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Hey Weetie, Yes that is a Bloodhound...pure bred breeder male I had flown in from Iowa to Idaho. The breeder had a good reputation from Jerry Yelk so that is why I picked that one up. Plus I was looking for a darker male as they are less common.... :bling:


Sadly, he died of cancer at only 3 years old before we could breed him back in 2003. One thing to note about hounds is that they will eat anything and he had eaten some asphalt that got tore up during some construction. We think the chemicals in the road mix killed him.


Our current hound is about 2 years old, he was born in July of 2006 and we got him from Scottsdale, VA, also a PB breeder from a real good champion line.


Here he is:






For anyone looking to get a hound, I would suggest getting pet insurance, because they are notorious for getting into trouble....the most lovable dogs you will ever own though...


They do have a mind of their own and when that nose picks something up..off they go. Do not think you will be able to "off leash" train a hound...they need constant supervision...


I love mine to death...

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Well, I've definitely already established that they will eat anything and I now watch him carefully in that regard.

I knew about not being able to train them off-leash due to their nose.

But what do you mean about having a reputation for getting into trouble.

What kinda trouble we talkin bout here?? :scarry:

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What kinda trouble we talkin bout here?? :scarry:


Well, aside from eating every thing at floor level, hounds are very susceptible to bloat, so make sure their water dish and food bowl are chest high so they don't have to bend over. They also need their ears cleaned about every week, no kidding, don't slack on this either.


They are very sensitive to loud noises and smells so when they are pups, they need to be people acclimated and city/farm acclimated (hmmmm just like corals).


Hounds get very attached to their owners and if you don't take them out every day to meet new people/pets they tend to be either shy or aggressive around new things.


Plan on walking him often, every day as a pup, outside in your neighborhood when other people will be out walking their dogs. This needs to happen between 3 and 6 months, after that, weekly outdoor walks will suffice.


Never let your hound just run out the door to outside or run in the door to inside without being told that it is OK. My dog is 125 lbs and the last thing you want is a dog of that size rushing the door when you are bringing in fragile corals...


I also make my dogs sit and wait while I place their food bowls. Then when I am satisfied, I tell them OK so they can start eating...and don't let them jump up on you...too big, easily knocking over youngsters...


And finally, hounds won't do well in obedience training so don't waste your money...teach the basics, sit, heal, stay, wait offering only love as a reward, not food...that would be a big mistake with that nose and all.

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Sexy Shrimp
And finally, hounds won't do well in obedience training so don't waste your money...teach the basics, sit, heal, stay, wait offering only love as a reward, not food...that would be a big mistake with that nose and all.


That is competely untrue. My foxhound x Boyd does obedience training and on his first show (after only 4 months of doing it) got a 2nd! He will do heel work, heel work off the lead. Recall to owner and recall to heel, stay (for up to 2 minutes competition level) and we are just progressing to stay with me out of sight. He does commands at side and commands at distance. He also does scent and retrieve and dumbell retrieve as well as our agility class and flyball class.


Hounds are difficult to train, yes, but not impossible. My dog will not work for love when there is anything about to chase and is not food orientated but goes absolutely bananas for dried liver - this is his treat for doing well (the only time he gets treats is during work).

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That is competely untrue. ...


I disagree, the foxhound, both american and english are notorious for disobeying commands once they get on a scent....look into Bloodhounds, Coon Hounds, Blue Ticks, Redbones....all the professionals will agree...you might also look up Jerry Yelk....he is like the #1 authority on hounds....they DO NOT do obedience class well...that is not what they were bred for. Sure you might get one or two that do well...but these guys have a nose and they are gonna use it.


Just trying to give weetie a heads up on the NOSE that never stops... ;)

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Sexy Shrimp
Sure you might get one or two that do well...but these guys have a nose and they are gonna use it.


