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lilredneckmans RSM


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Well for the past few days my acan and my trumpet have not been sticking out their feeders at night or even when i put food in the tank. Normally when it is feeding time they put out all of their feeders and i feed each head and now the acan looks horrible and is barley inflated.My trumpet it looking a little better but is still not feeding. Is there anything i can do for them? i have not changed anything new except salt and that was two weeks ago. I cant test anything right now because i need a new test kit.


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you might want to start a thread on that one, IME people don't respond to ?s in a tank thread.


wish i knew something better, it may be just a stage.

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Thanks for the reply Stevie, i guess i will go start a thread in the coral form. i will post a link here after i start it just in case.


EDIT: Heres the link if anyone can help! Acan Help please

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FWIW, the only lps I have (a merleti) really lets me know when the salinity (S.G.) has drifted too far...even tho I do regular water changes and always test the SG of the H2O I add, I sometimes get lazy and don't test the tank, and sometimes my topping off has apparently been too hit or miss (shows up quickly in a 5.5g!). (In these cases, the SG has always gotten too high...)



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FWIW, the only lps I have (a merleti) really lets me know when the salinity (S.G.) has drifted too far...even tho I do regular water changes and always test the SG of the H2O I add, I sometimes get lazy and don't test the tank, and sometimes my topping off has apparently been too hit or miss (shows up quickly in a 5.5g!). (In these cases, the SG has always gotten too high...)



You know what diane i think this may be the problem! I need to top off and i am out of water and i am going to go to the lfs tomorrow and pick up some RO. I hope he can survive that long! I will go test it just in case!


Did you see the post with the baby snails? I though about you and your GBS's.


EDIT: my Sg is 1.028 so yeah its high! I will definitely have to get some Ro tomorrow.

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Well i got some RO today and over the past hour and a half i have gotten it down to 1.026 and in about another hour it will be back down to 1.024-1.025. The acan looks a tad better than it did yesterday. I will keep you updated on how it is doing.

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You know what diane i think this may be the problem! I need to top off and i am out of water and i am going to go to the lfs tomorrow and pick up some RO. I hope he can survive that long! I will go test it just in case!

EDIT: my Sg is 1.028 so yeah its high! I will definitely have to get some Ro tomorrow.




Well i got some RO today and over the past hour and a half i have gotten it down to 1.026 and in about another hour it will be back down to 1.024-1.025. The acan looks a tad better than it did yesterday. I will keep you updated on how it is doing.


Well, I hope it does turn out to be as simple as that! My merleti always rebounds when I fix the SG...


Did you see the post with the baby snails? I though about you and your GBS's.


Oh, yes!! That's SO cool!! Sorry I forgot to mention it--I haven't had much time for the forum lately, and I'm having big trouble catching up!


Heres some pics!


baby Nass


Black dots are them



Fantastic! Gee, if you can grow them up, maybe you can sell or trade them!


Blenny in cheato



That's so cute!






Looking great as always!



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Thanks Diane! i am glad that you think my tank is looking great because i have been stressed out all week about the dang thing.


I have about 300 Nass snails that have bred in my 5g hex. I feed them cyclopeeze daily and a 2g WC each week with ocean water. I tore down my 5g hex recently and set up this little 2g tank out of a plastic container from the bottom of one of those small refrigerators.


In the past couple of hours i have added a full gallon of RO to my system and my SG is now at 1.025. I plan on doing a nice 5g WC Saturday and i hope everything will be back to normal in the next week or so.

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Well today i broke down and did a 5g WC and cleaned EVERYTHING! I cleans all of the glass, scrubbed the rocks a tad, cleaned the glass, cleaned and took apart my POS skimmer and i moved just a couple of things.


I am definitely looking into getting a Tunze skimmer for my tank because this one is a POS and i heard the Tunze is smaller and i possible could make a fuge in the back.

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Well everything is a much happier today and my tank looks amazing! I attempted to take a few shots of everything and even tried a macro!


I took out one of the blennies because i think he was picking on my acan! I saw him occasionally "peck" at it and finally decided to remove him and the acan is doing better already.


My yellow polyps have grown from 3 heads in FEB to 9 heads today. My Candy Cane has grown from 10 heads to 12 heads since FEB 11th. Heres some shots of everything, enjoy!





View from my bed



Yellow polyps






Candy Cane



Orange zoas growing nicely



Hermit on Korilia



The disaster of cursing and yelling






Hope you liked them!

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It would be a Fun Depot gift certificate card from years ago that i never used and clean my glass with!

