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ML's 14 IM Peninsula


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Maaaan, it has been a long time since I've had a tank up and running.  You know how it goes...life just starts catching up and all that good stuff and time doesn't always have the same plans you do!


However, as you all know, the reefbug never seems to leave you be, and since I've moved to FL I have always had the itch to get something up and running. (Even if it's like 7 years later lol)


After much debate I ended up going with the IM 14 Gallon Fusion Peninsula.  The tank has been established for approximately 2 1/2 weeks and so far, so good!  I've got to keep this short and sweet for now..I've been trying to get this thread started since the inception of the build and I finally have a few hours today to do so.   I took some crappy pics on my sony (gotta get back in the swing of aquarium photo taking)


Equipment List:

Tank: IM 14 Peninsula Pro

Heater: 50watt Jaebo 

ATO: Tunze Osmolotor Nano

Lighting: Maxspect 65w Jump 

Flow: Ecotech Marine MP10/ whatever minijet the tank came with 

Skimmer: Nothing currently 





1x Pink-Streaked Wrasse (Winston)

1x Banggai Cardinalfish (Bob)

2x Clownfish



Assorted snails

Assorted hermits

1x Emerald Crab

6x Zoa morphs

4x Ricordea 

2x Blastomussa

2x Chalice

2x Cyphastrea

3x Anacropora

3x Montipora

1x Alveopora

1x Goniopora

1x Pipe Organ

2x Favia


FTS: 12/3/2022

 Left Side




Right Side










Random Pics:

WWC AOI's & Green Palys 









Looking forward to the success, failures, and most of all learning experiences.  



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57 minutes ago, sadie said:

Nice looking tank!  great photos

Thanks sadie!


Gotta take a little more time for the FTS's..i wanted to just get SOMETHING up for the time being...

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Just got back from a work trip - tanks looking good, corals are healthy.  I need some dirtier water...probably going to add some fish after December 17.  I need to head back to SC for work and I'd rather be home after making an addition to track health/nutrient load.     


One of my main focuses for this tank is to remain patient, fortunately lack of time as allowed me to do so.  


No real maintenance routine just yet.. I've changed 30% once to export some of the left over nutrients from the initial cycle and buffer water chemistry.  Corals have been fed robustly when I can.  Using a mix of reef roids/amino acids/mysis and they seem to be responding well. 


I've continued to test the water but nitrates are undetectable.  Working on picking up a hanna for PO4 in the future.  I think the various algae is using most of the available nutrients and along with a small bio load keep most detectable stuff at bay.  


Being more conscious of light acclimation is something I wanted to pay more attention to this go around. I've started all the corals low in the tank and will make adjustments as needed/if needed.  The blasto's are in super low light and it would be cool to eventually move them to somewhere in the center cave..we'll see. 


SO any fish recs?  Not set on anything in particular.   Ideally id like to end up with 3-4 fish if I can get away with it.  I was thinking abut trying to find a pink streaked wrasse - but may end up with a sixline because availability is poor for the PSW. 


I'll try to take a few photos when I get home from work today!

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As promised, took a couple more photos.  Having some trouble dialing in my camera to achieve some sharper results but I'll get there.  









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No clowns! We started with a tiny little clown fish, and a year later he Is huge and violent. Bites me every time hands go in the tank...which is a lot.


Once established, culture copepods and get a mandarin! Short term maybe firefish?

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6 minutes ago, emmysnewtank said:

No clowns! We started with a tiny little clown fish, and a year later he Is huge and violent. Bites me every time hands go in the tank...which is a lot.


Once established, culture copepods and get a mandarin! Short term maybe firefish?

HAH! My clowns in past tanks have always had a little bit of an attitude too.. 


I was defiantly considering a mandarin, I absolutely love those guys..so much personality.  I was actually lucky enough to have one that was trained to eat frozen mysis in the past.  She was my favorite🥰 


Love the firefish idea though, that was defiantly on the list. 


I was also considering maybe doing a goby/pistol pair but idk..

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There's tons of small fish that are cooler imo than clownfish. Mine are also a**holes and I almost regret adding them at points..