Just trying to give weetie a heads up on the NOSE that never stops... ;)


To train hounds takes a completely different training method to training a domestic dog. In an enclosed environment hounds will listen if they have a reason to. You need to establish what their very favourite thing is. Clicker training doesn't work, love wont work, bribery does. If it's tastier that what they would chase (and smellier) then they will work for it. The recipe for smelly tasty treats is:


1 lambs liver

Boil in enough water to cover

Add 1/2 cloves of crushed garlic

1 beef stock cube

Boil for half an hour (or until cooked through)

Slice into strips then cubes

Place on a baking sheet and bake in a medium oven until dried


This gets my hound nose going in the right direction ;)


For distance work I use an electric collar. Don't jump on me for this as I do not use it to shock but as Sctn4Elk stated if they chase a scent the will not come back (think gone 4 hours +). It is not disobedience and should never be treated as such (Sctn4Elk was very wrong in calling it disobedience). They are not being disobedient they are simple deaf to your commands as they are very focused. My electric collar allows me to bypass the aural comand and alert my dog to the fact that I am giving him a command. I initially did the training in the garden and every time he went off and did his own thing I buzzed him, called him back and gave him a treat. Eventually we progressed to with distractions, out in an enclosed are and eventually to running free.


The trick is to always be anticipating what your dog is going to do. You will soon learn when he goes into "the zone". As soon as he does you need to immediately snap him out of it or all control will be lost. This is why teaching loose heeling is so effective with hounds. As soon as you see them start, recall him to heel and treat with the smelly stuff!


If a hound runs the only way to get around this is to praise praise praise when they do return (no matter how long it takes). As soon as you get into the mindframe that it is disobedience then you will never get a dog that will recall. The respond very well in the opposite direction to punishment ;)


The biggest thing you are doing right Weetie is establishing your dominance. When training working hounds they get paired with an older, trained hound and learn from them. The are attached together for a period and learn the correct behaviour through example. As long as he sees you as boss lady you will have a good grounding.


I am not saying it will be an easy ride as it wont - hound types are the hardest type of dog to train but it can be done. As long as you dont think of them like a domestic dog (because they don't act like one).


I have one more piece of advice for you. Let your dog off the lead as soon as possible. With hounds you need to teach recall while they are still young and frightened of the big bad world. As soon as they get that independent streak it will become a hundred times harder.

Edited by L34NN3
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Hey Weetie, how is the TANK doing?


( sorry to bud into the puppy talk :D )


Not that there is anything wrong with the puppy-love!



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Wow, this thread has gone in an interesting direction. ;)


As for the tank, I have a confession to make. I have maintained it, but I have been absolutely AWFUL- like really, really awful- about cleaning the front and side glass/acrylic and you can barely see through the algae forest right now. :(

I'm so bad.

BUT the corals do look healthy and happy, and there are a few things that I moved in here from another tank that are looking somewhat improved.

The nasty algae that I've been battling, that I took the whole tank apart and scrubbed the rocks to get rid of, has come back in some places on the rock.

I am making some WC water and am planning to scrub the algae off the rocks with my aquarium toothbrush, clean the algae off the front, and then do a WC to get it all out after waiting a short while for it to settle on the bottom.


On the puppy stuff, L34NN3 & Sctn4Elk, thanks for the tips.

I did know about the nose thing with hounds, esp. Bloodhounds.

I'm starting to wonder if Finn might be mixed with something even bigger than a hound.

He had a vet appt. yesterday and after looking at his teeth they think he might be closer to 12 wks. and is now 37 lbs.

The problem is that he was a stray so they have to go by his teeth to determine age, but I'm wondering if his adult teeth might be coming in late due to malnutrition from when he was wandering around on his own.

Has anyone out there had their dog's adult teeth come in later than 4 months?

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  • 1 month later...

Where is everybody?


Kinda dark in here {searching}.......pfft, *cough* ......hack, toey,......sniff.....Oh, there's my chair.....hmmm, big puppy sitting in it, gnawing on the arm. .......(reaches to pat on the head) "hey buddy how are....."CHOMP... :o YIkes!



Now I see why no one is here anymore..... :scarry:


Wow, lookey at all the green stuff in that tank...... :eek:




:huh: Who ate all the cookies?


turns to notice Finn licking chops.....







U know I <3 ya right Weets?? :flower:

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Oh NOES, what happened to all the chairs????

Poor Weetie's Lounge!!!

I think the kids took them outside to make a fort or something, and you know how that goes...

Looks like I need to do some chair shopping today.


