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Weetie's 10g Prop Tank


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Those are some great pictures Weetie. You have some adorable kids. :)







But, but Daniel :( please? :) I love you! :)


ok Diane is right I don't want them right now, but still I do want some eventually. :)


I have a GREAT idea!!!

How bout I just loan you mine for a week??!!!

You get to hang out with cute kids, I get a break, and by the end of it you won't want kids for a little while, so it's a win-win-win for everybody!!!!

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I have a GREAT idea!!!

How bout I just loan you mine for a week??!!!

You get to hang out with cute kids, I get a break, and by the end of it you won't want kids for a little while, so it's a win-win-win for everybody!!!!



:lol: Actually...thats a plan one of the other grad students and I had come up with...his baby was born in January. He comes to work every day looking horrible :)

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Saw this on another thread and just HAD to post it here as well.




Daniel, I think you had the better idea. Newborns are cute, but they are TOUGH!!! I don't care what anyone else says, I always see the first year as an endurance run.

While my boys might drive me crazy on a daily basis, they actually are pretty good kids, and even if she had 'em for a week she might still want kids at the end of it.

Amber, please believe me on this, I really know what I'm talking about here. You guys really do need some time for just the two of you for a little while before taking on rugrats. No matter how good they are, they are A LOT of work and you can pretty much kiss free time goodbye for quite a while.

It is at this point that I'm sure a lot of you are saying to yourselves, "So how does Weetabix have time to do all those posts?"

The answer to that is that I get on N-R when the kids are either taking a nap or in bed for the night, and my dirty little secret is that I get on here for 5 min. breaks everytime I'm feeling stressed from dealing with the kids.

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I agree Weetie, I just bother him about having kids from time to time. It is kinda fun. We have agreed though not to have kids until he finishes his phd...so no kids for at least 5 years. :(:) I'm just looking forward to being able to give my kids some things that I missed out on in my childhood. And besides if we had kids right now we wouldn't be able to pay for them. :lol:

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I agree Weetie, I just bother him about having kids from time to time. It is kinda fun. We have agreed though not to have kids until he finishes his phd...so no kids for at least 5 years. :(:) I'm just looking forward to being able to give my kids some things that I missed out on in my childhood. And besides if we had kids right now we wouldn't be able to pay for them. :lol:


It doesn't matter WHEN you have kids, you won't be able to pay for them unless you're a Bajillionaire!!!

Rugrats are EXPENSIVE!!!

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Daniel, I think you had the better idea. Newborns are cute, but they are TOUGH!!! I don't care what anyone else says, I always see the first year as an endurance run.

While my boys might drive me crazy on a daily basis, they actually are pretty good kids, and even if she had 'em for a week she might still want kids at the end of it.

Amber, please believe me on this, I really know what I'm talking about here. You guys really do need some time for just the two of you for a little while before taking on rugrats. No matter how good they are, they are A LOT of work and you can pretty much kiss free time goodbye for quite a while.


Oh, come on now Weetie.......


Amber, don't let Weets get to you. Kids are GREAT! Not much fuss at all. Although I must admit we had it a bit easier than most as Crystal was a good sleeper. ....( from the next room...."um, no, YOU were a good sleeper")


She almost always slept through the night........( YOU ALWAYS slept through the night!! )


I can honestly say I don't recall hearing her cry during the night ( You NEVER did!! Effin' A bomb could go off, You'd never know )


Yup, kids are easy, feed once in a awhile, change a diaper know and then ....( would have been great if you had done EITHER now and then! )


Just hang in there, Daniel will come around. ;) ......( pffft, still waiting for YOU to come around :angry: )......


She loves me. :)


It is at this point that I'm sure a lot of you are saying to yourselves, "So how does Weetabix have time to do all those posts?"

The answer to that is that I get on N-R when the kids are either taking a nap or in bed for the night, and my dirty little secret is that I get on here for 5 min. breaks everytime I'm feeling stressed from dealing with the kids.

Ah, I see, so you ARE on here all day......











Now ladies, in my best Prop voice, I keed,I keed. :lol:


I really did have it easy tho, and I'm very lucky. Donna ( my wife ) almost always woke up first when the baby did cry and she did care for Crystal most of the time. When I got the elbow in the side on occasion , I was smart enough to get up and see what the BB needed. ( I ain't THAT 'tupid )


I did change my share of diapers ( WTH IS that?? :o ) And I was good at getting her to sleep, I had that Pat that tiny butt and rub that tiny back while watching TV down to a science. ;)




But really, free time? yeah right. NONE :happy:

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I think I'll just stick with a puppy for now. :)


Needreefunds--I bet the situation will be the exact same when Daniel and I have kids. He will sleep through them and I'll wake up if they make even the tiniest sounds. (I hate being such a light sleeper, it sucks especially since my roommate gets up earlier than me :( ) Hopefully by the time we get around to having kids though he will have a decient enough job so that I can be a stay at home mom or at least a work from home mom. :):D


Weetie--congrats on the 50pgs. Its probably the first thread thats reef related to do so. :)

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I think I'll just stick with a puppy for now. :)

sounds like a plan.

