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Klarion's Tongan Scape


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Well, speaking of life......


Now I know that I have some bristle worms because I spotted a small grayish looking one crawling about after a major clean-up and water change today. Though it lasted all of 30 seconds because the next thing that happened :o was my Six Line swooping down from among the rocks and totally devouring the worm........

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Well, speaking of life......


Now I know that I have some bristle worms because I spotted a small grayish looking one crawling about after a major clean-up and water change today. Though it lasted all of 30 seconds because the next thing that happened :o was my Six Line swooping down from among the rocks and totally devouring the worm........


Very cool that he did that and that you were there to see it..


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Very cool that he did that and that you were there to see it..



Yea, he was like a small hawk. Now I know why his belly is always full. Not like the clown, whom I have to feed more often.


Some FTS coming soon.

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Wow....that is awesome. How big was the bristle worm? I didn't know that six-lines had a taste for worms :) Really cool that you saw that. I always get excited about actually catching an event like that happening in the tank since it is more coincidence to be actually siting there at the right time.


Looking forward to the full tank shots.

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FTS. As you can see, I'm probably the slowest person on nano-reef to add corals. I'll get to it eventually though. I've removed some rocks fromt he scape to make more room.






Wow....that is awesome. How big was the bristle worm? I didn't know that six-lines had a taste for worms :) Really cool that you saw that. I always get excited about actually catching an event like that happening in the tank since it is more coincidence to be actually siting there at the right time.


Looking forward to the full tank shots.


It was about an Inch and a half or so. The Six Line just devastated it with his beek like mouth. Literally tore it appart. It sounds so visious........but that's life. :huh:

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Your tank is looking great....I always forget how unique the rock is that you have until you post your full tank shots. Really cool looking.


Don't worry about not adding corals really quickly....slow and steady definitely leads to continued success with this hobby. I mean you could always start off with filling up your tank with corals but then you have nothing to look forward to....at least that's what I tell myself :)




It was about an Inch and a half or so. The Six Line just devastated it with his beek like mouth. Literally tore it appart. It sounds so visious........but that's life. :huh:


That is definitely life...survival of the fittest right in front of your eyes. Sounds like it was pretty amazing. I'm sure it was some really fast action since six-lines are incredibly fast.

Edited by divecj5
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Right now I'm living vicariously through other people's tanks and corals. I haven't had much time to go looking for other LFS and I can't find anything I like and that's healthy at the convenient ones. I'm hoping that some time mid-march things will settle down and I'll find something I like.

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The ich pods came off the six line already and he's looking really good right now. Has not been reinfected so far. I'll cross my fingers and hope that the water is clean and he's not stressed.

He doesn't look it.


Yay!! :)



Well, speaking of life......


Now I know that I have some bristle worms because I spotted a small grayish looking one crawling about after a major clean-up and water change today. Though it lasted all of 30 seconds because the next thing that happened :o was my Six Line swooping down from among the rocks and totally devouring the worm........


Oooh, Wild Kingdom...:D Very cool--sweet to catch predation in action. Of course you have life--it just likes to stay hidden. But also, don't fret over a paucity of hitchers compared to other people. That's far more often the case...No matter how much the suppliers tout their "extra fancy LR," it's usually been pretty well cooked, cleaned, and cured before you get it (with a few exceptions, of course, like TBS, I understand). I'll bet you'd see quite a bit of little stuff, though, with a magnifying glass and a red light at night...And as Adam said, lots of things take their own sweet time to appear.


That said, my sweetest hitchers came in on frags that had been in an lfs's tank for a while, rather than my LR...



FTS. As you can see, I'm probably the slowest person on nano-reef to add corals. I'll get to it eventually though. I've removed some rocks fromt he scape to make more room.







Looking great! Your scape is so intricate and colorful, it takes a while to realize you're low on coral. :D I like the coralline on the back wall. You will never regret going slow, and I have to hand it to you for not buying just to be buying when you don't really see anything you wanted...Took me a while to learn that lesson. <_<


Sure love your clown!


BTW, are you an instrumetalist? What do you play? (Take this to pm if this is too much of a hijack!)



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FTS. As you can see, I'm probably the slowest person on nano-reef to add corals. I'll get to it eventually though. I've removed some rocks fromt he scape to make more room.








It was about an Inch and a half or so. The Six Line just devastated it with his beek like mouth. Literally tore it appart. It sounds so visious........but that's life. :huh:



So I haven't been by this thread in a while, nice progress. Sixline is a nice addition, and it's really cool that you're taking your time - it will surely pay off in the end with greater diversity. The quickness of the coralline growth is a good example - my lack of patience usually means no coralline growth (especially not on the glass) for a good 6 months, it never gets a foothold before I toss in some corals that out-compete it.

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I'm also expecting to receive my new HOT Magnum filter tomorrow and that's when I'll really clean up the tank and get rid of all the detritus. If all goes well, I am going to get either the last fish or coral this coming saturday.


Thanks for reading my thread. I'll respond to you guys when I'm home later today.

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Hello Klarion! I finally caught up on your thread. Tank is looking great! And I see you have some of NR's finest folks following along, congrats on that as well.


