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Reef Tank photo shoot with Alicyn and Tori


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doesnt everyone?


Well I thought just me! That's why I don't have any friends. This is quite exciting.


Oh and to be on topic. Those are some amazing coral shots :)

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Oh and to be on topic. Those are some amazing coral shots :)


Wheeew!....And I was a little worried that some of those zoa pics were a little too sexy for this forum! :P

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Wheeew!....And I was a little worried that some of those zoa pics were a little too sexy for this forum! :P



nah, that many nipple-like shapes cancel each other out

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I've got nothign wrong with models and aquariums. I mean sex sell, models and cars work, models and guitars work, I mean it's a good idea just don't deny the fact that you are attempting to be "sexy" when you clearly are.

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Come on guys, SeeDemTails has been taking most of your comments with a pretty damn good of humor, so why not just back off a bit on the unnecessary hostility. so she posted some pics of herself...why's that a bad thing? i guess i just don't get it. are we so narrow minded that we can't appreciate beauty beyond that of marine origins? She's a pretty girl trying to make something of herself...how's that a bad thing? and most of us have seen pics of her tank previously, and if you have you have to admit that she's got a nice tank and seems to be doing quite well with it.


i'm starting to think that this is more of a case of a bunch of ex-geeks rehashing the trauma of being rejected by that cheerleader in high school. this isn't the same girl that turned down your akward pre-adolescent attempts at romanticism boys, so get over it and give the girl a break...

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Thanks and for the record Im not trying to be a model lol.. its good money and Im not gonna turn down $300 for 2 hours of nothing but standing there smiling. Its easy money for now and I have even gotten into a little bit of art directin as well.


BUT I am going to school for Marine Studies and eventually plan on workng towards a better tomorrow for Floridas Coral Reefs.. Not to mention I wold love to get involved in the PR part of reef conservation and modeling (spokes/event) is a great thing to have on ur resume and is great experience for someone planning on being in the public eye in the future..... But it isnt going to be in a magazine or anything like that, thats not my passion I am not willing to leave florida to pursue modeling because I refuse to leave the reef and my future in marine biology.... When u see me, if u see me it will be hosting fundraisers and events focused on reef awareness and conservation.


So what exactly r u doin with ur lives that is so great that it gives u the right to criticize mine??


Thanks 2 everyone mature enough to see that I was simply doin a photo shoot with my tank... I thought some of u would be interested in seeing 1000s and 1000s of dollars worth of equipment set up shooting my tank, my mistake.


and FYI the shots of the sister being taken is a HEADSHOT... not even full body, chin up... ill post em later 4 anyone who wants to see em... it was insteresting trying to get the fish to look still and get the lighting we needed in the shot.

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Thanks 2 everyone mature enough to see that I was simply doin a photo shoot with my tank... I thought some of u would be interested in seeing 1000s and 1000s of dollars worth of equipment set up shooting my tank, my mistake.


and FYI the shots of the sister being taken is a HEADSHOT... not even full body, chin up... ill post em later 4 anyone who wants to see em... it was insteresting trying to get the fish to look still and get the lighting we needed in the shot.


dude, seriously, this thread is already a contender for "funniest thread of 2008" because you keep protesting so hard that nobody should pay attention to your bra even though it's the main element of the photos in your OP.


nobody is hassling you for posting bra photos, just to be clear. i think most of the guys are happy to look at your modeling photos and certainly wouldn't say you shouldn't post them if it makes you happy. the *only* thing causing people to call BS on you here is the fact that you're trying to remove the whole bra element from the pictures completely and give this really weird, and totally whacko "what's all the commotion? it's just me in a bra LOOK AT THE TANK."


you're a good and helpful reefer and i enjoy your posts, and i don't have any problem with your pictures. just for crying out loud, STOP THE FEIGNED IGNORANCE ABOUT YOUR BRA SHOTS.

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I don't think there has been any criticism about your life.


I think people are saying either put a shirt on, or admit that you are standing there in your bra to add some sex apeal to the photos (which is not a criminal offence to my understanding).

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Pics of your GF for everyone to compare. :lol:




I guess you better go change your tank thread then so it reads correctly! :o


If I was mediocre I wouldnt be getting paid $300 for photo shoots. Sounds to me like your just pissed because a girl, who is better looking than your supposed GF, is making fun of you.


Mediocre is a term better used to describe your current tank. That might even be too much! :lol:


I moved all my high end coral to a buddies house so I could rebuild some of the system and he got AEFW, red bugs etc etc at one time and lost most of it...$300 for a modeling shoot is nothing lol.....Thats low end.....


Unfortunately my girlfriend and I have a little class and wont post pictures of her on the INTERNET to try and get attention.


I modified your pics a little....I think they look better









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*Sigh* I was in my bra not at all for sex appeal if i were trying to be sexy I would have done my hair and makeup trust me. I was in my bra because it was 100 degrees inside my house with 20 different light systems in a 3ft wide hallway... I didnt even know my husband was going to take pics I actually told him not to take one of me because my hair was a mess I was sweaty and tired and had NO make up on. Not sexy, but as every man says to their wives "u look great just smile, stop u look fine w/ no make up" I was paying attention to the set up more than I was myself.


So no I will not admit that those pics were taken to be sexybecause they were not, those pics were taken to show the set up of the shoot. Sorry if I happened to be in a bra because I was hot and u know what I am not really sorry either. If i wanna be in my bra Ill be in my bra!!!! Im not ashamed of anything on my body actually I love my body, so shoot me if I would rather be comfortable than "proper"


lol <3 you guys

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Haha lol u dont have GF... lets be real now... and yes u should stop starring at my boobs if u do have a GF its rude.... didnt ur momma ever tell ya not to stare lol haha. Ull get it one day prop


and please I know that my tanks are a little ghetto right now I am moving in like 2 weeks I knew I would only be in the house Im in now for 1 1/2 years so i didnt put a lot into it. I aint denying that but atleast I have one and all my fish and coral are healthy and happy, the equipment is top dollar I just havent spent time setting it up to look nice its an apartment......


Stop hating.. hahaha... Just cuz Im young and passionate and confident!!.. well ill be leaving work and all this hilariousness to go home and spend time with my ghetto ass tank!!



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Haha lol u dont have GF... lets be real now... and yes u should stop starring at my boobs if u do have a GF its rude.... didnt ur momma ever tell ya not to stare lol haha. Ull get it one day prop


and please I know that my tanks are a little ghetto right now I am moving in like 2 weeks I knew I would only be in the house Im in now for 1 1/2 years so i didnt put a lot into it. I aint denying that but atleast I have one and all my fish and coral are healthy and happy, the equipment is top dollar I just havent spent time setting it up to look nice its an apartment......


Stop hating.. hahaha... Just cuz Im young and passionate and confident!!.. well ill be leaving work and all this hilariousness to go home and spend time with my ghetto ass tank!!




There are plenty of people on these forums that have met my g/f.....I wasnt staring at your boobs....just pointing out how ridiculous your photos are.


Shouldnt try and attack the look of my new tank when all your tanks are super ghetto....I know all about top dollar equipment....Im guessing you didnt see my 60 cube or prop tank. Give it some time and my small 24 gallon will look just as good if not better than my 60 cube did....

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teehee looking forward to seeing it. and when I move into my new house Ill send u a nice big pic of my ghetto tank all set up... I think ill even be in the pic with it... definately mooning the camera... just cant decide whether or not to write ur name on my ass.


~nomination for best pic of the year??~

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In all honesty, I wish my corals looked as good as hers. At least she knows what she's doing.

As far as the hot pics, it's just icing on the cake.

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