Look into the smaller gobies, like red heads, green bands, yashas, sailfin blennies, tailspot blennies, barnacle blennies, etc. Full of personality and won't bite your fingers off!


Edit: Almost forgot about possum wrasses! I have one in my nuvo 20 and he is a model citizen, none of the aggression issues that people have with six lines

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My two curent ocelaris pairs are sweet but I've had some violent ones in the past. Nothing beat my friends snowflakes. When she did mantinance it was my job to distract them with the net. They quickly learned not to atack the net and would jump out to bite me and could draw blood. Her curent pair of black clowns is docile. It's kind of hit or miss. 

One small fish I love is the court jester goby. Some people have difficulty fattening them up. They sift sand for edibles and peck pods off the rocks. Mine loves to find and eat snail eggs and is super fat. It's a small shy fish. It dosnt perch put swims usualy close to the bottom or rock structure. It is prety active as long as I'm not too close its swimming around. Hectors goby is simmilar and I think biota has a hybrid of these two.

Pygmy wrasses are another good option. Pink streak, Tanaka, possum and yellow banded.

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11 hours ago, Jaren45 said:

There's tons of small fish that are cooler imo than clownfish. Mine are also a**holes and I almost regret adding them at points..


Look into the smaller gobies, like red heads, green bands, yashas, sailfin blennies, tailspot blennies, barnacle blennies, etc. Full of personality and won't bite your fingers off!


Edit: Almost forgot about possum wrasses! I have one in my nuvo 20 and he is a model citizen, none of the aggression issues that people have with six lines

Yeah, I might switch it up and stray from the clown path....Love possum wrasses too!  I defiantly think i'll be scooping either a possum or pink streaked wrasse.


7 hours ago, LazyFish said:

My two curent ocelaris pairs are sweet but I've had some violent ones in the past. Nothing beat my friends snowflakes. When she did mantinance it was my job to distract them with the net. They quickly learned not to atack the net and would jump out to bite me and could draw blood. Her curent pair of black clowns is docile. It's kind of hit or miss. 

One small fish I love is the court jester goby. Some people have difficulty fattening them up. They sift sand for edibles and peck pods off the rocks. Mine loves to find and eat snail eggs and is super fat. It's a small shy fish. It dosnt perch put swims usualy close to the bottom or rock structure. It is prety active as long as I'm not too close its swimming around. Hectors goby is simmilar and I think biota has a hybrid of these two.

Pygmy wrasses are another good option. Pink streak, Tanaka, possum and yellow banded.

I'm glad to hear you've had some experience with court jesters.  They have always fascinated me, for sure an option.  Hectors gobies seem awesome as well!

Any good leads on a pink streaked?  I had ordered one for a tank WAAAAAY back when...I think from live aquaria?  He ended disappearing:( Not sure if he jumped or what happened...I have a feeling that will be my choice for a nano wrasse. 


Thanks all for chiming in! 


Not much to report..Same corals same water.  I've increased my coral feedings and I'm starting to see NO3 at around 2ppm.  If I can keep the system right around there, I will be a super happy camper.  


Starting to see tons of pods covering the glass and the tanks defiantly maturing slowly but surely. 


Picked up a hanna DKH checker for a great price from someone on the forum...Waiting on the PO4 checker in the mail.  

When I get back from my work trip, I will most likely end up grabbing some more coral and a fish.  I'm envisioning a mixed reef with FEW SPS for the top rocks..Probably some montis and a birdsnest or two.  



Has anybody had any experience with any of the tunze comline skimmers?  I think I can fit their smallest option if need be. 

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I will second possum (what I have currently) and pink streaked  wrasses (had one in a previous tank). Both great fish and always active. I think my pink streaked came from LiveAquaria's Diver Den. Recently I got to my LFS and they had two empty tanks labelled for pink streaked wrasses. I had apparently missed out by an hour. If they get them again I will 100% be snapping one up. I'm not sure about having it in the same tank as my possum, though. But that's why I have two tanks, I guess. Or three, but who's counting?


I'm also a sucker for any little gobies or blennies. TSB, yasha, highfin, and firefish are some of my favorites. Has anyone mentioned sharknose or clown gobies yet? My captive bred sharknose (from Petco!) is super friendly.