A little information I thought I'd pass along. Through emails with Oscar Enterprises ( Tom Aquatics ) I found out they are working on some improvements to the Rapids Pro system. They should have an adjustable gate modification available in August that will improve surface skimming ( rather poor at present, IMO ). Also the next generation RPS will have a venturi pump driven skimmer and they are working on possible upgrades or retrofit modifications for current RPS systems. ( keeping fingers crossed for that too!! ).


I am overall pleased with my Rapids system. These two issues are the most disappointing. If I could really get that skimmer to produce with minimal "fussing" it would be quite an efficient set up I would think.


I did find that keeping the cup and neck of the skimmer clean helps quite a bit. I will keep you posted if I hear anything else.


Sorry for the semi-jack, but I thought the info somewhat relative.

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I love your tank but it looks really high. I'd probably have trouble reaching clear to the bottom! :)


I have long arms. It's a bit of a pain, but if I roll up my sleaves I manage to get things done down there ;) .


So I haven't been by this thread in a while, nice progress. Sixline is a nice addition, and it's really cool that you're taking your time - it will surely pay off in the end with greater diversity. The quickness of the coralline growth is a good example - my lack of patience usually means no coralline growth (especially not on the glass) for a good 6 months, it never gets a foothold before I toss in some corals that out-compete it.


Well, it's nice of you to stop by. The Rapids Pro overflow is almost completely covered with coraline now and I'm hoping that in time the live rock will get covered as well.


The Six Line is having another outbreak of the Ich. Not sure if there is anything I can do besides keeping the water clean. He's well fed because there is apperantly enough food for him in the tank. Not that I can see what he's munching on besides that one time bristle worm deal.. :huh:


Hoping that the ich won't take him away from me. I rather like him so...

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Hello Klarion! I finally caught up on your thread. Tank is looking great! And I see you have some of NR's finest folks following along, congrats on that as well.


A little information I thought I'd pass along. Through emails with Oscar Enterprises ( Tom Aquatics ) I found out they are working on some improvements to the Rapids Pro system. They should have an adjustable gate modification available in August that will improve surface skimming ( rather poor at present, IMO ). Also the next generation RPS will have a venturi pump driven skimmer and they are working on possible upgrades or retrofit modifications for current RPS systems. ( keeping fingers crossed for that too!! ).


I am overall pleased with my Rapids system. These two issues are the most disappointing. If I could really get that skimmer to produce with minimal "fussing" it would be quite an efficient set up I would think.


I did find that keeping the cup and neck of the skimmer clean helps quite a bit. I will keep you posted if I hear anything else.


Sorry for the semi-jack, but I thought the info somewhat relative.


Glad you could stop by as well. Thanks for the update on the Rapids Pro.


Overall, I'm actually very pleased with the system and the value of it. I'm using a couple of easy mods to improve its performance. A "cassette tape cover" mod on the intake-overflow to improve skimming, but I'm using a CD cover 'cause it's wider. I also cut the airline tubing going into the skimmer as short as I could to reduce resistance. Not sure how much that actually helps though. And finally, I slid the blue tubular "air stopper" on the air-line all the way to the bottom. It's preventing the bubbles from backing up into the wrong shaft.........does that even make any sense???


The skimmer is preforming better now, producing a puff of bubbles on top almost continuously. Hope it last.


Yay!! :)


Oooh, Wild Kingdom... :D Very cool--sweet to catch predation in action. Of course you have life--it just likes to stay hidden. But also, don't fret over a paucity of hitchers compared to other people. That's far more often the case...No matter how much the suppliers tout their "extra fancy LR," it's usually been pretty well cooked, cleaned, and cured before you get it (with a few exceptions, of course, like TBS, I understand). I'll bet you'd see quite a bit of little stuff, though, with a magnifying glass and a red light at night...And as Adam said, lots of things take their own sweet time to appear.


That said, my sweetest hitchers came in on frags that had been in an lfs's tank for a while, rather than my LR...


Sure love your clown!


BTW, are you an instrumetalist? What do you play? (Take this to pm if this is too much of a hijack!)




Thanks for the kind words Diane,


I'll try that idea with the red light. Seems intriguing.


I'm not sure what you meant by the acronym "TBS". Would you mind elaborating. Is that a supplier that has real uncured rocks?


I am an instrumentalist in fact. I play clarinets and Saxophones as my main instruments, though I double on Flute and Recorder as well.

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Tampa Bay Saltwater. Go to this site and have a look at "The Package:"




(Of course, you can find many opionions on them, some here on N-R...)


Ooooh, woodwinds! :) That's nice to know. Never played them myself but my kids both play sax (of course, not at your level!). Alto & tenor. Right now we're in the thick of the HS bands festival season...



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Tampa Bay Saltwater. Go to this site and have a look at "The Package:"




(Of course, you can find many opionions on them, some here on N-R...)


Ooooh, woodwinds! :) That's nice to know. Never played them myself but my kids both play sax (of course, not at your level!). Alto & tenor. Right now we're in the thick of the HS bands festival season...




Yes, that is familiar to me as well because I teach privately. Here in New York it's all about NYSSMA and all state auditions.........


