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Tigahboy's Reef 2005


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uchiha - not up early...just never went to sleep...workin on a paper for school.


ccjung - quid pro quo, my friend. quid pro quo


chaeto availability? I got oodles.

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damn tigah i dont even want to know how the heck you moved everything, looks like you shifted everything to the right and added alot of the rock on the left


i think it loooks so much better than the one before, really nice man, you stack those rocks up nicely


BTW, did you use any adhesive to put em in place?

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Naw, I didn't shift. That would've been really hard. I just added on the ends, and rearranged stuff in the middle.


The red outline shows new rocks I added. I actually had to move/rearrange quite a bit to accomodate the new LR since I don't use epoxy or adhesives. It was a PITA for some of the pieces (kept wobbling). There's a bunch of other new LR, but they are more in the back for structural support.



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rearrabfe, thats a good verb, i'll have to remember that one :P


Nice aquascaping, although I think I liked how it looked before just because it wasn't a very gradual slope, and looked really striking. It still looks awesome though, leaps and bounds over what most of the tanks you see look like, you've got the touch. I can't wait to see what you do with the new tank :)


Do you have an equipment list for it yet? I'd be interested to see if it's similar to what I'm changing in mine, I'll bet that it is.

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"rearrabfe" - it is a good verb; the "f" is silent tho.


I actually don't like the sloping either. But I just ran out of LR, so I gotta wait for another round of LR to cure now. haha. As for the new tank, I definitely want open space for some cool cruising fish. I think I'm going to attempt a valley of some sorts. We'll see how it turns out.


Equipment list....I have a very tentative equipment list as of right now. Let's see:


Lights: either slap on another Aqua Medic Ocean LIght 250w or get a dual 250w MH fixture (and sell my current pendant). I'm looking at Aqua Medic's fixtures w/ the T5 actinics.


OM Squirt: y'all convinced me of its benefits, so no more SCWD.


Not sure on the pumps yet....figure I'll have about 700gph for the return pump in the fuge and another 1000gph for closed loop. Does that flow sounds about right for mixed reef w/ SPS? I'm leaning towards the Little Giant 4-MDQX-SC (max 1325gph) for the closed loop. Not sure what I should use as the return pump in the fuge.


Skimmer - I have no idea if this will be sufficient, but I just want to get the upgraded Aqua C Remora Pro (or Aqua C Urchin Pro).


Sump - I have a 20g used acrylic right now that I could fit the stand. I guess I'd use it as a sump and then connect a fuge to the sump. I actually see those acrylic fuges being sold for like $30-60 on ebay, so I might possibly do that to save me some trouble.


In terms of plumbing - I have no clue. I've never worked w/ PVC before, so I'm just gonna have to feel my way thru this one.


Oh yeah, and I DEFINITELY need to get an auto top-off this time around.


Anything else? Can't think of anything, but my list seems so short. Oh yeah...heater. hahahaha.


Tell me if I'm missing something here or if you see probs w/ my set-up.

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Sounds good to me :)


My philosophy for plumbing is you just start, and measure as you go, lol. Then once you get everything right, you take it apart piece by piece and seal it. There's probably a better way of doing it, but that seems to work best for me.

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hmm, when you showed pics of the vanuatu LR it looked like such a little amount and now that its in there it looks like a whole ton


and im with vic skimmer, you definatly have the touch

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Cool...sounds good, Vic. Thanks for the flattery, smokez. hehe. Okay, things are moving forward now, I just ordered my Little Giant 4-MDQX-SC (max 1325gph) for the closed loop and a heater w/ LCD screen. hahah. It was on sale, so I just threw it in.


Here's the heater: http://www.fishsupply.com/cgi-bin/f2/commo...LAZ/SHIWB-13252


And the Little Giant: http://www.fishsupply.com/cgi-bin/f2/commo...AZZ/SWPLG-00402


I guess I'll just get a Mag Drive 9.5 as a return pump for my fuge/sump. That should be fine, rite? The flow will be reduced of course once working it's way up the pipes.


Oh, does anyone know if check valves reduce the flow at all? Is it worth getting for the returns to prevent back-siphon? I was planning to place the check valve and a ball valve together before the pipes split and went to the 2 return nozzles on my display.


So remaining equipment needed:

-Protein Skimmer - Remora/Urchin Pro

-Mag Drive 9.5

-OM Squirt

-more MH lighting

-Plumbing Parts

-pH digital monitor (optional)


*phew*...that's a lot left. I still need a tank stand too. =/

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Lol. How are you going to transfer everything over once the tank is all ready? I've been thinking about what a pain in the ass it will be to get everything out and then back into the new tank... The sand settling will take a while, then adding rocks and aquascaping, then putting all the critters back in... :| Going to take a while... :| You'll have to let me know when you end up doing it and I'll see if I can come help ya' out. ;)

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I've done it before. I had my friend help me as well and we started around 10PM, didn't get done until 6AM. but that's like my normal hours of operation so no biggie for me. hahah.


Yeah, it would be cool if you could swing on by and help. It will be like a little partay!...except w/o the cool music, party girls, and alcohol. And we'd be doing manual labor instead. but close enuf. =)


btw, when did you get your cherub? like spec. date please.

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didn't read..duh..check valve for the return to sump via mag 9.5.....


just drill a small (1/16") hole in the return when it comes back into the tank. drill 1/4 " below the water surface...then only 1/4 " water will drain out of the tank becuase once the water level gets down to the hole (when the power goes out) , air will get sucked in and the syphon will be broken...thus preventing further draining...plus it will add some nice movement on top of the surface....


at least that is how I solved the problem without the use of check valves which did significantly reduce my flow when I first implemented them.

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when you upgrade you have to have your camera by your side, take shots every once in a while so we all can see how its done, hah


10pm to 6 am is a long time, that is MY sleeping time, lol i cant imagine how your gona catch all your small fish and pistol etc

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