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Pod Your Reef

Party at my place--BYOD-Bring your own Dremel!


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I think we're in the same place right now when it comes to the aquatic side of life.

I've been feeling pretty burned out too.

And it was disturbing how familiar that pic of the not-so-shocking orange cap looked.

I have a frag of Purple Undata that I got from varanus (who I'm sure got it from you!) that's doing the exact same thing right now.

I'm still hanging in there though.

Hopefully both our little Watery Worlds will take a turn for the better soon.

LMK if there's anything I can help you out with.



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Don--I will probably be doing the 40 over 40 oval some time this summer. Once I get straight on the chemistry and the balance.


Weetie--thanks for the kind words--Ayyyyyyy!


Kenny---Its in my garage looking for you!


Its not being used -- PM me your addy, daddy.

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I was thinking oval over oval---for a total of 80 gallons---less rock and stuff of course. That's really only like 55 gallons---a nano prop system maybe????



I have one light--one Euroreef skimmer---same one as I have had rated for 125 gallons or sumtin'. I should be fine in using it on a 80 gallon set up.


Have you seen the concrete mixing pans made by Tuff Tubs? The big one is too big for me 4'x6' and the small one is too small--only 26 gallons. I considered that for a while but as I said one is too big and one is too small for what I want right now. Of course, I don't know what I want right now!


I just made like 6 frags each of my great Eagle Eye zoas and my Mohawks. I haven't made frags in quite a while.

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OOOOOOOO mowhawks yay, Im watching ur stuff on ebay now hint hint. A nano prop system was what I was thinking a step up for me from a 15L prop tank. Its all an if right now, like can I afford to do it. I'll def have to find used equipment.

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I dare you to bid $100 on each. :)


Used stuff is EVERYWHERE. You just have to catch someone in the right frame of mind.


I laugh when I see people trying to sell hardware for $35 under what they paid.


Do you know how much money is spent on this stuff every day????


Do you remember what it feels like to be completely tired of the hassles---and wanting to recoup all the space that "that stuff is taking up"?


Find somebody who's getting sick of the hobby!!


Heck--like an ass--I sold my buddy my "Original Blane Perun 250W Icecap Setup" for $100!!! One hundred friggin bucks!!! I'm an ass. I should have tucked it away in the garage.

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Check it out-


From this--



To this---



And as of last night--










This! Oops, my broke ass had to make some frags!



My birds nest never skipped a beat and has been looking great the whole time.



And here's a pic of the Mohawks--my light really washes out the pics.


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That's AWESOME, the Fragmaster is at it again!!! :happydance:

I don't think I am quite "back" but I did enjoy effing around with the goods.


I had this huuuuuuuge piece of Joe Maumaugh micro---a completely unsellable piece.



I whacked that biatch into 3 great frags.


I'm sorry I had to slap Joe Maumaugh around.


I wish I could just grow and hype coral for someone and not actually have to bag things and box things and buy bags and all that shat.


As a matter of fact, because of my little fragging "relapse" over the past couple days, I probably need to buy another $50 or so of frag plugs. Its always something!!!!


Here's a pic of me from the other day. If you are a woman, imagine making out with me.


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Nick's Reef

hmm....Joe Maumaugh micro and orange crush frags and i'm an lps addict! i can't wait till these bad boys go on ebay! :D

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I'm glad you are keeping your fingers in the pie! I have learned so much from you. It is all your fault my apt. kitchen is overrun with tanks & equipment. :lol:

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Here's a pic of me from the other day. If you are a woman, imagine making out with me.



'member that movie communion??


Oh, one more word buddy, RHINOPLASTY. ;)










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  • 2 weeks later...

The old saying is correct-


You can do anything you put your mind to---(as long as you spend lots and lots of money.)





That's a dwarf Australian Spotted python---and it's my first! I'm not a virgin any more.



I'm glad you are keeping your fingers in the pie! I have learned so much from you. It is all your fault my apt. kitchen is overrun with tanks & equipment. :lol:

I know--I probably should have come back and picked all that stuff up... :P

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congrats... now all you have to do is enlarge that tiny room your stuck in... time to tell the wife you need more space :D


side note... i agree with needreefunds PPFUs (plesently plump fat and uglies ;) or as they are really name purple people f*ck you) are looking great in my tank!

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