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Coral Vue Hydros

Reef Tank photo shoot with Alicyn and Tori


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Yeah I am pretty good at it....once you get it down you know what questions to ask, and it is easy to be safe. There are many ways to be a model without paying someone else to find you jobs.


Plus my husband goes to every goes to every photo shoot with me.

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man, i know this place is often hostile to noobs, but i've never seen the group turn on one of its own. i don't get the tone of this thread. hey, if i could support my reefing addiction by having my picture taken I'd be all over it. sadly, no one seems to want pictures of a 30-something-year old researcher in a sports bra these days...

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"no one seems to want pictures of a 30-something-year old researcher in a sports bra these days... "


How about salesmen ? :mellow: this thread is so funny lol !

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no one seems to want pictures of a 30-something-year old researcher in a sports bra these days...


Post your bra pic's! who knows maybe there not so bad, just make sure your tank is somewhere in the back so you have an excuse to post it on this forum. ;)

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mandel are you desperate because u have your head soooo far up this girls ---!dude backoff she is an average looking girl.u must be around alot of men hope that is not on purpose.


First off I am just having some fun and joking around, however I dont have to do it at the expense of putting down other people. Second I dont understand why people are giving her such a hard time, she has been pretty kind and helpful on this site thus far. That being said, seems like she took it with a grain of salt so no big deal.

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ill give you guys one more chance to beat Duke


Thanks dude. I'll make sure to repay your courtesy to them by giving them one more chance to beat Wake, no wait Miami...AHH I can't decide!

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This may help

Someone who suffers from Narcissistic Personality disorder (NPD) has at least 5 of the following characteristics:


1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

4. requires excessive admiration

5. has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

7. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

8. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes


This is one of the main reasons i wanted to quit this hobby not too long ago. WAYYYYYYYYYY too many ppl like this in the hobby.

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i was not talking about her i was talkin bout you!she has done a fine job on this site imo but man everytime she says somthing your right up her butt thats all.when you expose your pics on a site you are bound to have diff opinions and mine is she is just ok.so bro wipe the drool and pickup your jaw off the keyboard.get out a little bit you know the mall, grocery shop,next door you will see a lot more beautiful woman than her.

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man, i know this place is often hostile to noobs, but i've never seen the group turn on one of its own. i don't get the tone of this thread. hey, if i could support my reefing addiction by having my picture taken I'd be all over it. sadly, no one seems to want pictures of a 30-something-year old researcher in a sports bra these days...


hey, if the 2 girls one cup video was produced along with others for an audience NOT intended to throw up on their computer monitor, i'm sure your pics are worth something :haha:


seedemtails, pics look good, whether they were supposed to be of the tank or not ;). apparently the majority of our members here are immature reef geeks who can't handle a little sports bra action. if you guys like sports bras, there's about 30 cheerleaders working out in them at every college gym at least one night a week.


proraptor you're being an a$$.


seedem, making fun of someone's tank is mean.

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apparently the majority of our members here are immature reef geeks who can't handle a little sports bra action. if you guys like sports bras, there's about 30 cheerleaders working out in them at every college gym at least one night a week.

pics or it didn't happen

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hey, if the 2 girls one cup video was produced along with others for an audience NOT intended to throw up on their computer monitor, i'm sure your pics are worth something :haha:


seedemtails, pics look good, whether they were supposed to be of the tank or not ;). apparently the majority of our members here are immature reef geeks who can't handle a little sports bra action. if you guys like sports bras, there's about 30 cheerleaders working out in them at every college gym at least one night a week.


proraptor you're being an a$$.


seedem, making fun of someone's tank is mean.



why did you have to reference 2girls1cup?



i think i just threw up in my mouth a little...

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there's about 30 cheerleaders working out in them at every college gym at least one night a week.


Monday's at 7 till about 8:30 depending on if it's cardio day or not. But who's counting?

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I kno Im sorry I will never make fun of anyones tank ever again I hate the demise of fish and coral (just bask in the bright joy that is the destrustion of Proraptors tank) I just wish I could have come over and saved all the living creatures.... Oh and if u wanna see me in a sports bra u can come by my gym, my house, my grandparents, the fish tank store I work at.. i live in it lol... hey it keeps the girls in check without being too overbearing lol..


SbCaes I find u hilarious.. if u only knew me.... in high school I hung out with the exact opposite of what U might expect... because I do what I love.... In high school I loved video games, Everquest, Warcraft, Counterstrike, Battlefield, DDR u name it I loved it.. I also loved my tanks and fishing.... I just do what I love and am just happy being me and wont change for anyone and if I wanna wear a sports bra I will, If i wanna stay up til 6am playing games I will, if I wanna be loud and obnoxious I will and I have never given 2 flips what anyone says. So sorry if loving ones self is a crime, but I think some of u should try it maybe u wont be so hostile.


I love men they make me laugh.....

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w00t for the SRC at Carolina...especially with just a few days until spring break. It's the best place to get quality occular endurance training.


/I heart being back in school

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