As for the tank, BibleSue took pity on me and got me a Mag-Float that works on acrylic, so you can see in just fine now.

I do have a GHA issue, and am looking at getting either a Lettuce Nudi, a Sea Hare, or a Tailspot Blenny to address the issue.

I've also been searching hard for the perfect larger to tank to move this one into.

I THINK I've settled on a 30 long.

Most of the corals are doing fine, but my favorite Blue Polyp Purple Cap is having problems and on closer examination, I think the Nano-Remora skimmer might be the culprit since it's producing air bubbles but not foaming. I'll be looking into that today.


Now off I go on a Chair Shopping Expotition...

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Alrighty, took the Remora skimmer off yesterday to give it a cleaning.

The MJ900 had about 4 different small things blocking it's intake and some major gunk inside. After cleaning it, it's producing way more air bubbles and some foam, but it's still not foaming enough to rise up inside the collection cup. Suggestions anyone?

I had someone suggest that I clean the injector, but how do you do that? Isn't that the part the water and bubbles come out of into the main body of the skimmer? That part is almost compeletely inaccessible.


I have to admit that I miss just hanging out on the thread with the Weetie's Lounge crew. I really am working to get the new tank set up so that I can just start the new thread, but MAN is life busy!!! The fact that I've had some major fatigue issues lately has complicated things as well.

Just as a little preview, here are the new chairs for some of the Weetie's Lounge Gang:






arwndsh on the right and Needreefunds on the left





And then there's BibleSue, who's a little bit of a Chair Diva, I'm afraid. She just had to have two.

Her summer chair:



Her winter chair:


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To clean the injector, you have to remove the little screw on the top. Mine came with a wire brush that goes into the hole for cleaning. Make sure you unplug the power first or water will shoot through the opening.

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Hey. So what's going on in here?


Not much has been, can't you tell??!!

I'm trying to find a 30gish tank to move this one into as well as all of the corals I have left from the Prop tank breakdown.

Once I get that, I want to start a new tank thread and get things going again.

So what's been up with you???


To clean the injector, you have to remove the little screw on the top. Mine came with a wire brush that goes into the hole for cleaning. Make sure you unplug the power first or water will shoot through the opening.


But I thought that you were you supposed to be careful about removing that screw, something about it being screwed to exactly the right spot making a difference in the operation of the skimmer???

(NO comment, Richie!)

Thanks for the input, btw. :happy:

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Not much has been, can't you tell??!!

I'm trying to find a 30gish tank to move this one into as well as all of the corals I have left from the Prop tank breakdown.

Once I get that, I want to start a new tank thread and get things going again.

So what's been up with you???

If you were closer, I'd give you this extra 36g bow for a song, a cookie and a frag.

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If you were closer, I'd give you this extra 36g bow for a song, a cookie and a frag.


Oh man, I would LOVE a 36 bowfront!!! :o

I really like bowfront tanks and there's a 28g one at my local pet supply store that I like, but the price tag is a little high for me at $150.

BibleSue is using a 30 long for her Prop Tank right now, and I really love the look and configuration of it, so I figure that will work well for a second choice.

I've been watching craigslist, but haven't found any good possibilities.

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........ something about it being screwed to exactly the right spot making a difference in the operation of the skimmer???

(NO comment, Richie!)


But, but..... :angry:



At least I get to sit next to Amber.



:slap: Ouch! Geez Daniel, I was just kidding! :o

( that really hurt Daniel, and its still-hurting! )


OK, lets see how many get that one ^^^^^^





:lol: Having fun a Weeties again! Woot!

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ahh...now this is more like it!! so what's goin on in here???



At least I get to sit next to Amber.



:slap: Ouch! Geez Daniel, I was just kidding! :o

( that really hurt Daniel, and its still-hurting! )



:angry: thats right...try it again bubba... :P

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ahh...now this is more like it!! so what's goin on in here???






:angry: thats right...try it again bubba... :P


Daniel, if you marry a Hot Commodity, you have to be willing to deal with the fallout!!!

But dont' worry Richie, I've invited some Hot Reefer Chicks to come hang out with us tonight.

Now I'm off to score some cookies...

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