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Nick's Reef

Looks good! Oh and i'll answer your question ocho, fundepot is this place were there's an arcade and you can play laser tag, and drive go carts.

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Why is the pic titled "The disaster of cursing and yelling". What's Fun Depot????

it is titled that because i was cursing and it was a disaster while i was cleaning my tank and doing a WC. I ended up spilling salt, salt water, and ro in the whole process. I sliced my hand open on a rock and thats where the cursing came in. Quick tip: dont let pure salt get into your open wounds...it burns!!

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Well last night i got bored and cut my orange ric in half! There is a mouth on each piece of it. One half in still on the rock and the other half is in a bin with rubble.

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it is titled that because i was cursing and it was a disaster while i was cleaning my tank and doing a WC. I ended up spilling salt, salt water, and ro in the whole process. I sliced my hand open on a rock and thats where the cursing came in. Quick tip: dont let pure salt get into your open wounds...it burns!!


Ah, man--glad I wasn't there. :D Sorry you had so much trouble--things sure turned out well! I love the side shot from your bed! Very nice pics, including the macro. Congrats on the excellent growth of the candy cand and yellow polyps!



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Ah, man--glad I wasn't there. :D Sorry you had so much trouble--things sure turned out well! I love the side shot from your bed! Very nice pics, including the macro. Congrats on the excellent growth of the candy cand and yellow polyps!



Thanks Diane! I learned that if you turn the pumps off while you are taking pictures it really helps out ALOT. I am quite surprised actully that i am getting some decent growth.


My orange ric that i cut in half is doing amazing. I fed them both a little bit of cyclopeeze this morning and they are looking great! I will have to post some pics later.

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Well here are some pics of my rics. You can see that the orange ones are already just about a full circle again! I moved them all down to the "u" shaped rock on the bottom and they seem to be much happier now.


Also i managed to get the other blenny out and almost instantly my acan completely inflated and even stuck a few feeders out!!!! YAY!!! The fish are happy in their new home in my 55g with my tomato clown. Please dont be stupid like me and actually research before you but things.








happy acan!



Night time shots...






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Well here are some pics of my rics. You can see that the orange ones are already just about a full circle again! I moved them all down to the "u" shaped rock on the bottom and they seem to be much happier now.


Wow, I can't believe that! I had no idea they were so resilient! Nice job! Did you just cut them on a hard surface with a razor blade? Did they slime up a lot? Did you attach them to new rocks?


Also i managed to get the other blenny out and almost instantly my acan completely inflated and even stuck a few feeders out!!!! YAY!!! The fish are happy in their new home in my 55g with my tomato clown. Please dont be stupid like me and actually research before you but things.


That's also a 'wow!' story. Good observing! It's very likely you might not have found this info even if you had researched...


Gorgeous pics!



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Wow, I can't believe that! I had no idea they were so resilient! Nice job! Did you just cut them on a hard surface with a razor blade? Did they slime up a lot? Did you attach them to new rocks?


Well it was attached to a snail shell that i had glued to a rock and i just cut it right on the rock with a razor blade. I cut and pulled them off of the rock and stuck the one that was attached to nothing into a small zip lock container with rubble in it and surprisingly it had attached overnight!! I was quite impressed. So then i put them on the "u" shaped rock and thats where they are now.


That's also a 'wow!' story. Good observing! It's very likely you might not have found this info even if you had researched...


Yeah it caught me by surprise that they actually were picking on my corals. I have never really heard of blennies do that before but then again i have not done too much research on blennies to see what their behavior is like.

Gorgeous pics!

Thanks Diane! They are getting a tad better!

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Nick's Reef

Hey I've got two frags of my yellow polyps, one frag of radioactivegreen dragon eyes, and a frag of those weird green shrooms my dad has and one of the purple (both on same frag plug). If you want anything lmk. Btw the tanks looking good. :D

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Nice pics. Sort of blurry though. I just got a water proof case for my digital camera. If you would use it enough the thing works great! Just a recommendation.


Grr i have to wait till some one comments so i can put the rest up.










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Hey I've got two frags of my yellow polyps, one frag of radioactivegreen dragon eyes, and a frag of those weird green shrooms my dad has and one of the purple (both on same frag plug). If you want anything lmk. Btw the tanks looking good. :D

No thanks i have all of those things. I am going tomorrow and planning on picking up a few more rics. Thanks for the complements, it is turning out nice.


Nice pics. Sort of blurry though. I just got a water proof case for my digital camera. If you would use it enough the thing works great! Just a recommendation.

Thanks. I can take good pics when i don't really rush and i take my time. Those pics are from a long time ago.

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