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Innovative Marine Aquariums

The Unofficial Sexy Shrimp Thread


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I am considering get a few for a couple of smaller tanks I have, but I am wondering about their compatibility with watchmen gobies. I could not find anywhere if my YWG would be able to take one down or not. He is smaller, but I have to think of the future.


Anybody have any experience?

I have a Ywg with my 3 sexies. They have lived together for seven months now. In a 12 gal cube at that

Edited by opipe73
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Bob the nano

hey all!! this may have been covered already but has anybody ever kept a group of sexy's with a coral banded shrimp in a 24NC? I think hey may eat them... rocky (the CBS)is a real bold little pimp and will pluck the hair on my arm when I get close to him during tank maintence!!!

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I got my sexies today, I am so happy with it. I only got two. I know over 3 will be better, but I only got

7 gallon tank, and I got my Nemo, skull shrimp, one blue leg hermit, one scarlet leg hermit, one yashia and a pistol shrimp, 4 Astraea snails and 4 Nassarius Snails now, so I think I am already bio-overloaded my tank.


They price is so attractive, it's on sale, only 9.99 each.


When I first put my sexies in to my tank, one of them is sucked on my circulation pump, and I unpluged the pump immediately, luckly, the shrimp is survived without any damage. It didn't lost any leg or eye or tentacle.

Although it's been shock for a half hour by sitting in the corner with any movement. But now it's dancing around all over my tank.


They first were on the ricordeas, and the mushroon, and the open brain, and then zoans, then finally they settle down on the branched hammer. I got two heads of branched hammer, and they picked each one for themself.


Here is the pics of them.








Edited by smilodon
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I have some questionz about some sexy shrimpz!!


I have recently become captivated by sexies seeing them herding on some rics at my lfs. I need some sexies in my life!!



I have a ten gallon aga that I would love to house two yellow clown gobies and some sexies in. The water flow is high in some areas and quite moderate in others. The lighting is very strong for such a small tank. And the only other thing that would be of concern is a rear overflow to my aio refugium.


Could I house some sexy shrimp successfully in my aquarium? And I believe 5 shrimp is a recommended number?



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I'm gettin some sexies on Wednesday. Lisa is sending the three up to KY for me. Thanks your great. Its a shame that my pichur takin sux.


They will be housed in my Aquapod 12 with the two clowns

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I'm gettin some sexies on Wednesday. Lisa is sending the three up to KY for me. Thanks your great. Its a shame that my pichur takin sux.


They will be housed in my Aquapod 12 with the two clowns



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When I first put my sexies in to my tank, one of them is sucked on my circulation pump, and I unpluged the pump immediately, luckly, the shrimp is survived without any damage. It didn't lost any leg or eye or tentacle.

Although it's been shock for a half hour by sitting in the corner with any movement. But now it's dancing around all over my tank.

Oh geez, glad the little guy is alright. :eek:


I have a ten gallon aga that I would love to house two yellow clown gobies and some sexies in. The water flow is high in some areas and quite moderate in others. The lighting is very strong for such a small tank. And the only other thing that would be of concern is a rear overflow to my aio refugium.


Could I house some sexy shrimp successfully in my aquarium? And I believe 5 shrimp is a recommended number?

Keep in mind that YCGs may fight each other.

5 sexies in a 10gal tank would work really well, you could even add a few more if you wanted. I had 5 in my 5.5gal. ;)


I'm gettin some sexies on Wednesday. Lisa is sending the three up to KY for me. Thanks your great. Its a shame that my pichur takin sux.


They will be housed in my Aquapod 12 with the two clowns

Well, geez, she didn't keep the sexies long. :P

I know they were giving her trouble with the corals though, so keep an eye on them!

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im sorry but im going to post this one more time. Yesterday i fed my sexys 4 times. I fed pellet flake and mysis shrimp to them. Only 2 took the food and when they did it was for about 10 seconds. They eat my micromussa at night and im abpout 2 seconds away from taking them outside and stomping them to death because my micro is my favorite and also most expensive coral. to me 15$ of 3 shrimp is not worth 75$ worth of micromussa. I dont know what i need to do to keep these things from killing it. I start a 9-5 job soon and wont be home to constantly check up on them. I use a baster and they all run away and hide from it, probably because ive whaked them so many times when i catch them on the micro. And i know they are eating it because half of a head is gone and i see them pulling pieces off and the flesh stretching. I dont know what to do, any suggestions? They are about to go back to the store the only reason they havent is because i like them in the tank

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Well, geez, she didn't keep the sexies long. :P

I know they were giving her trouble with the corals though, so keep an eye on them!


I talked to him about it.

As you know, they were giving me trouble with my corals before and I took everything but the shrooms out of their tank.

I was forced to add a few Zoa/Paly frags back in and since I did that, they haven't picked at them that I can tell.

I couldn't really keep them though cause I think they are really much better in a smaller tank, and I'm consolidating everything into just the one big upgraded system.

Sexies shipped out to cowkid today!

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im giving my sexy shrimp one last time, they have now damaged 2 of my micro polyps. I am going to try and fix the way i feed mysis. I have a 5 gallon tank so nutrient issues are always on my mind (i literally spot feed 1 flake at a time when i feed my fish until he doesnt eat one flake). How do you recomend i feed the sexy shrimp mysis? How many pieces do you think they need to be happy a day and whats the best brand to buy should i get cubes (seems like a lot of mysis to thaw for what i feed, however i may be able to feed all corals too) or should i get the big flat frozen kind and just cut chunks? Do you think id be safe feeding mysis every single day (Thats what its going to take to keep these guys happy) any suggestions please i want to keep these guys but they are on their last straw before they get shipped out to the store

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Lisa did inform me that they were little nippers. I will keep a close eye on them. Heck just finding them is a job at the moment. They like hiding in the back of the tank. My plan is to get them hand fed just like my clowns.


Thanks L.

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Needa bit of advise. After two hours of lookin I finally located all three of the new shrimp. You guessed it, in the back of the tank. So I decided to try to temp them into coming out. I fed the tank and blew a little brine shrimp aorund them. Notta. The just shook their little tails at me and said NO NO! So is this just a wait and they will come thing or do I hafta buy them a drink and get to know them first?



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........ or do I hafta buy them a drink and get to know them first?



Josh ya kill me sometimes I swear. :P


almost picked up some sexies this weekend, but they only had two.....


waitin' for moar. <_<


First time I have seen them up close, tiny little things huh?


Pretty tho. :)

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