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The Mantis Tank Thread


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Meghan: Thanks, I havent really rescaped or anything like that since Cozmo is fine the way the tank is and because the tank is settled. Now its just time for the tank to mature and settle in.


Anachronos: I know, its a bit wierd since even I am pretty new to the world of the mantis. I do have a few months of experience and great recall on almost anything I read so I am able to fulfill aall questions made to me as of yet.

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Anachronos: I know, its a bit wierd since even I am pretty new to the world of the mantis. I do have a few months of experience and great recall on almost anything I read so I am able to fulfill aall questions made to me as of yet.


Same here. I retain knowledge really well, so I'm good at answering questions, even if I haven't had experience with it, as long as I researched it.

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Im thinking of starting a mantis tank, what do i need, id like to build some sort of cube shaped tank, glass, acrilic? I have a heat gun so i could probly do rounded corners, what type of light? im looking to spend very little money on it so diy is very welcome, could i use a standard light socket and then put some screw in coralife PC's in it? thanks.

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1. Took longer than I expected to getting around to ordering my mantis. My LFS is open till 4 during the week, but I don't get home from school to 4:30-6, so I couldn't oder it until today.


2. Got a yellowtailed damsel today.

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Im thinking of starting a mantis tank, what do i need, id like to build some sort of cube shaped tank, glass, acrilic? I have a heat gun so i could probly do rounded corners, what type of light? im looking to spend very little money on it so diy is very welcome, could i use a standard light socket and then put some screw in coralife PC's in it? thanks.

sounds good. basic equipment is all that is necessary. as long as the tank is sealed and stable(securely made) it doesnt really matter. sufficiently thick acryllic or glass is fine. the screw in bulbs are fine. nice, cheap, and easy.


I love that Cozmo's tank thread really has become THE Mantis Tank Thread.

me too :)

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anachronos, i titled it the way i did since i figured everyone would come to see THE mantis tank thread. it is Cozmo's thread but I dont mind other mantis discussion with pics. :)


cgnano, why not get one then?

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anachronos, i titled it the way i did since i figured everyone would come to see THE mantis tank thread. it is Cozmo's thread but I dont mind other mantis discussion with pics


I know, I'm messing with you.

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if you get a 10g, you can buy the icandescent hood for it that has 2 medium sockets in it and then screw 2 ten watters in. should be perfect for a mantis tank. hth.

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hm...that incandescent hood, how many watts is it? because i have a 15 watt incand. hood and i've always wondered if i could just screw in a 10w power compact...

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yes, that should be great. the icandescent bulbs run much hotter than the pc's so you shouldnt have any problems. great, cheap lighting. :)


AUGH! Will this work with a five gallon incandescent hood?! Because if so, then that is what I will put in it for the betta fish planted tank. That is super exciting. I just ordered one too...*dances*



Yaaaay Travisurfer!

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as long as the bulb fits into the socket then it will work fine. Like travis said the CFs run much cooler than incandescents so the hood can take the heat. I have 2 cheap walmart CFs in a little 5 gallon incandescent hood for my baby brothers neons. Awesome cheap lighting.

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lol, should be fine for the 5g hood too as long as the bulb can fit. i dont see heat being an issue. for the betta tank, you may want to switch to the eclipse 5100k bulb instead of the coralife 50/50 bulb for plant growth.

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huh, when i first got my mantis every one thought i was crazy, warms my heart to see that people are seeing the true beauty of these animals. Travis, thanks for suporting these little guys being kept as pets, and once again realy nice tank

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ram man: thanks, that was my biggest goal on nano-reef, to give mantis a better outlook. reefers on here have always given them a negative look but I think that is finally starting to change. i won't be able to setup a second mantis tank due to space, so I will have the 20H and a 2.5g reef. to be in the cult, all you need is a mantis. :)


gconsier: i have seen that video, it was posted by a guy on rc. it will be awhile before i can give cozmo something to fight like a small crab due to him being so young. i dont want him to hurt himself. :rolleyes:

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