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Cultivated Reef

PPE ? Could be....

The Propagator

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Wow, "the frag master" really shat on this thread and his name. I vote for the mods to change his name to "the flame master", or, better yet, "the flamer". Seriously, what's your deal, guy? If these polyps were so plentiful, you'd be seeing 'em by the boatload on EBAY. Damn, rememeber all the Ilynassa snails on there being sold by hobbyists collecting them all along the east coast, from the Keys to NEW freakin' YORK?


Quit messing with the thread and quit being a flame-whore. Prop seems like a good guy and knows his stuff. It's obvious you're just out to get people's goats.

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He backed down and bs'd that he doesn't just rip up colonies from the wild. Now suddenly he's an avid eco-friendly guy that pulls just three polyps from a bounty of hundreds. Sure. ;)

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the frag master
He backed down and bs'd that he doesn't just rip up colonies from the wild. Now suddenly he's an avid eco-friendly guy that pulls just three polyps from a bounty of hundreds. Sure. ;)

hey if you read my posts i neve rpulled up big ass colonies. i have always thought that environment needs tobe protected and that aquaculture is the way to go. no stop bugging me. you are seriously doubting me and i can tell your not going to be happy until i post pics. well if i post pics it will be of me with my boat, my collection supplies and my catch. i catch all of my fish locally and ethically (by clear plastic nets with mesh, not cyanide or slurp gun). now please stop getting on my case, i have appologized to prop (i think he knows my quote of his last post was my appology) and im done arguing.

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adin, im not attacking him. im done with this freakin thread, i dont have to prove squat to anyone on here that i have corals that i say i have. your all going to see themup on ebay within the next 2 weeks. as for brassmonkee, please pm me ill let you know when am planning to go out again to collect.


please refresh your memory.

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the frag master
please refresh your memory.

yea i see that, however i am not doing any thing wrong and im not attacking anyone so i dont ge tit. i get ###ed sometimes at people an for that im sorry. ill get around to psoting pics i promise.

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Any one remember that old country song?


" I've........ got......Ocean front property in arizona......."



Is the Golden Gate still free? Or, is that special over? By the way, I've been lurking in this thread and I have to tell you guys, it's very entertaining. I'll be going back to stealth mode now. I just had to let Prop know I remember....

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mahi mahi boy

I'm paying w/ monopoly money for the PPRPE's . :lol:


Old diver Ken and his daughter from the Keys champion the cause of the Florida reef. Who else gives away an acre or two of SPS to a reef sanctuary.... instead of making profit? Plus that dude gives you 3-5 times more coral than what you paid for. ;)

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The Propagator

He never did tell us what his username on Ebay was?

How are we supposed to look for him selling them if we dont have his user name?


Just incase he tries anything stupid, my Ebay id is Duane867 and I am the only person to date I know of who has sold these on Ebay.




Now back to the show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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the frag master

when i get everything ready to start selling them on ebay i will give you my name. as for right now, they are no where near ready to be shipped or sold. I like to sell my frags when they are the size of a mini colony. about 15 polyps/frag. my frag tank is fianlly up and running so im not selling for a little while. keep calm, i will show you my cream of the crop. but until i do, just know that i am going to show you. i was away all weekend doing personal things. hopefull ny the end of the week i can get my camera's settigns adjusted and get some good shots of the corals i got.

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mahi mahi boy

This is getting too funny, you don't need to go into all the preamble. Jeez, and all your prerequisites. :lol:


If you only take 3-5 ployps or frags from the wilds..... too grow out a colony of 15 will probably take you a year maybe over. In never, never, never land -- pretense, maybe a week or two ;)

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The Propagator

Seeing as its the holiday season this sort of fits.

Just keep the tune "do you see what I see" in your head whil eyou read this and you will fall out of your chair !!


a star ... a star...... shinning in the depths....

its as purple and green as it gets......

its as purple and green as it gets.......








A Lie ..... a lie...... could have came from your mouth..

but the pictures could prove us all wrong.......

The pictures could prooooove us all wronggggg....









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(by clear plastic nets with mesh, not cyanide or slurp gun).



Why would you prefer plastic nets over slurp gun? Just honest curiousity, if necesary PM me, I dont want to hijack.

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the frag master
Why would you prefer plastic nets over slurp gun? Just honest curiousity, if necesary PM me, I dont want to hijack.

with a slurp gun there are too many chances of suckign a fish's eyes out. I have used a slurp gun on eels, but this was a long time ago when i was into keeping them. I use the clear plastic with mesh nets now as the damage to the fish is much less than with the slurps. Also, it allows me to target many more species of fish than the slurp gun does. hope this helps.

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The Propagator

Slurp guns are primarily used on SMALLER species of fish that would normaly slip through the net or who are to small, fast, and cunning to net. ( they recognize the net). ALso slurp guns are used to catch poisonous species such as toad fish, scorpion fish and lions.

You can capture them with a slurp gun much easier and remove the risk of being stung.



You are the 1st person I have ever heard of who captures eels with a slurp gun my man.

No wonder your sucking thier eye balls out. They dont fit in the tube to begin with.



( unless your talking about ribbon eels, or very small snowflakes?)

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The Propagator

Oh there are plenty of green zoanthids all over the shallows in Florida waters. You just have to know where to look.

BUT it is illegal to collect coral closer than 100 yards to shore I belive?

You must collect from a boat and it is also illegal to collect from jetti's, bridges, docks, and marinas.

Prety much any thing that touches land or is closer than 100-1000 ( cant remember which?) in Florida is out of bounds for coral collecting in Florida waters.

You also have to know what areas are sanctuaries in the ocean and what areas are not.

VERY hard to tell this because most of them arent marked on the ocean. Some are by bouyes but over thier entire span.

Thats why a GPS comes in handy with a list of coordinance provided to you by the USFWS of protected areas ;)


I would SERIOUSLY just by my coral from a liscensed collector versus collecting it your self gang.


This isnt a game. They will lock you up for it.

Just a friendly warning to all who are thinking about it thanks to

"the frag masters" incredible insight.


Just dont do it guys.

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I agree wholeheartedly. Frags mostly aren't very expensive, anyway. Think: WHAT'S THE END COST??? These areas are protected for a reason: so that people like "the frag master" can't go there and ravage the whole place, taking everything for themselves, and ruining the established "breeding" (budding, heh) population!

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