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Innovative Marine Aquariums

The Unofficial Sexy Shrimp Thread


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Hey can sexys live in FOWLR? I'm planning on doing a shrimp only tank, just need to know if they do better in reef tank or any Marine tank?


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Sure, sexies would do fine without corals present.

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Hey , need some help :o I thought my salt I was mix for my waterchange was dissolve , and some fall on my live rock . I 'm scared that it's going to kill anything it touch. Please help


I really want if thses will harm my ANIMALS, oh i DON'T HAVE CORAL, JUST A FISH AND SOME SHRIMP

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my first sexies today. Another member had 3 that were being picked on by a fish and needed to relocate so they're now in my 10 gallon. Hadn't seen them before in real life (local LFS's haven't seen them in a while) but they are definitely amusing to watch. Plus, with how small they are it adds a bit of a 'Where's Waldo?' game to the tank everything you look at it. Now I just need to teach them some choreography to their sexy dance! :-)

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So just how well will these guys get along with larger hermits? I searched the thread and it sounds like they can coexist OK, but I'm not sure if that means smaller hermits. I've got a couple largish blue leg hermits that the family won't let me trade out.


Can they just get along?



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So just how well will these guys get along with larger hermits? I searched the thread and it sounds like they can coexist OK, but I'm not sure if that means smaller hermits. I've got a couple largish blue leg hermits that the family won't let me trade out.


Can they just get along?




I was watching this tightly with the new ones last night. At one point I had put an algae wafer in the tank which brings all the hermits running. One of the new sexies happened to be in the way of one of my larger hermits. The hermit was just trying to make its way to the food but the sexy seemed to take it as a threat and moved pretty dang quick out of the way. The hermits seem to be so slow compared to the sexy that I imagine if it was a problem they'd still have a tough time getting themselves caught (short of all the hermits putting together a game plan to corner them).

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Don't know if anyone else has come across something like this. About 10 months ago I bought 2 sexies. They did great in my 3g pico together. Well, eventually I ended up transferring all my pico stuff to my 20g and less than a month later 1 sexy disappeared. So strange because they hung around each other constantly. The lonely sexy found a home and chilled in the same spot ever since. The thing that scared me is I knew that spot had a gorilla crab living very close by. This was about 6 months ago. I've been trying to catch the crab but I've noticed the crab and sexy shrimp have paired up. The shrimp lets him know if there's danger nearby as well as brings food to him, making it even harder to catch the crab. I one day went on a rampage to get the crab out, failed, causing me to redo my aquascape which also caused the crab to change homes. The shrimp went with it! Different area of the tank and they still hang around together like buddies. Still makes me nervous but at least they seem to work together.

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I'm in love with my little sexy. Picked him up on 2/15.

He was the only one left the LFS had out of five. Well, I couldn't just leave him there all by himself!

post-49834-1266461471_thumb.jpg post-49834-1266461489_thumb.jpgpost-49834-1266461571_thumb.jpg


Absolutely adorable!

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Hey all. I got a little trio of 3 from my LFS last week and they are currently in my 3g picotope. I'm having a very hard time actually feeding them and I was wondering if someone here could help me. I've tried using tweezers and putting Shrimp Pellets near them, every once in a while one will take one, but it's not frequent, and never have I been able to get all 3 to take one. If I simply drop the pellet near the xenia they host, 95% of the time they ignore it completely. I also tried giving them a tetramini bottom feeder tablet but after pecking at it briefly they too ignored that. It's obvious they have been surviving simply by picking at my xenia because it's starting to show visable signs of the feasting.


What's a good way for me to stop them from picking at my corals and encourage them to eat the food I give them? Should I perhaps try pellets?

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Hey all. I got a little trio of 3 from my LFS last week and they are currently in my 3g picotope. I'm having a very hard time actually feeding them and I was wondering if someone here could help me. I've tried using tweezers and putting Shrimp Pellets near them, every once in a while one will take one, but it's not frequent, and never have I been able to get all 3 to take one. If I simply drop the pellet near the xenia they host, 95% of the time they ignore it completely. I also tried giving them a tetramini bottom feeder tablet but after pecking at it briefly they too ignored that. It's obvious they have been surviving simply by picking at my xenia because it's starting to show visable signs of the feasting.


What's a good way for me to stop them from picking at my corals and encourage them to eat the food I give them? Should I perhaps try pellets?


Don't know about the xenia (other than sometimes walking on it I haven't seen them eat mine) but they'll also feed on algae. Maybe they're not hungry or just haven't gotten used to the idea that the pellets are food yet? Mine will eat the algae and coepods from the tank. Some people just feed them the same stuff the fish eat. It may take some time and probably nothing to worry about as long as they appear to be getting their food elsewhere. Of course, that's a problem if the xenia is where they're getting their food. :(

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Got a few last week. Very cool. They are really ####### off my zoas as they sit on them and pick at them relentlessly. They don't seem to be hurting them, just picking at the slime or whatever they go after. Makes it easy to find them though as you can just look for the zoa rock with all the closed polyps.


The family is referring to them as "Waldo's" because of always trying to find them. My son swears that they teleport because of how they move so quickly and pop from one location to another.


Fun so far.

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cheryl jordan

Loved my sexy shimp for years, now out of no where they are eating my zoanthids, it's war, and yes they get plenty to eat. Just started as a new behavior, never believed others when they posted that sexy shrimp were eating different types of corals, I am a believer now. How the hell do I get them out and banish them to a smaller tank with no corals. :angry:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finnaly got a sexy for the wife and the rock nem. Sucker went right to theg nem. Nem tried to eat him at first then settled down. Now the shrimp is all over him.

Edited by icsd71
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  • 2 weeks later...

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