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Qwank's new 24g nano cube!


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i added a microjet 404 to the display and the acro is completely open. now i got to find a way to hide it in the back and add another bulkhead.


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  • 3 months later...
Update: started my metal halide retro heres a couple of pics of what i got so far:







Awesome Mods!!!


How's the system working for you?


I have the OEM fans and lights, I think the lights are fine untill proven wrong, but I am having trouble cooling the system, I just had an oem fan burn out, what fans did you install? Do you recommend a fan?

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  • 2 months later...

Its been about 6 months since i've taken any pics of the tank. so heres some new ones. the tank is now 13 months old and still going strong. i lost 2 cleaner shrimp in 2 months due to my purple pseuedo eating them. so as soon as i find a home for him he's gone and getting replaced with another clown. i havnt been running the fuge since the summer time because i was having a huge cyno issue in it. i think theres not enough flow back there. it was working great for months before i had the problem. but my nitrates are around 5 without it so i'm not too concered at the moment. the tank is at my parents house while my new house is being built so i havnt really had time to mess with anything. the only thing that died during the move was the purple corraline on the back wall, and now green coraline is growing in its place.


let me know what you think











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THE MUSHROOMS ARE TAKING OVER!!!!!!!! Lol, jk. Looks like it is coming along, when you going to start a thread on the wall tank ;) hope I didn't spoil anything.

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THE MUSHROOMS ARE TAKING OVER!!!!!!!! Lol, jk. Looks like it is coming along, when you going to start a thread on the wall tank ;) hope I didn't spoil anything.


no you didnt spoil anything. i'm still planning out the 75g wall tank. the good thing is the plumber thats doing the work on my new house is into fish as well so i think he might put some extras in the basement for my sump.


but anyways, yeah my mushrooms are out of control. is there anyway to remove them without actually killing them?

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no you didnt spoil anything. i'm still planning out the 75g wall tank. the good thing is the plumber thats doing the work on my new house is into fish as well so i think he might put some extras in the basement for my sump.


but anyways, yeah my mushrooms are out of control. is there anyway to remove them without actually killing them?



I think you can just cut them off at the base as close to the rock as you can then attach them to something else, maybe some rubble them trade them off. My shrooms are growing in my zoas and they are competing for light. I think the shrooms are fixing to get evicted.

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Hey, thanks for posting the pics of your lighting mod. It looks very clean. You've made it look so easy I think I'm going to be doing the same thing with mine at some point. I wasn't aware that it was possible to do this without the chiller. Can you give some more info on that fan you have sticking off the back?


The mushrooms will probably just come back if you leave any tissue on the rock when you cut them off. They're becoming a nuisance in my tank, too.

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Jay, what I find funny is it looks like you mushrooms are reaching for more light even though you have them directly under a 70w MH and 36w of actinic.


Tammy, I don't interupt Qwank's thread but the mods are not hard at all. The scroll fan mod is cheap and easy to do. I thought I had some pics of the mod in my thread but apparently I was wrong. PM me or Qwank or post up if you have questions because between the both of us I think we tried about everything :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

that picture was taken right after the lights when on. theres a window on the right side of the tank so the mushrooms were reaching for the sunlight. my lights dont come on until 2:00 pm so light comes in from the out side for a few hours before.

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that picture was taken right after the lights when on. theres a window on the right side of the tank so the mushrooms were reaching for the sunlight. my lights dont come on until 2:00 pm so light comes in from the out side for a few hours before.



Ahhhhh, thanks for the reply..............................2 weeks later. :P

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  • 10 months later...

bumping my tank thread! i just got a 24g for christmas. i wanted the 28g, but whats the fun in that, nothing to mod!!! i'll keep everyone updated. if i swap my 70w into the 24g will that be enough light for my clam and everything i'm keeping? or should i go 150w?

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ok so heres the plans.


I'm going to definatly try the 70w MH first. i think 150 is going to be too much heat. and with a 1-2" deeper sand bed in the new tank, the height difference should only be about 3" more then the 12g. so i'm thinking its going to be 15" from the top of the sandbed to the light. i'll also run 2x18 actinics like i currently have or try to squeeze in 2x24w if i can.


I'm going to try using the stock pump. its 263gph @ 16W. a maxijet 1200 is 295gph @ 20W i dont think the extra 32 gph is going to make a difference enough to justify 4 extra watts. plus i have the nano koralia anyways if i need more flow in the display. which i think is around 4 watts but putts out way more flow.


nothing in the rear chambers except one stock sponge cut in half in the first chamber and a 100w stealth heater and stock pump in the 3rd. when i get over 3 fish i'll buy a sapphire skimmer for the 2nd chamber.


so i'm going to start with that and see what happens.

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well today i picked up a 100w stealth heater and 24 gallons of distilled water from wal-mart. i did a 1 gallon water change in the 12g and put the old water in the new tank to get some bacteria in there. the new tank took about 19.5 gallons, it's got nothing in it but the pump, heater and nano koralia.


heres a pic of the size difference between the 12 and the 24. and the second one is the tank with the water in it. I know boring. :P




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Your, right...........that's is kinda boring........ :lol:



So you going to put any of your killer shrooms in the new tank? If not, send the b!tches to me.

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Dude i hate those shrooms! they killed my polyps and half my acro. theres 2 on the side of my clam and 4 on my christmas tree rock. they're everywhere! 2 weeks ago i went in with a razor blade and massacered them all. they all grew back! bigger then before! i'll take a pic tomorrow, its rediculous.


anways, yesterday i put in a 1/4 pound piece of rock out of other tank. it has one mushroom on it. it dosent seem to like the 72w PC lights at much as the hallides though. lol. i noticed there were 3 small serpant stars crawling around on the bottom glass today. tomorrow i'm supposed to go pick up some figi rock 1 1/2 hours away for $2 a pound off someone in the local reef club. its 6 years in his tank. i might just buy enough so that i dont have to transfer any of my evil shrooms into the new tank.


i'm still debating whether or not to keep this new tank as a FOWLR and keep the 12 as a reef.

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FOWLR tanks are cool for a while but I bet you anything you'll be tossing in frags before you know it. Better plan for corals just in case ;)

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FOWLR tanks are cool for a while but I bet you anything you'll be tossing in frags before you know it. Better plan for corals just in case ;)



yeah i know. plus all the cool fish only fish are too big to put in a nano. only reason why i was thinking that is because i really like maroon clowns. but i already have a perc. so i figured the perc would be in the 12 and the maroons in the 24.


how can i kill my mushrooms?

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how can i kill my mushrooms?

Put them in my tank............. :happy:



No, seriously, I hae no idea. Sounds like you have tried everything. Maybe a mushroom only tank? :P

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at least someone follows my thread.


maybe i can put a coral eating fish in there for a week or so. lol! :lol:


the only thing that dosnt put up with them is my frogspawn.

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at least someone follows my thread.


maybe i can put a coral eating fish in there for a week or so. lol! :lol:


the only thing that dosnt put up with them is my frogspawn.

You could try an emerald crab, my bastage one ate on my shrooms.

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Wholly sheet, Qwank's back.


How did I miss this ??


Looks good already, but how long before you tear apart that hood? :P


C'mon you know you wanna....150 mh? Or your 70 and as many pc's as you can stuff in there?

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