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Tigahboy's 67g Reef Project


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BTW Tigahboy I made a really ghetto roughdraft of the 60 gallon tank last night on that program paint. It's actually alright, haha. I'll show it to you one of these days see what you think.

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Pics courtesy of Socal Creations...










Now here's my question. I want to have my external pump (little giant) as close to the back of the tank as possible to minimize head loss. But how should I situate it back there?


I was thinking of asking them to include a shelf that sticks out a little from the back opening and have it high towards the top of the opening so I could set the Little Giant on the shelf and hook up the OM Squirt and plumbing there.


Here's a rough idea of what I'm talking about. Sorry for the crude diagram...lol. I'm using my school computer and all I have on it is Microsoft Paint, which I never use...=P



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I like painted better than stained as well. I asked for a black matte-type finish.


Any ideas about the shelf, jmt? it's a very tentative so still trying to figure out the best way to situate the external pump for closed loop. thanks in advanced.

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oh, and I wanted minimal visibility of the wood grains/texture...so they said they'd add extra coats of paint and some other junk that I don't remember.

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I have no idea how you're trying to set this thing up.


I will reccomend getting a thick rubber map type peice of material to put the pump on to keep the vibration down to a minimum.

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hmm...i guess I should include a diagram of the plumbing....i dont think I can accomplish that w/ microsoft paint. i'll try to make a diagram when I have access to my home computer.

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I would have them leave the stand as it is, and then buy a cheap wall shelf from home depot and have the little giant sit on that. That way you can put it anywhere you want in the back of the tank. Obviously, just make sure if you're not screwing into studs gett some wall anchors and you should be golden.

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It looks like the little giant has mounting holes on the bottom, I would get a piece of rubber and cut it to the size of the mounting bracket and just mount it to the back of the stand. The rubber would help eliminate vibration.


Mount it on the right and the run the plumbing for the squirt off to the left then up in the center to connect to your returns. I would make a diagram but i'm at work.


Not being familiar with the equipment I don't know how well this would work but it's an idea. Hope this helps

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thanks for the input. I might just forget about the shelf...well, I might have a shelf anyway just for storage, but not sticking out for the pump.


Anyway, finally made a diagram for my plumbing plan. input would be appreciated. thanks.


(in the pic, the pump for the CL is floating b/c I made this w/ the shelf in mind...but I gues that could change now)...


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oh. haha. yeah...the drain at the bottom is connected to internal overflow box.


here's the diagram again since we're on a new page now.



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Hi Tigahboy. I like your initial idea of the shelf. I visited Aquatic Creations today and noticed a custom cabinet ( 48 in. L ) like yours that had two shelves. It also was 32in H. It was configured with the shelves mounted to the side of the cabinet extending a little less than halfway across instead of all the way across. I thought it was a great idea as then it would not interfere with the drain. Also, it would allow "full height " on at least half of the length for your skimmer. I will probably have so cal. do this for me when I get my cabinet ordered. The cord from the OM is not water sealed as I 'm sure your'e aware, and I think it would be better on a shelf where perhaps it could be more protected. I've seen the OM plumbed resting on the bottom behind the sump and l would be concerned, not to mention way longer plumbing, etc. Another reefer mounted his OM "very high " to the frame" on the back near the top of the cabinet and it looked clean, however, then the plumbing was all behind ( visible ) as opposed to being underneath.... I may do a Tunze myself, haven't decided yet, but I"m definitely getting shelves. Stealing your idea, haha . Just my .02

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Ratched - I guess I'm ditching the shelf idea b/c I really don't know at this point what kinda space I will need to work with. And I rather not have them be so permanent in case I miscalculated something and need more space.


I can always add a shelf or something else later...but I'll wait until I actually have the parts all in front of me and figure out how much space I need. But if you already have all the space issues worked out, then the shelf idea does seem like a good idea. =)

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Originally posted by Cesar

Tigahboy, question? Do you think that pump looses alot if you put it next to the sump instead of elevated?

I honestly don't know exactly how much flow I'll lose by placing it next to sump...but w/ the distance required for the water to travel down to pump and back up thru OM Squirt, I'm assuming it will decrease my flow a lot.

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Oh ok. Im for sure going with the QO4000 dude, for closed loop and maybe up grade the return pump a bit. I actually forgot about the loss that happens when you lower them.

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