And haha, I have to admit I still really love clowns, even after experiencing a vicious percula that would draw blood and kill tank mates. I keep a pair of oscellaris now, but one pair in one tank is plenty. 


2 hours ago, ml86743 said:

Has anybody had any experience with any of the tunze comline skimmers?  I think I can fit their smallest option if need be. 

I've been running the larger (9004) Tunze comline for a few weeks on my IM40. I'm really impressed so far by how productive the skimmate is and by how quiet it is. It was very easy to set up and adjust. No break-in to speak of. That being said, when I had a Biocube a few years ago I chose not to skim since the 9001 (which was all that could fit) didn't have quite such good reviews.

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1 hour ago, SantaMonica said:

What part of FL ? 


If far enough south you might not have to worry much about temps.

Up in Jacksonville.   With this winter were having might be able to get away with it, if we got a steady week of temps.


34 minutes ago, chipz said:

I will second possum (what I have currently) and pink streaked  wrasses (had one in a previous tank). Both great fish and always active. I think my pink streaked came from LiveAquaria's Diver Den. Recently I got to my LFS and they had two empty tanks labelled for pink streaked wrasses. I had apparently missed out by an hour. If they get them again I will 100% be snapping one up. I'm not sure about having it in the same tank as my possum, though. But that's why I have two tanks, I guess. Or three, but who's counting?


I'm also a sucker for any little gobies or blennies. TSB, yasha, highfin, and firefish are some of my favorites. Has anyone mentioned sharknose or clown gobies yet? My captive bred sharknose (from Petco!) is super friendly.


And haha, I have to admit I still really love clowns, even after experiencing a vicious percula that would draw blood and kill tank mates. I keep a pair of oscellaris now, but one pair in one tank is plenty. 


I've been running the larger (9004) Tunze comline for a few weeks on my IM40. I'm really impressed so far by how productive the skimmate is and by how quiet it is. It was very easy to set up and adjust. No break-in to speak of. That being said, when I had a Biocube a few years ago I chose not to skim since the 9001 (which was all that could fit) didn't have quite such good reviews.

I think one of the wrasses are the top choice thus far! I'll have to do some snooping around a few LFS, maybe they get some in periodically. I would defiantly only do one or the other.


Sharknose's are so cool..I haven't personally had any, but they would probably be an awesome addition.  I still love clownfish myself..it's almost unimaginable to have a reef tank w/o them but I'm just trying to think out of the box.  Still a good chance I'd cave and end up with a couple haha!


Any other opinions on skimmers?  I've seen some people like the icecaps.  Might just have to bite the bullet and try the tunze...I'm not too sure.  If I can get away w/o a skimmer I'd prefer it.  Real-estate is super limited in those back chambers already.  The Maxspect bracket screws face inward towards the chamber and really leaves me with no wiggle room.  I'm wondering if I can reverse the bracket and maybe have the screws facing on the outside.  I'll check that out when I have a second to do so.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little update for y'all!


Been away from the tank for a little bit and there's defiantly some things that need to be addressed! 


Nutrients are still too low..Getting 0 on nitrates and phosphates.  I'm seeing a little bit of a dino outbreak as well.  No big deal, I removed my bag of chemipure and started manually removing some of the dinos (I'm pretty dang sure thats what they are)..


Anyways, I'm seeing a little bit of color loss from a few zoas and I'm betting it's due to the lack of nutrients in the water.   Also noticing lack of polyp extension from the AOI's.  There are some strands of dinos on the base so I removed them and hopefully can get them happy with cleaning/nutrient increase. 


Here's the big news 🙂  I hit the LFS today and sure as s**t they had a pink streaked wrasse!  As we discussed I had to pick him up.  I acclimated for about an hour and half and he's in the tank swimming and eating.  SO STOKED.  They had him since November and I guess most folks just passed it over.  He's gonna hhave a field day with all the available pods.  I think we're gonna name him Winston 🙂 


I'll have to get some photos up soon, most likely tomorrow.  