Thanks for the link and BTW, my clown knows how to beg...... When he's hungry and I'm looking at the tank, he'll swim up to my head level and start biting the glass.

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Sorry to hear about the ich returning to the six-line. I'm sure with your keen eye and husbandry you will be able to keep it in check and it will return to normal. From what I've heard, clean water and keeping it well fed are the two best things.

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I'm running the HOT Magnum filter as I write. It's much better at picking up detritus once it's blown into the water column. I'm using a turkey baster to do it for now. Hoping this will improve water quality significantly.

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I was at a very cool LFS (not really local, but close enough). Made a special trip to get some corals. As I was walking about and amongst a multitude of beautiful creatures I noticed in a tiny hang on box an even smaller Pom-Pom Crab. I couldn't belive my luck because right in the next box was apparently a pair of 'em: so far looks like a male and a female. So I bought them both.


I also got 5 very small nassarius snails, a small striped serpant star and a small blue stripe (tuxedo) urchin.


Pics are coming later tonight.


I should also mention that it was a lovely belated birthday present from my G/F

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Yes, that is familiar to me as well because I teach privately. Here in New York it's all about NYSSMA and all state auditions.........


My daughter got a "1" at district Solo & Ensemble competition and is going to state. :)


Thanks for the link and BTW, my clown knows how to beg...... When he's hungry and I'm looking at the tank, he'll swim up to my head level and start biting the glass.


Isn't it fun to realize how aware these little creatures are? My late emerald actually used to do the same thing--well, she waved her claws at me anyway...



I was at a very cool LFS (not really local, but close enough). Made a special trip to get some corals. As I was walking about and amongst a multitude of beautiful creatures I noticed in a tiny hang on box an even smaller Pom-Pom Crab. I couldn't belive my luck because right in the next box was apparently a pair of 'em: so far looks like a male and a female. So I bought them both.


I also got 5 very small nassarius snails, a small striped serpant star and a small blue stripe (tuxedo) urchin.


Pics are coming later tonight.


I should also mention that it was a lovely belated birthday present from my G/F


A pair of pom poms? How sweet is that?!! Now don't be too disappointed if they disappear for a while. They will eventually get more comfortable, and can also be trained to come out at feeding time. :)


The rest of that crew sounds fabulous, too. I adore the motile inverts! Looking forward to whatever pics you can get!



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Well, I snapped a couple of pics of what I could see since a lot of the creatures scattered.





Here is the Urchin




I under-estimated the pom-pom crabs because they're very mobile. I've noticed that they've gone to many places in the tank, waving their anemonies and sticking them in six line's face whenever he comes close.


The serpent star is hanging near the back of the tank. It's pretty with green and grey stripes.


The Urchin is VERY effective. I don't know how he'll do in the long term, but so far he scraped off everything he sat on including some coraline.

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I have that same sea urchin in my 55 gallon tank, he's probably the most well behaved urchin i have ever had and he has stayed small, Ive had mine for about two years and its only the size of a pingpong ball.

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I have that same sea urchin in my 55 gallon tank, he's probably the most well behaved urchin i have ever had and he has stayed small, Ive had mine for about two years and its only the size of a pingpong ball.


Ah, good to know. That's what I was told about it as well, that they stay small. He's very efficient with the algae. Ate some coraline too.


Does it have enough to eat in your tank? I'm asking because he seems to be very effective on algae and I'm worried that he'll run out of food soon....

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Well, I snapped a couple of pics of what I could see since a lot of the creatures scattered.





Here is the Urchin



What wonderful creatures!



I under-estimated the pom-pom crabs because they're very mobile. I've noticed that they've gone to many places in the tank, waving their anemonies and sticking them in six line's face whenever he comes close.


They look so "delicate," but IMO they are tough as nails. Nothing (at least nothing that would fit in my tank) bothers them. Makes you wonder why they can be so reclusive.



The serpent star is hanging near the back of the tank. It's pretty with green and grey stripes.


Hope you get a pic of it, even if it's only of one or two legs sticking out. (BTW, my brittles are far more active at night.)


The Urchin is VERY effective. I don't know how he'll do in the long term, but so far he scraped off everything he sat on including some coraline.


I've always wanted an urchin, but my tank is really too small (and full, of course...<_<). I'll be keeping tabs on your experiences with this guy, in case I ever "upgrade."



Ah, good to know. That's what I was told about it as well, that they stay small. He's very efficient with the algae. Ate some coraline too.


Does it have enough to eat in your tank? I'm asking because he seems to be very effective on algae and I'm worried that he'll run out of food soon....


I have heard they're ravenous. And I'd have mixed feelings about losing coralline...



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Awesome new additions and happy belated birthday!!! Looks like you made out nicely for your birthday with some incredible little creatures. Those pom pom crabs are awesome....gotta love how unique they are. How have they been getting along so far with the emerald? No issues? That's funny that they wave their anemones at the six line when it gets too close. Sounds like quite a site to see.


That urchin is awesome as well. Love the blue coloration.


Great choices for the tank. Looking forward to pictures of the serpent sea star.

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