br. You have to look for them sometimes, but they stay in the right half of the tank, near the nems and mushrooms. :happy:

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I lost my sexy. I started with 2, they both disappeared then I seen 1 being all buddy buddy with my gorilla crab. Got rid of the crab, later got an emerald crab and the same 1 was always within an inch of the emerald crab, no matter where it was at. Now I haven't seen that one in a couple weeks. Then again my emerald has decided to hide a lot more too.


On a better note, I bought another sexy last night to put in my 3g. If I can ever find the one in my 20 again I'll put it in my 3g too so they can prance around like the sexy shrimp they are.

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Thinking about picking up some sexies for my 12g nanocube dx. The only other livestock would be some snails, 2-3 red legged hermits and a pair of baby onyx clowns. Would this be a good setup to house 3 sexies?

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picked up a trio!! can't find one of them though... i get worried when i can't find one so i usually search the tank every hour or so


these two found the nem right away


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  • 4 weeks later...
Thinking about picking up some sexies for my 12g nanocube dx. The only other livestock would be some snails, 2-3 red legged hermits and a pair of baby onyx clowns. Would this be a good setup to house 3 sexies?

Go for it! It's a perfect set up :)

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  • 1 month later...

<-----Newest member of the sexy club! Thanks, Lalani, for sharing your obsession.


Got just one (the first and only I've seen in person) in my 29 gallon. It's hosting one of my RBTA's already! Should be getting about 5 more sexies next week omgomgomg:happydance:

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Yeah I recently got the sexys too and they are just so adorable. Unfortunately I had to order them online because I have never seen them local. Now how dumb is that, I mean I live on Long Island, not Alaska!

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Yeah I recently got the sexys too and they are just so adorable. Unfortunately I had to order them online because I have never seen them local. Now how dumb is that, I mean I live on Long Island, not Alaska!


I'm in Bellmore, in Nassau County... got mine from Aquarium Adventure, and told them to order a bunch more for me. They got just one in on their last order, so I scooped him right up!

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I'm in Bellmore, in Nassau County... got mine from Aquarium Adventure, and told them to order a bunch more for me. They got just one in on their last order, so I scooped him right up!


I live on LI. hate that place. they make you buy a membership and are highly overpriced.


Pets warehouse is by far the best on LI.

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is a 14 gallon aquarium too big for sexy shrimp? wife loves those things so they must be in new aquarium. First saltwater, but had 90 gallon freshwater in cali 10 years ago so not novice to aquariums, just saltwater aquariums. looking at 14 gallon biocube. want yellow gobie, sexy shrimp, black and white clownfish, anemone for clownfish, and possibly pom pom crab, and maybe another fish ytbd. any input would be appreciated.

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Is so interesting how all sexy shrimp are different... since i had hosted different pairs and non had ever munch on corals as mention here..


and so far favorite pair is my recent one why?... my female loves to eat hairy algae at first i didnt believe so i stare for 5min and yes she is on a algae diet lmao.. and male eats more pellets than algae but he still munch algae too..


so best of luck to all the people with coral munch sexies cause mine rather go to algae than corals lol..

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Any tips on catching these buggers? I have 2 in my 10 gallon and I'd like to move one to my pico.


Best way to catch anything from fish to shrimps is at night, best if room is pretty dark 12-2am get a flashlight with a piece of cloth spot them and scoop them with net or hand, they are pretty slow when sleepy lmao.


i always do that with best results. i put them in a float quarantine tank and then on the morning i move them where i want :D

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is a 14 gallon aquarium too big for sexy shrimp? wife loves those things so they must be in new aquarium. First saltwater, but had 90 gallon freshwater in cali 10 years ago so not novice to aquariums, just saltwater aquariums. looking at 14 gallon biocube. want yellow gobie, sexy shrimp, black and white clownfish, anemone for clownfish, and possibly pom pom crab, and maybe another fish ytbd. any input would be appreciated.



I've got a sexy in my 29 biocube and see him all the time, hosting something new every day. A 14 gal is by no means too large for a sexy, you just have to make sure it's tankmakets won't eat it. Your stocking plans sound safe to me.


Edit: that being said, my little guy looks really lonely all alone in the 29, so I just ordered 6 more. =)

Edited by kgoldy
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got 3 sexies a couple of days ago and I could just watch them wave their butts around forever. I don't have too much in my tank yet, but one has hosted a zoa frag (havn't seen seen him picking at it, just hanging out around it). The other two usually hang out together.






I'm having a hard time telling the sexes. Do I have all males?

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