Overall things are still progressing, the tank is defiantly maturing.  Waiting to get this nutrient situation under control before adding any new corals.  Hoping the fishy will help 


To summarize the plan of action:


Raise nutrient levels with feeding/removing chemical filtration.

Maybe raise the temp 1 degree weekly to 84ish? I've heard this can be successfully done to combat Dinos (not sure on this yet, will start with the nutrient raising) 


Also considering nutrient dosing, but will decide after a week with the new fish and consistent feedings (2x a day) 


If yall have any input lets hear it!



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19 hours ago, wuzzo said:

Following, also I must ask what are you using to get these pictures? They look super good, keep it up!

Heck yeah!


Shooting on a Sony A7III with a sigma 24-70 2.8.  Still dialing in the most effective way to capture images..I'm getting alot of throw aways.


I've been starting to see some PO4/NO3 present.  Monitoring to see how things react and track utilization.  Still not sold on having dinos and if they are they seem to be limited by something.  I have not had a takeover...small patches of hair algae are also present when I get some time I will try and manually remove.  Its super feathery looking but I do not think it's bryopsis....unless it can be brown too? Hard to pull off the rock though..


Started a Brightwell amino broadcast dosing regimen this AM.  Probably going to add 6 drops 2-3x times a week to start. 


WWC AOI's are still not extending skirts complete, but remain open.  I've noticed small white blisters on some of the flesh of the blasto's, they still open and expand/eat well however. 

All other zoa frags are doing well.  


I added an orange ricordea frag too!  Looking for a green and I'll have the ric garden section complete.  


Hoping to add a few sticks after nutrient levels remain stable.  


I'd also like to add a crustacean or two..

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2 hours ago, ml86743 said:

Heck yeah!


Shooting on a Sony A7III with a sigma 24-70 2.8.  Still dialing in the most effective way to capture images..I'm getting alot of throw aways.


I've been starting to see some PO4/NO3 present.  Monitoring to see how things react and track utilization.  Still not sold on having dinos and if they are they seem to be limited by something.  I have not had a takeover...small patches of hair algae are also present when I get some time I will try and manually remove.  Its super feathery looking but I do not think it's bryopsis....unless it can be brown too? Hard to pull off the rock though..


Started a Brightwell amino broadcast dosing regimen this AM.  Probably going to add 6 drops 2-3x times a week to start. 


WWC AOI's are still not extending skirts complete, but remain open.  I've noticed small white blisters on some of the flesh of the blasto's, they still open and expand/eat well however. 

All other zoa frags are doing well.  


I added an orange ricordea frag too!  Looking for a green and I'll have the ric garden section complete.  


Hoping to add a few sticks after nutrient levels remain stable.  


I'd also like to add a crustacean or two..

Very nice camera, I think I’ll stick to using my phone for now, too expensive haha.  Would love to see the ric garden, and as far as your corals, I can say a couple things.


I also have some AOIs, I have a 2 polyped frag right now. I can’t really tell but they seem to have extremely short skirts, and mine haven’t fully opened much yet, just as you described.

With the blasto, the same thing is happening to my red and black one right now. I think it may be a sudden exposure to lots of light or flow, (the white spots probably being skeleton?) not sure which. I moved mine a couple inches to a darker, lighter on the flow area. So far the multiple white spots have turned into just one that’s fading away. If it just started and keeps going or gets worse, id move it.  Otherwise, I would just leave it, the blasto might just be getting used to the area of the tank you have it in.

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3 hours ago, wuzzo said:

Very nice camera, I think I’ll stick to using my phone for now, too expensive haha.  Would love to see the ric garden, and as far as your corals, I can say a couple things.


I also have some AOIs, I have a 2 polyped frag right now. I can’t really tell but they seem to have extremely short skirts, and mine haven’t fully opened much yet, just as you described.

With the blasto, the same thing is happening to my red and black one right now. I think it may be a sudden exposure to lots of light or flow, (the white spots probably being skeleton?) not sure which. I moved mine a couple inches to a darker, lighter on the flow area. So far the multiple white spots have turned into just one that’s fading away. If it just started and keeps going or gets worse, id move it.  Otherwise, I would just leave it, the blasto might just be getting used to the area of the tank you have it in.