Needreefunds--I bet the situation will be the exact same when Daniel and I have kids. He will sleep through them and I'll wake up if they make even the tiniest sounds. (I hate being such a light sleeper, it sucks especially since my roommate gets up earlier than me :( )

:lol: so basically you get up at the same time, right? Yup, sounds like it will be the same for you guys.


Our house...

Donna: did you hear that storm last night??

Richie: storm?? :huh:

Hopefully by the time we get around to having kids though he will have a decient enough job so that I can be a stay at home mom or at least a work from home mom. :):D

Sounds like another plan. ( pssst, Amber, is Daniel aware of this?? ) :P


All kidding aside, I wish nothing but the best for you both, and happy, healthy little ones whenever the time IS right. :)



Weetie--congrats on the 50pgs. Its probably the first thread thats reef related to do so. :)

Reef related, I'm sorry, I thought this was Weeties Lounge....


Oh, and Weetie, "Doofus??"


I <3 you too Buddy! :lol:

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sounds like a plan.


:lol: so basically you get up at the same time, right? Yup, sounds like it will be the same for you guys.


Our house...

Donna: did you hear that storm last night??

Richie: storm?? :huh:


Sounds like another plan. ( pssst, Amber, is Daniel aware of this?? ) :P


All kidding aside, I wish nothing but the best for you both, and happy, healthy little ones whenever the time IS right. :)




Reef related, I'm sorry, I thought this was Weeties Lounge....


Oh, and Weetie, "Doofus??"


I <3 you too Buddy! :lol:


:lol: You do sound like me!! My room until I moved up here had 12ft windows (and the top portions weren't covered at night). I could (and have) sleep through tornados in there.


Luckily for Amber, I'll likely NEVER have to get up before her for a job :) We geologists don't appreciate mornings much (unless we're rock collecting or hiking undergrads up hills and such).


As for her working from home - that's cool with me. (Keyword: working) Geologists, even PhDs don't make enough to cover house + kids, especially in urban places. ;)





(And Weetie - don't let her fool you. Every time she sees a kid under 4, there's that inevitable "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Followed by "CAN WE HAVE ONE!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?")

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Reef related, I'm sorry, I thought this was Weeties Lounge....


Oh, and Weetie, "Doofus??"


I <3 you too Buddy! :lol:




There's an overstuffed chair with your name on it in Weetie's Lounge. I had it embroidered in great, big letters: DOOFUS GOOFUS. ;)


(And Weetie - don't let her fool you. Every time she sees a kid under 4, there's that inevitable "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Followed by "CAN WE HAVE ONE!?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?")


Sigh, I'm doing the same thing with dogs right now.

I s'pose I'm not helping your cause. I realize I'm prejudiced, being their mom and all, but you wouldn't believe how many insanely cute pics of them I still haven't posted.

Aw, what the heck, here's one more!



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<3 you too, Bud, there's an overstuffed chair with your name permanently engraved on it in Weetie's Lounge. ;)




Sigh, I'm doing the same thing with dogs right now.

I s'pose I'm not helping your cause. I realize I'm prejudiced, being their mom and all, but you wouldn't believe how many insanely cute pics of them I still haven't posted.

Aw, what the heck, here's one more!




Eh, it's okay Weetie :) We're a thousand miles apart and not yet married, so she's outta luck for a while anyway ;)


I just love those little kid eyes...

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Alrighty, in the interests of being more "reef related", I actually do have a tank update of some interest.

I don't know if everyone has seen it, but zhubbell recently held a contest for a free custom acrylic tank, and I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of two winners. Zhubbell will very generously be building a tank for me free of charge, I just have to cover the shipping costs.

This is a very good thing, but because what I was trying to do for V 2.0 of this system was really not working at all, and I don't have the $$ to purchase a custom built tank of this sort.

The basic concept for the tank is a long shallow tank with a sump in the very middle, and a display area on each side. The left side will be used for the display refugium I've been planning all along and the right display will still be kept a secret til I actually set it up.

The display refugium side will be lit by sunshine and a 40w PC fixture. The right hand display will be lit by the 70w MH retro that everyone was so kind to get me for Christmas.

There will be an overflow going into the sump from each side and a return from the sump for each side. My Nano-Remora will be hanging off the back of the sump and all powerheads and heaters, mechanical filtration, etc will of course be in the sump.

I can't wait to get going on it and would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to zhubbell for doing this!!! :flower::grouphug:

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Eh, it's okay Weetie :) We're a thousand miles apart and not yet married, so she's outta luck for a while anyway ;)

I dunno Daniel.....I'd still use protection. Better safe than sorry. ;)



I just love those little kid eyes...

+1! Give that fella 'nother Oreo!



Alrighty, in the interests of being more "reef related", I actually do have a tank update of some interest.

I don't know if everyone has seen it, but zhubbell recently held a contest for a free custom acrylic tank, and I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of two winners. Zhubbell will very generously be building a tank for me free of charge, I just have to cover the shipping costs.

