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The Mantis Tank Thread


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wait!! my question !!


peppermint shrimp and their breeding to facilitate mantis survival in a envirmentaly controled enviernment!!


think its a good idea?? i like watchin them eat live crabs and snails.....and was like d#*#* that could get expensive....why not just have a supply in the fuge? the big stuff could be used as a treat

.....thready :haha:

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Ok, let me try to cover everything(deep breath):


Argent: I agree, this is getting a bit weird. Cozmo doesn't like outfits or cowboy boots. And don't you dare let the idea of rebellion cross your mind again. Can't let my right hand man go. I wish I had the cash for spongebob mantis pants. I believe a Psuedosquilla sp. is yellow.


Savetheeels: Water is around 45degrees in winter. A nice wetsuit will keep you nice and toasty. Definitely keep a mantis tank simple. There arent any mantis in Wilmington right now, you kind of have to search for them. Normally a fair price is around $20 give or take thirty dollars.


Vannreefer: You are right for the most part. Mantis do not directly put a very heavy bioload on an aquarium. The problem is that they occasionally take snails and other larger food items and store them in their caves which indirectly cause an ammonia/trite/trate spike. Some species such as O. scyllarus also may bury their molts which can also cause a spike.


Fewskillz: I will be working on getting an fts as soon as I get the tank cleaned up and clean up some of the macro, some of it needs to take root yet and then I am getting the skimmer soon. The tank will be a mess for awhile but I should have smaller individual pics if I get some time. You may remember doing the constitution project back at laney. Anyway, I have to do the whole thing this weekend.


Everyone: It turns out there was no room left in the budget for the lfs job. Too many people turned their applications in before me. I may end up getting the job later on once a spot opens up.


There, I think I got em all. I try to check this thread twice a day to keep everything together. :)

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ok...so the 15 is gettin a ac500........maybe sweet talk the girl into a discount i dunno...

i want my sand to cycle just a bit longer b/f i plan on usin it...

ill get the 20$$ home deopt lights made of metal w/ the outlet on it....about 20 watts each....

!!note!! these lights need to be glued (silicone cuz its metal) shut! nothin fancy just mostly water tight

i dunno about the outlet on it being safe either but its handy....i keep mine clean so it doesnt burst into flames on me.....


i dont wanna order one... i worked for fedex i know what we do! that and i dont use cc

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OK, interesting story to tell. Well, Manny has been happily living in his home for a couple of weeks now and everything is doing great. Over this time though I've noticed Manny always going and knocking on this peice of live rock that's relatively new to the tank, has a whole bunch of holes in it that manny's making multiple homes out of. Anyway so I'm sitting here at my desk getting ready to put the little guy to bed and I see him bashing at this same spot in the rock again, so I figured to watch for a couple of minutes. So he's bashin away and I see something move :o !! Manny bashes again and this gorilla crab comes dashing out of this crevice!! The thing was about the size of manny and def. a lot beefier. I was astounded but yet terrified for Manny's life, as I've heard of crabs killing young mantis shrimps, especially after a molt. The crab runs out to the front of the tank and starts to burrow under a small peice of rubble rock. At this point I was considering just removing the crab to save Manny from harm but, Manny had other ideas... Manny, seeming very focused dashes to the the top rock and starts to stretch downward...and then woooosh!!! Dive bombs the crab and goes tumblling through the water while nailing this crab, two hits and the crabs exoskelton was broken and one claw removed. Manny then dragged his prey to his big lair and has been enjoyin a fresh meal since. :D


Sorry for the long thread, but I was impressed by his fighting abilities for his size and had to celebrate his first real kill B) I'm proud of the boy! Contemplating on changing his name to Maverick b/c of his dive bombing ability!! :P

Edited by VannReefer87
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Savetheeels: Let us know how it goes.

Argent: As cool as p ciliata are, generally, I dont think they are that active. Then again, you never know. If you get him, make sure at least one of your mantis gets a properly sized tank and a pinapple house. :flower:

Vann: Nice story, you should be proud of little manny. I dont want to give Cozmo something too big yet, but I may try a small emerald or gorilla crab.

Edited by travisurfer
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i ran out of outlets!!.......if anything i want a smasher of somesort....the spear guys look cool,

im not really lookin to buy one....however im in friggin fayettville and these hillbillys dont keep tanks....i know i could have got one in memphis....


the mantis cult has an army now... one of my boys was inspired and took out an army ranger!!!

the ranger was a big diesel dude...arms bigger than my leggs and huge breasts!!

was talkin trash or hit some girl he was trying to date....

walked right up and popped in the head and put him down! split his exoskeleton

it was like watchin friday!

but yeah i we got a cohelition of the willing.....

apperantly thats all they do in fayettville....pick figts w/ army dudes....

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I agree. Except, one thing I did pick up. Spearers require a very deep sand bed and a larger tank. Also, I just about finished the project after working 6 hours straight.

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LOL....i thnk this is how i really talk minus all the dots...........


just a story about a friggin big arse army guy gettin knocked the $#$#$@ out!!

just reminded me of mantis vids....like the movie friday...apperantly i live in fight club city

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one thing i find interesting is recreating were that type of mantis comes from, say you have a species that comes from tide pools occationaly, alot of light and flow, you can add corals of you choice to, this is what ive done with my g.smithii tank, he is out all the time in the light and the flow doesnt bother him at all.

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thats the same way it is with me. i still havent quite figured out cozmo's natural environment. he was really active when i first got him. maybe the tank just needs a big wc.

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You are right about Fayetteville's horrible selection. You should swing up to Garner or Raleigh.

Neal at Aquatica in Garner has a great store and he said that he can get mantis in pretty easily. His prices are usually pretty good too. Chad Bryant (of www.reefscience.com) has a new retail store on Peace st in Raleigh. He gets a lot of stuff in from Indonesia and occassionally gets a mantis hitchhiker. You might be able to get something really cool that way.

The bottom line is you have to drive if you want good selection. I am out in the boonies too, so I make weekend hauls up north.

Edited by toomanyhobbies
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if he gets stuff from indonesia, then i bet he gets some g.smithii's in.


by the way, cozmo sure is a looker, when my smithii pass's away, if i cant find another smithii i might get the same species that cozmo is

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Thanks, he is awesome. I am going to try to get a smithi next. Cozmo has been among my favorite so far. Have to go get some work done on the tanks.

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Here are 3 fts. Two from the right and one from the left. I cleaned the tank up a lot and there were still a few particles in the water. Anyway, here they are:




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how so? I love the clean look. The caulerpas will continue to grow in but I really like the way it is. I dont like overcrowded tanks but you can look forward to that in the 7. :P

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what about givin cozmo some more rock to play with, that way he'll have somethin to do, more areas to defend and might increase activity. Manny is always out running around the rock constructing new burrows. Although for the last 2 days he hasn't ventured out very much. Maybe he's ready to molt.

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I actually had a lot of rock in this tank but I decided to take some out and give him open space to hunt. He already has tons of tunnels going through his rock.

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they dont necessarily pose, but are trying to ward you off from their domains. i fed cozmo a large piece of shrimp today. he carried it into his tunnels and then 5 mins later i saw him hanging out in the front of the tank. ;)

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he carried it into his tunnels and then 5 mins later i saw him hanging out in the front of the tank. ;)

you reckon he ate it all that quickly? Do mantis' stash food? I know that they will sometimes bury their molted exo, but what about food?


The Colonel took out his damsel and within 20 or so mins was hammering away at the snails in the tank - Params are ok so nothing's rotting in there -


I remove mostly broken but only partially eaten snails on almost a daily basis. I think he just likes to beat on the shells



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