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Nano-Reef.com - Pico Contest! - General Contest Discussion


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Any small HOB rated near 100GPH is more than sufficient unless your going all SPS-- which you really cant on the 18-20W lighting requirement. You should not need to add a PH to a tank with a Mini HOB.

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guys as a 16 year old, I can personally say that I have payed for over 80% of all my tank endevors and I think I have done quite well. Yall can come up with money if you want to bad enough. I personally lie using a AC 300, tho is the HOB is standardized to a smaller then I will opt for a PH in the tank as well.

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80% BAH!! Not including birthdays/christmas, I have payed for at least 99% of my aquariums. And no i dont get a huge allowance. I have to work for my aquariums!

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haha you got me beat. Well I got my tank its self for free, and then got my light for christmas. And then since my mom has tanks too we'll split the cost of some corals and then split up the coral. But I'm sayin that folks dont need to start callin stuff unfare because people will work for $$ then put it into their tank.

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nobody pays for my stuff, I reuse it from tank to tank and work for all of my money. My aquaclear mini is over 9 years old I belive since I ran it on one of my very early freshwater tanks when I moved to FL.


But I would like to use quality eqipment and not some dinky 16gph clear filter. Are the rules gonna be up tonight? can I paint the back of my aquarium before the contest start or will I have to wait?

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Is it also OK to start our threads and what not?


I just bought all my stuff for the contest, so most of it should be here this week, and the Custom hood/base should be here in about 2.5 weeks.


*EDIT* Start the threads for those of us that are in the CUSTOM CAT. since the rules have already been layed out for us.

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You should wait until the finalized rules have been posted, and the contest officially starts. There will be an "officil tank entry" thread, and you will undoubtedly have to post some sort of proof pic like with the NC contest. Just hold your horses.



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Hey Gil, how soon should we expect the Officil rules, It's less that 2 weeks away from the start date, or at least the date discussed.

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they are being worked on. should be out tonight, tomorrow or WED at LAAAAATEST!!!!!


custom rules are fairly straightforward.


the basic/stock rules are what is being tackled currently. Much is already in writing, but there are some specifics being gone over by the mods...


What hasn't really been started yet (in writing I mean, I've put plenty of thought into it, and its been discussed here) is the outline for both contests and judging criteria.

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