This is a very good thing, but because what I was trying to do for V 2.0 of this system was really not working at all, and I don't have the $$ to purchase a custom built tank of this sort.

The basic concept for the tank is a long shallow tank with a sump in the very middle, and a display area on each side. The left side will be used for the display refugium I've been planning all along and the right display will still be kept a secret til I actually set it up.

The display refugium side will be lit by sunshine and a 40w PC fixture. The right hand display will be lit by the 70w MH retro that everyone was so kind to get me for Christmas.

There will be an overflow going into the sump from each side and a return from the sump for each side. My Nano-Remora will be hanging off the back of the sump and all powerheads and heaters, mechanical filtration, etc will of course be in the sump.

I can't wait to get going on it and would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to zhubbell for doing this!!! flower.gif grouphug.gif




I can almost picture it and it sounds fantastic. Super ideas you had there, congrats on the win!!


Nice job zhubbell ! B)


So this will still be in the kitchen?

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Yep, it'll still be in the kitchen.

And speaking of that, I just ran across an old photo of the kitchen counter nano I started out with almost 2 yrs. ago, back when I first joined N-R. SO MUCH has changed!

Check out the kitschy 70's wallpaper from my old apt.

I like the kitchen in my new house SO much better!




For anyone who might be remotely interested, here's one of the views of my yard from my back deck. As you can see, we have a lot of trees. I love sitting out there in the summer and looking up into the leafy cathedral arching overhead.




I was trying to get some good macro shots of these delicate white bell-shaped flowers in the yard when I had a little helper who came over to investigate. I still liked the way this one came out, even with the little knees in the background.



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This may be a stupid question, but what's going on with the prop tank? I thought you were taking it down and starting something new.

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This may be a stupid question, but what's going on with the prop tank? I thought you were taking it down and starting something new.


The prop tank has already been taken down.

A bunch of stuff was sold and the remaining corals are being temporarily housed in two 5.5g tanks on my kitchen counter. (NOT the one above!)

Zhubbell is building me a custom acrylic aquarium that will have a sump in the middle and a display on either side. Once I get that, I will officially start the new system, and a new thread for it as well.

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The prop tank has already been taken down.

A bunch of stuff was sold and the remaining corals are being temporarily housed in two 5.5g tanks on my kitchen counter. (NOT the one above!)

Zhubbell is building me a custom acrylic aquarium that will have a sump in the middle and a display on either side. Once I get that, I will officially start the new system, and a new thread for it as well.

Sounds cool B) ! Is it going to be a prop tank or another reef? How many gallons is the new tank?

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Oh my, nice shots! Just took a look at it.


Took a look at what? I'm lost. :huh:


OC, one side will be a display refugium, the other will be a reef display.

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Took a look at what? I'm lost. :huh:


OC, one side will be a display refugium, the other will be a reef display.

Sounds cool!!


I think he ment that he just took a look at the pictures.

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Alrighty, in the interests of being more "reef related", I actually do have a tank update of some interest.

I don't know if everyone has seen it, but zhubbell recently held a contest for a free custom acrylic tank, and I was lucky enough to be chosen as one of two winners. Zhubbell will very generously be building a tank for me free of charge, I just have to cover the shipping costs.

This is a very good thing, but because what I was trying to do for V 2.0 of this system was really not working at all, and I don't have the $$ to purchase a custom built tank of this sort.

The basic concept for the tank is a long shallow tank with a sump in the very middle, and a display area on each side. The left side will be used for the display refugium I've been planning all along and the right display will still be kept a secret til I actually set it up.

The display refugium side will be lit by sunshine and a 40w PC fixture. The right hand display will be lit by the 70w MH retro that everyone was so kind to get me for Christmas.

There will be an overflow going into the sump from each side and a return from the sump for each side. My Nano-Remora will be hanging off the back of the sump and all powerheads and heaters, mechanical filtration, etc will of course be in the sump.

I can't wait to get going on it and would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to zhubbell for doing this!!! :flower::grouphug:



HOW COOL IS THAT??!! Oh, boy, I can't wait to watch this one go together!


Weets, I loved that you posted your original 5.5 on my thread, and I'm gonna comment about it there more when I catch up on other threads...


What a wonderful, tree-y back deck view! So peaceful and beautiful. And the macro of the flower is sweet. :)



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1,000 posts on this thread, WHOO-HOO!!! :happydance:


I've talked with several people lately who have commented that they've had a hard time keeping zoas happy and they've been quite frustrated with it, and clueless as to the cause.

In light of that, I'd like to mention something interesting from a conversation that BibleSue and I just had.

She has several zoa frags in her quarantine tank that have not opened for her for months. They don't have pox or fungus or anything else we can see, they just won't open. She dosed that tank today with a Magnesium and Trace Mineral supplement from Tropic Marin and those zoa frags are suddenly now opening for her.

So if you are having unexplained zoa issues, check your Magnesium levels!

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