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lilredneckmans RSM


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No I don't have a thread for my tank. I'm thinking of starting one very shortly. Maybe this week. It not very full so I'm still always adding things. I have a Frogspawn, 6 rics, mushrooms, zoos, open brian, fungi plate, GSPs, and some more I don't know the name of or cant think of. I'm planning on adding a bubble coral maybe this weekend and looking for a acro frag. I'll let you know when I make a thread. Oh, how do you post pics like that. When I try to I can like only post 1.

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I noticed something weid this morning.... When i turned the lights on my clown was laying in my zoa colony! He seems fine but is this possible? Once he saw me he darted out of it.

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He is probably just hosting it. Mine sleep in my Xenia, they barely even move like its a bed or something. But the swim all around the tank once the lights are on.

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Clowns can be strange ducks when it comes to hosting and especially if they are tank bred. So this isn't unusual and the zoa's should get used to it over time.


Mine for whatever reason host my bloody Maxijet but only at night. During the day they host my fiji leather. Oh and mine have just now started the dominance dance for some bizarre reason.

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Mine for whatever reason host my bloody Maxijet but only at night. During the day they host my fiji leather. Oh and mine have just now started the dominance dance for some bizarre reason.


Getting ready to do the NEMO NASTY!!!!




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At a fish store I wnt to they had a Ocellaris and a black clown (forgot the actual name) hosting a patch of Zoos at the same time. I guess it OK, pretty cool though.

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Ok well thanks. The zoas are not open at night anyways but i think they will be fine with it. I am surprised he doesn't just host the hammer... Is there any way to get them to start hosing something?


Well i came home today and saw that the mushrooms that i fragged have completely discinigrated. I guess i will have to try it again another time.

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my clowns don't have much in the way of big enough corals to host yet, so they like to sleep in the left front corner of my tank, just slowly swimming in place pointed up, its so odd... hopefully later down the road once i get an anemone they will host that instead...

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Well i just looked in my tank after i got out of the shower and this time my clown was laying in my xenia!!! I guess he is just trying different things out!

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Well i just looked in my tank after i got out of the shower and this time my clown was laying in my xenia!!! I guess he is just trying different things out!

He doesn't know which one he wants to host! To bad my dumb little clown doesn't host sh!t! :angry:

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lrm, so much to catch up on since I was last here! I loved your last set of pics! Your tank is beautiful and your pics are wonderful. There is just so much to look at in your system--I'll bet you can spend a lot of time just observing.


I don't know anything about switching salt brands, but it would seem to make the most sense to do so gradually...


I like the way your clown is "experimenting." :D These are the things that make this hobby so fascinating--the way each little thing can seem to have its own idiosyncracies.


Just wanted to let you know I'm still following along with great interest. :)



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lrm, so much to catch up on since I was last here! I loved your last set of pics! Your tank is beautiful and your pics are wonderful. There is just so much to look at in your system--I'll bet you can spend a lot of time just observing.


I don't know anything about switching salt brands, but it would seem to make the most sense to do so gradually...


I like the way your clown is "experimenting." :D These are the things that make this hobby so fascinating--the way each little thing can seem to have its own idiosyncracies.


Just wanted to let you know I'm still following along with great interest. :)



Yeah there has been a few updates and decent pics since you have been gone. Every night i spend at lead an hour just staring at my tank watching all of my little creatures. Last night iwas up to 11:00 just watching my clown. He would lay in the xenia for a second or two then he would circle it and then just dash through it! He did the over and over and over. I have a few pics of him hovering right above it but i need to get some batteries for my camera this afternoon.


I figured that doing it gradually would be the smart thing to do.


Maby tonight he will host my hammer! that would be really cool. I actully hope he just hosts the xenia though because it is just so funny to watch him.


I am glad that you are still following along! It has been a while since i have heard from you. I cant belive how much my pictures have improved after you giving be jsut a few pointers. Ill see what i can do on uploading those pics tonight!

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My clowns host my Xenia which works out pretty good because it doesnt seem to be bothered by them :) Just curious, how are the micro bubbles on your RSM? Havent seen you chime in on the issue.

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My clowns host my Xenia which works out pretty good because it doesnt seem to be bothered by them :) Just curious, how are the micro bubbles on your RSM? Havent seen you chime in on the issue.

Well they are not to terribly bad but i don't like them. I did the mod on it where i cut holes in the top of the lid and put the tube thingy inside it. i did that to cut down on the sucking sound. It also seemed to help a tiny bit on the micro bubbles. They are still there a little, just enough to bug me so i only run it during the week. Not on the weekend because that is the time when i see my tank the most. I guess it is just something to get used to.

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Well heres some pics!


Crime scene












And a few random shots


Baby ric i am nursing back to health





And yes i do like monk in case you were wondering.

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Funny story! :)


Jeez, what a cool acan pic!


Oh, good luck with the little ric. It's really gratifying to nurse something back to health and end up with a beautiful specimen.



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Well its been a while and i only have a few updates:


Today i got my first SPS!!! I got a green acro and along with that i had to get a korilia 2. I just took some pics but will upload them later.


Monday i took that rock out of the bin and put it in my tank and not it has a ton of zoa frags that were in the sandbed covering it. Again i just took pics but will upload later.

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Well heres the pics. I also got a peppermint shrimp but he is hiding right now. I was also looking super close at my new acro and saw a hitchhiker sps crab! hes white with a black line on his head.





Zoa rock



Korilia 2



And the FTS


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