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Coral Vue Hydros

Tudizzle's BC29


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Awesome...they are one of my favorite corals as well. I have been looking for one as well but of course my LFS never really gets anything in that is worthwhile. If they do, their prices are ridiculous.


Looking forward to seeing the pics.


Do you have any room left in the tank :P

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Do you have any room left in the tank :P



I just finished a water change and a full rearrangement of the left side. Needed to make sure I could tuck the sun-coral all the way under the ledge. It has actually made for a bunch more room :D


Can't wait till it the tanks setlles down so I can really see how it is going to look!

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Here are a few preliminary pics of the the beauty!



Under standard lighting




Under Flash




Can't wait till they open up and I can start spot feeding them.

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First night in the tank and the new sun coral has opened nicely









I spot fed it some baby brine, but I think these babies could handle something way meatier. I' m thinking I will try some mysis next time.


I'm thinking of mounting them upside down on the ledge they are sitting under.


Any comments on placement and what your feeding experiences have been are greatly appreciated.

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First night in the tank and the new sun coral has opened nicely



I spot fed it some baby brine, but I think these babies could handle something way meatier. I' m thinking I will try some mysis next time.


I'm thinking of mounting them upside down on the ledge they are sitting under.


Any comments on placement and what your feeding experiences have been are greatly appreciated.


Mine did not seem to mind placement anywhere. Had them under a ledge where it was harder to feed them at first, and very little if any direct light. They did fine there opening up on feeding schedule.

I then moved them to the bottom corner out in the open where I could get at them to feed. I did not see any change in them at all. Just my experience others may vary :lol:

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Beautiful specimen you got there with LOTS o' heads on it. Looks like it is already settling down in the tank nicely and already opening up for you. I don't obviously have any experience with these but I know that people have trained theirs to be open all of the time by feeding them during the day. That way they are out and open in all their glory the entire time and not just at night.Not sure about placement either but sounds like Spanko has some experience in this department.If you ever feel the need to frag off a baby head of torch, hammer, or frogspawn let me know. I would be interested :)

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The other thing I neglected to put in has to do with any shrimp you may have or get in the future. I have a cleaner and a peppermint. After a while had to cut the bottom off of a plastic Coke bottle so I could set it over the top of the sun coral and feed it through the top with a large syringe. If I did not do this the darn shrimp would come over and pick all of the food off before the sun coral could close around it.

PITA shrimp......................


Just sayin, don't remember if you have any shrimp or not.

Oh yeah, with halloween almost here too bad you couldn't have gotten a black and orange one.....

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Yeah its really a nice coral I was surprised it was happy enough to open the first night.


Spanko- I do have a couple of shrimp so I will have to see if I have any difficulty feeding with the thieves around. I guess I will have to hold off on mounting it under the ledge until I know how feedings will go. I was thinking meatier foods, but the smaller stuff may be easier to get down before the shrimp and hermits rip it loose.


Also it is part black and part orange, are there sun corals that have bi-color individual heads? Is that what you were talking about?


Thanks again for helping with more wisdom :bowdown:

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Oh jeez i'm sorry. Looking at the pic now it is black and orange. For some reason my minds eye saw yellow.My bad....................


Yeah keep a close eye on the shrimpys then. They get real pushy when it comes to an easy meal.

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I forget I also picked up these frags when I got my suncoral


Don't know any of the names, chime in if you do


A really nice frag w/ 3 different types of zoa's all orange variations




Cool long lashes




Blurry pic but peach w/ green lashes




A few more of the suncoral




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Thanks JC



Looks like you were right spanko...my skunk shrimp is a thieving pig! Guess I will be moving my sun coral closer to the front so I can more easily spot feed it. It has so many heads its takes a bit of effort to get food into each polyp, so it looks like I will be trimming down a plastic bottle to make a feeding dome to cover the sun coral.


I have to say that every night it seems like it gets bigger and bigger. When fully extended it is the size of a softball.


I see a species tank on my desk in the future. Imagine a 6gal full of sun corals! It would be sweet, I would do a reverse light period so at night the lights were on and the coral could sleep, then it would be happy and fully extended during the day.


Is this even possible? Maybe I will find out!

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Yeah and with the skunk no matter if you feed it first it just never seems to be enough. the minute something hits the water it's there. I've even tried to feed on side of the tank to get him over there away from the sun or the candy cane and it doesn't matter, he thinks the food the coral is getting is better and rushes over there.

Species tank sounds cool. Seems like I saw one once with the majority of it suns. Have to see if I can look it up.

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Don't know any of the names, chime in if you do


A really nice frag w/ 3 different types of zoa's all orange variations


could be orange delight: http://www.zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gall...p;g2_itemId=297

maybe starburst: http://www.zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gall...p;g2_itemId=406

Eagle eyes: http://www.zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gall...mp;g2_itemId=80


Cool long lashes


Fire in the sky: http://www.zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gall...p;g2_itemId=737


Horizons: http://www.zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gall...p;g2_itemId=976


Blurry pic but peach w/ green lashes


could be Beta Eyes: http://www.zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gall...;g2_itemId=1373



It is hard to say exactly from your pictures, you could better tell then me. There are two schools of thought on names. One if it looks similar than it is one of the said zoos list on zoaid.com, then it is said zoo. And the other, where if you do not have direct lineage to the individual who coined the name yours is nothing more than a fake, look a like. Ie Blaine's purple people eater, Tyrees, etc. I would classify all of them as semi-rare zoos. You can fairly easily get your hands on any of them, but there are many regions which would never carry such zoos locally and they would have to be shipped in from a collector, but this could be fairly easily accomplished. Once upon a time these were rare but any semi serious collector has gotten their hands on these by now and everyone and their moms are propping these out, aquaculture justifiably so drives a higher price. Rare zoos would be things like PPE, nuclear greens, hasselhoffs, etc. Enjoy em.


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I guess I will have to whip out the ol' rally cap for your Rockies. Hopefully they win the game tomorrow and make a nice series out of this.


You're going to the game right? Where are your seats?

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Thanks for the 411 Chupa







We have tickets right behind 1st base 16 rows back.



Things are kinda of touch and go concerning the game for me right now. My youngest daughter is 2 and has come down with a really bad case of viral croup(sp?). Poor little thing is running a high fever and heavy barking cough. We had to put her on a nebulizer yesterday because she wasn't getting enough oxygen. The whole coughing and trouble breathing is preventing her from getting any sleep, which means I haven't slept in two days as well.


Like I said before I am not really the biggest sports fan, but I am a huge fan of my kids. If she doesn't make a dramatic turn here today I will most likely skip the games.


My wife has to go because she is taking a couple of clients from work, although she is dreading not being home to be with her little girl.



I am sure my little Belle Gee is going to be ok just tough when a little one is sick.

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The whole colony is now starting to perk up





How are these guys doing?? or should I say ladies...since they are pink and purple :happy:

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Thanks for the well wishes spanko



they are shaping up nicely, although they still need to return to a richer pink color they are fully extended and happy. You can see the true colors on the two polyps in the back left of the colony



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Well I guess those little pink and purple beauties are really goniopora. Thanks to an ID by Machinas over in the coral forum.


Still a great looking coral but now I will need to research its feeding requirements. Anybody have any experience with theses? Any help would be apprectiated.

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Sorry to hear about the little one being sick....hope that she gets better. I had horrible asthma when I was younger (about 8 asthma attacks in total) so I understand the nebulizer deal. Hope that she gets better for you and you get some sleep.

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