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The Mantis Tank Thread


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i have two reasonably sized peices and a small piece, i broke a whole piece to put rubble in there and there is about a 3 inch sandbed. the light in there is only the 10w light that came with it.

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that sounds like the perfect home for him. kind of strange that he hasnt really gone after the cuc but just keep feeding him supplemented shrimp and eventually he may or may not go after the cuc. regardless, i would just be happy to have a cool mantis. :)

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im very happy to have him. he has such a character. last night after lights out one of the nass snails in the tank dug himself out of the sand and was cruising around in front of damiens hole. damien came out and started inching closer like he was going to strike but froze. the nass turned and began moving towards damiens hole, coming right at him. what did damien do? ran back in his home.

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lol, sounds like you have a wimpy mantis. jk. sometimes they are like that. if you look at the earlier part of the thread you will find this story but anyway:

a snail and a hermit were close to each other at the front of the glass. afterwards, the snail made a beeline straight for Cozmo's main entrance. Cozmo met him halfway and dragged him the rest. i took pics and even a video of the whole thing. :P


I have to agree though, mantis have personality that is uncomparible to almost any fish. Awesome creatures. :)

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2 things:


My LR may not come 'till tomorrow.


The guy from the LFS called me, they can order a mantis (random species, but I was expecting that, but it won't be a peacock) for $35-40. Kind of expensive, but I think that's the cheapest I'll find (when you factor in online shipping costs), and it should be worth it.


Out of curiosity, how much did you guys pay for your mantises? I know traviss payed $50, what about the rest of you?

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Out of curiosity, how much did you guys pay for your mantises? I know traviss payed $50, what about the rest of you?


The Colonel set me back $10 -


Anachronos, you're in Cincinatti, right? Check Sharky's Reef (sponsor) , they generally have one or two. There's a guy named miztic (or something close to that) that posted on RC's mantis thread about another LFS here in IL with a couple of them for $25-$35 - Shipping would be fast and cheap between OH and IL I think.



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How do mantises do with clams and corals? I have SPS, LPS, Zoas, Softies, and one 4 inch crocea, and was wondering how they would do together?


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Yep, mantises are fine with corals, the only thing is that they might knok 'em over.


And I checked out Sharky's Reef, its 35 plus shipping, so I'm better off just buying it here.

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damien cost me 10 bucks from a local reefer looking to get rid of him. i wouldnt trust the mantis with a clam in there simply because they would move it around, and with clams being touchy creatures, i dont know if they would like it when the mantis uses them as a door

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oh! and here's another link for an LFS in OH with a mantis for sale - Same originator guy "miztic" . Do you know the shop, Salty Critter (sponsor?) in Vermillion?




Edited by yankeereefer
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ok ill try to keep up:


mantis generally run from $10-$30 or so but it depends on how much the mantis is worth to you


mantis are fine with corals although they will knock them around. clams(bivalves) are natural prey of many "smasher" type mantids. I woudnt want to risk a 4" clam to having a mantis in the tank. the shell would probably be thick enough but then again... any spearers would be too small for your 10g. they require large tanks with very deep sandbeds. hope this helps you.



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I paid about 50 with tax. there is only 1 spearer i know of that would do ok in a ten. It is called P. ciliata, and it gets to about 3.5 inches in length. These mantis shrimp will make burrows if a deep enough sand bed is given, but will also burrow into the sand under live rock.

Edited by ram man
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nice argent :) if you look hard enough you can find a nice mantis. i forgot about p. ciliata but it still requires a very deep sandbed and im not sure I would want to do that in a 10g.



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4-5" isn't enough. the bed should be at least twice as deep as the mantis is long with a single flat piece of rock in the middle. then you would have problems with water volume.

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I wouldn't do a spearer in a 10, period.


My LR came today, it was pretty much mainly fiji, but had a couple pieces of nice Marshall Islands (or Kaelini). :happy: Overall it was very good.


I'm probably gonna call my LFS back tomorrow about the mantis, hopefully I won't be bankrupt after this tank!

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I have been getting a lot of pm's with mantis questions so hopefully we will be getting new members. Feel free to pm away. :)


Cozmo was fed today and was in such excitement when he rushed out to grab the shrimp that he only tore half of it off the skewer. Had to come back for the rest. :)

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Cozmo was fed today and was in such excitement when he rushed out to grab the shrimp that he only tore half of it off the skewer. Had to come back for the rest. :)


Teeehehehehe. I can totally see Cozmo being a slob at the dinner table. I could make a Beauty and the Beast reference here, but have decided to spare you.


Have you done any rescaping on the rock lately? Cozmo putting in new entrances? I do like hearing about him as he was my first mantis love.


My b/f has officially decided on getting a mantis shrimp, but he's gonna take his time to put the tank together.


I'm still jealous that he's going to get one before me. *hmph*


But glad to hear about Cozmo's good health and voracious appetite. :D



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