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Coral Vue Hydros

The Mantis Tank Thread


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thats exactly what the ciliata that i got from liveaquaria looks like, except mine has a spot of shell disease i think. gonna have to pay close attention to him for a few months. but dr roys list does say that the ciliata will change color in an aquarium to match the substrate, though i cannot figure out what substrate would make them yellow. im hoping that the color will not change.

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you can try 6500k until she colors up again. just a though. ;) they change colors based on depth so straight actinics should make her turn a darkish red if they are of a lower intensity.


sknich, just keep up on feeding and keep water quality high. maybe you could throw some chaeto in the main tank to help absorb nutrients until your mantis recovers. i forgot about p. ciliata changing colors. i dont think it is as extreme as n. wennerae though.


nip, are you going to keep him?

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then dont get p. ciliata. natasha should be pretty active but the tank may be too small for her. (natasha is the wennerae right?) or you can try to find a g. smithi but i think natasha should be given a bigger home imo.

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I bought a custom 5g acrylic set up. Probably still not big enough for him in the long run but its an upgrade from what he has right now, little guy is still only 2'' tops.

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nice, on a side note, argent, i have forgotten to add that the pics alude to cozmo being more active than he really is. he has been spending more time in his caves now that there isnt any more rock to tunnel through. he still comes out for feeding time. not being able to view him as often, it is harder to tell how often he is out. i have been busier than last summer ;)

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Well good luck with the clowns, i loved the clown that i had. they are actually really hardy fish and have great personalities. too bad the anenomes are not as hardy, i was luckly smart enough to not invest in them. Good luck with the new tank!

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Travis I think for my next project im going to try to get a pair of mantisi. I think I'm gunna set up a 10g for G. Viridis. Ill start a thread once it get everything.

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mantis will kill each other if they are in the same tank. when one molts, its over. anyway, you can do a 20g long tank, divide it into 2 ten gallon sections and then keep two mantis together.

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Yeah there too aggresive huh.it would be cool to get a pair though...... have some baby mantisi and supply the world w mantis thats crazy talk. Dont you remeber way back in the day when mantisi were pests? Back in 04' man people thought i was crazy when i got a mantis

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you can still breed mantids, but they are hard to rear and you would have to capture and relocate it. not worth it if you dont have time and experience imo.

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