Its gotta be flow, I've got it pretty well-hidden underneath a ledge- i don't think it's the skeleton, it seems pretty (gushy) lol really not sure though.. just got done feeding it and hes nice and puffy.  


Sort of rocky start to this tank...but time does wonders as we all know.  Trying not to make any intense changes quickly.  I might do some work on some on these patches of bryopsis looking algae here in a bit.

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Nooooot much to report - did some work on some of the algae..Not seeing a resurgence just yet.   


Winston is crushing it so far!


Still working on dirtying the water up a tad.  NO3 is right around 2ppm, PO4 is 0 on the hanna.  


2 days into dosing aminos, haven't seen MUCH of a change.  Some of the AOI zoa's seem to be expanding their skirts a little more.  I'm actually thinking the irritation is from algae growing on the body so I've just been blowing it off when I can. 


Also added two hermits to help with the CUC.  Gotta get some extra shells in their soon.


Here's some pics!



Interestingly enough, where I'm seeing those white pimple-like dots on the blasto there is a baby peeking it's way through. Not sure if its related or not. 



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PO4/NO3 tested out to 0 today.  I was getting some readings earlier this week but I'm assuming the uptake from corals/algae is more than what I'm putting in.   I'm feeding a good amount and Winston is fat and happy.  He's defiantly colored up more since the initial addition.   I've started soaking his food in vitamarin M.


Aminos continue to be beneficial while nutrients remain low.  


I've got a good sized rock underneath the main cave/arch and thought a cyphestrea would be a nice addition to take over that rock...so today I went to my LFS and picked up a bizzaro variety.  


Fingers crossed it does well..


Please dont make fun of my glue job because its horrendous. 


New Frag:



Thought I'd share my ATO rig.  Simple ikea container drilled out. 



Frag acclimation.




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Sprung on a sweet chalice today.  I'll have to get some photos this week. Added two trochus snails to help clean up some of the algae..not much is new.  The cyphestrea is encrusting over the blotch of glue I got on the one side and seems really happy! 


Winston is fat and happy 


Zoas/Rics are looking good too!  I've got to add some movement...probably gonna get a torch for the front rock and maybe something else with some flow.  Still no true sticks.  It'll probably end up being a digi/birdsnest/cap trio.  Nothing too crazy.


Nutrients are still 0 (NO3/PO4) however, I'm thinking there's an okay balance of pest algae/coral uptake (If that makes sense).  I did order some neophos/neonitro to potentially start to bring the numbers up.  Not sure if I'll start that just yet though.  The tank is still new..just going to have to continue to monitor. 



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This tank looks great. At only a month old and still having low nutrients it has some beautiful looking corals. Having a fish in there should help bring NO3/PO4 up to detectable levels. 

On 12/7/2022 at 3:13 PM, ml86743 said:

One of my main focuses for this tank is to remain patient, fortunately lack of time as allowed me to do so.  

Being patient might be the hardest part of this hobby. Following 

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5 hours ago, debbeach13 said:

This tank looks great. At only a month old and still having low nutrients it has some beautiful looking corals. Having a fish in there should help bring NO3/PO4 up to detectable levels. 

Being patient might be the hardest part of this hobby. Following 

Thanks!  It's definitely coming along.  Everyday I test out Po4/No3 and if anything nitrates show the lightest shade of pink I can detect.  I'm still feeding HEAVILY. 


I'm genuinely curious how the brightwell coral amino's are interacting with the corals in the tank.  Before beginning my current routine I had noticed some of the zoa's with some brown coloration but since adding the supplement they have reversed the majority of browning I was seeing.   Might be the temporary fix until I can get the nutrient levels where I'd like them.  


I'm really hoping this chalice does well.  The color is amazing.  The feeder tentacles were extended last night and the flesh looks good today.  I really don't know how to tell if they're happy or not.  This is my first go..and of course I had to try an expensive one (Thanks Christmas bonus).  I have it mounted a little less than halfway up at the back right corner of the tank.  I've read they will let you know quickly if they're unhappy with intense lighting so I'm monitoring closely.  (Also, any chalice experts chime in too!)



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  • ml86743 changed the title to ML's 14 IM Peninsula

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