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The itch has come back!


(no I don't mean that one...)


I mean the itch for a frag tub!


I just sold half of my snakes and bought a motorcycle. Now I have waaaaay too much free space in my "man cave" and find myself hankerin' for a tub o' coral again!


I will probably put my plan in motion over the next few months with the hopes of being up and running by the end of summer!


I just dread checking my levels---I just wants me some coralz.

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The itch has come back!


(no I don't mean that one...)


I mean the itch for a frag tub!


I just sold half of my snakes and bought a motorcycle. Now I have waaaaay too much free space in my "man cave" and find myself hankerin' for a tub o' coral again!


I will probably put my plan in motion over the next few months with the hopes of being up and running by the end of summer!


I just dread checking my levels---I just wants me some coralz.




Please, please, please say you're back, I'm not the only one who would be thrilled to hear it.

I'm just starting a small Prop Tank back up too, it would be awesome if The Mayor and Reef Chicks Coral Kitchen came back at the same time.

N-R wouldn't know what hit it. :D

LMK if you need me to be a springboard for ideas on how to do a simpler, lower maintenance setup.

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The itch has come back!


(no I don't mean that one...)


I mean the itch for a frag tub!


I just sold half of my snakes and bought a motorcycle. Now I have waaaaay too much free space in my "man cave" and find myself hankerin' for a tub o' coral again!


I will probably put my plan in motion over the next few months with the hopes of being up and running by the end of summer!


I just dread checking my levels---I just wants me some coralz.







It was only a matter of time. ;)



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Please, please, please say you're back, I'm not the only one who would be thrilled to hear it.

I'm just starting a small Prop Tank back up too, it would be awesome if The Mayor and Reef Chicks Coral Kitchen came back at the same time.

N-R wouldn't know what hit it. :D

LMK if you need me to be a springboard for ideas on how to do a simpler, lower maintenance setup.


Thanks Weetie & Richie!


I am having a hard time with the quote controls here as it's been a while---so bear with me!


I will need to find:


1.) A reliable Skimmer

2.) A MH Pendant

3.) Live Rock


I will get the tub from the farm store again---and will pick up a couple Koralias to get it flowin' right.


I will send you a PM Weetie---I'm sure a lot has changed since I have been out!

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BibleSue has both a 150w and a 250w MH Pendant available.

She has 2 skimmers available if you don't mind tinkering with them to get them working correctly, we never did quite figure them out.

That's not our personal area of expertise though.

Koralia has come out with some new improved pumps, look into the Koralia Evolution 750 and 1050.

Premium Aquatics has them on sale right now and I think Fosters&Smith might too.

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Welcome back Buddy!


Definitely look into the new Koralia Evolutions, I've heard nothing but good things and will be purchasing a few myself. If you don't find a used a skimmer I highly recommend a Reef Octopus. I love my Extreme 200.

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Thanks for the warm welcome back fellas!


Well, I set up a tub!




d'oh.....but not that kinda tub yet.


I am so jacked at myself for all the deleted pics in this thread. I have a separate NR.com folder on Photobucket and I neglected it---and now they're gone. I wanted them here forever....


I am in the process of getting a skimma and light pendant set up from Weetie & BibleSue!!




God I missed that smiley!

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How did i miss the notmvite come back.............. I has a skimmer for sale to


Donneh! Hey man--I hope you are doing well!


I missed your skimma--Weetie is boxing one up for me.

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coolz, are you going do something different or go with the stock tubs again.


Donneh! Hey man--I hope you are doing well!


I missed your skimma--Weetie is boxing one up for me.

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coolz, are you going do something different or go with the stock tubs again.


I'm going to do tubs again---they're cheap and easy for now. I'm just going to get a 40 gallon for now and might add an upstream refugium later. I just want to grow some stuffs.


I'm a little worried about the Ca/alk battle that I used to deal with but am planning on just doing some zoas and montiporas to start. I'd like some killer LPS after everything settles in.

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How in the heck did I miss this???? Good to see you back at N-R. BTW, the PPE I got from you waaayy back is now 12 polyps and lookin' good!

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How in the heck did I miss this???? Good to see you back at N-R. BTW, the PPE I got from you waaayy back is now 12 polyps and lookin' good!


Thanks for the kind words!


That's great to hear about the PPE! It will be one of the first 'spensive corals that I will buy. I'm a little wary to start off too fast and furious.

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I suggest getting some blasto merretti. They grow fast when you separate them. I have seen alot more colors of them lately.

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I'm pretty new to this forum but I guess your a big deal :happy:

so I'll be following along


Yes I am a real NR fancypants!


Nice to meet you!


Definitely tag along and watch the wreckless spending of an obsessive compulsive!


Once the water starts flowing so will my cash.

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Definitely tag along and watch the wreckless spending of an obsessive compulsive!



omgomgomg - Long overdue my friend, welcome back.

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Wow! I thought you'd never come back! I was about to give up on your return! I have some of your Awesome Eagle Eyes if you want them when you get ready. I also have your brain nice & healthy & splitting. It didn't start eating well till about 6 months ago. Now it is doing great! I have to take my tank down so I will have some very hardy zoos available. Just let me know.

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omgomgomg - Long overdue my friend, welcome back.


Thanks buddy! I hope all is well with you and yours!


Wow! I thought you'd never come back! I was about to give up on your return! I have some of your Awesome Eagle Eyes if you want them when you get ready. I also have your brain nice & healthy & splitting. It didn't start eating well till about 6 months ago. Now it is doing great! I have to take my tank down so I will have some very hardy zoos available. Just let me know.


I'm baaaaaaack!


I will take anything that you are willing to sell. Your stuff > anything!

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I found my pictures in Photobucket. I can't understand why they are all deleted from this thread.


I have gotten nostalgic............










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lol I like the army men


question, do you glue some of your acro frags on their side to the plug? thats what it looks like in the pic. what for if so?

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Aw, those are good memories.

Whatever happened to that Army Men frag?

You might be able to get those Eagle Eyes back from BibleSue. ;)

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