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  • 2 weeks later...
M. Tournesol

Early March update:

After two months in the water, my propagules still didn't have any leaves. I suppose that this was due to the fact that no direct sunlight reach the propagules. Thus, I decided to advance the planed purchase of a growled. I settled on a Sylvania 17w growled. 


Today was the day of the reception. I tried several positions with or without the lampshade and decided to go for the position in the last photo.




I didn't think the light would be so big 😕. The good new its that it does give a cool crepuscular vibe to the tank 🤩.

(Oh 🤭! You can see the light of my other nano in the glass reflection)




Live stock:

The biggest of my hermit crab was moved to my other nano, the other 4, the gonodactylus smithii and my two snails are doing great. 




Corals are doing good. Only the green/orange one in the top left is in bad shape. The big head was a goner since I lost the polyp mouth at reception. It was slowly dying until last week when the tissue loss accelerated. I almost lost a second polyp because of this event. I have started to heavily feeding it hoping this would stop its STN. This seems to have worked for the moment.




In 2~5 weeks, I plan to glue all frag to the rocks. After this step, I am asking myself if I could add other live stocks. I envision some feather duster worms with a Gorgone in the back and a Fungia or a Trachyphyllia on the 10x10cm sand bed zone.


Would the presence of a Gorgone, Fungia or Trachyphyllia result in the death of my micromussa lordhowensis because of chemical warfare?

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13 minutes ago, M. Tournesol said:

Would the presence of a Gorgone, Fungia or Trachyphyllia result in the death of my micromussa lordhowensis because of chemical warfare?

You should be good. None of those are aggressive corals, and coral warfare typically  starts when they’re fighting over the same space. 

Your tank is looking good, and the G Smithii is adorable!

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M. Tournesol

Lesson learned: Never buy a coral that doesn't seems in optimal form in the vendor photo. Don't assume it will recover because you are a beginner who has "done well" at reefs keeping.




After one month with two feeding a week, the coral is still slowly degrading 🥲.

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On 3/22/2022 at 5:54 AM, M. Tournesol said:

When is see my mantis shrimp flying against the glass pane of thank, I am asking myself if it's trying to fight its reflection

I've read where a mantis could potentially break glass.  I'm not sure of the details of how large a mantis, or how thin the glass, but it still sounds a little scary to me. :scarry:

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M. Tournesol

Mine has a maximum size of 9cm(3.5"). Hop, it will never break one of the glass panes 😅.

To tell you the truth, the glass pane that worries me the most is the bottom one. What happens if the Stomatopoda decide to have a deeper cave?  :scarry:

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1 hour ago, seabass said:

I've read where a mantis could potentially break glass.  I'm not sure of the details of how large a mantis, or how thin the glass, but it still sounds a little scary to me. :scarry:

I’ve heard lots of people repeat this, but never have actually seen anyone claim that it happened to them. I’m sure some of the larger species might be able to break a thin pane of glass.


Our G. Ternatensis popped me a few times. It was more startling than hurtful. It sort of felt like when someone flicks you with their fingers. 

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4 minutes ago, NoOneLikesADryTang said:

Our G. Ternatensis popped me a few times. It was more startling than hurtful. It sort of felt like when some flicks you with their fingers. 

Most likely warning or territory deal, they can easily split your finger. IIRC @Ratvan can attest to that and his is a smaller variety, still not fully grown.

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M. Tournesol
On 3/8/2022 at 11:22 AM, M. Tournesol said:

Lesson learned: Never buy a coral that doesn't seems in optimal form in the vendor photo. Don't assume it will recover because you are a beginner who has "done well" at reefs keeping.




After one month with two feeding a week, the coral is still slowly degrading 🥲.

The last polyp is dying 🥲.  This is very frustrating...

fortunately, the others Micromussa are doing wonderfully well.




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M. Tournesol
31 minutes ago, M. Tournesol said:

New micromussa receding 🥲.
Could I have a pod eating my LPS? I should have dipped my corals at their arrival...IMG_4597.thumb.jpg.0b31e41231e7234fa25508dda450bddb.jpg


I may buy a yellow clown goby to regulate the pods population.

The problem is:

-  The stomatopoda (even if it seems to be a pacifist).


- The big gap in my class cover.



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M. Tournesol
42 minutes ago, M. Tournesol said:

New micromussa receding 🥲.
Could I have a pod eating my LPS? I should have dipped my corals at their arrival...IMG_4597.thumb.jpg.0b31e41231e7234fa25508dda450bddb.jpg


Could over feeding be a problem? I feed my LPS a diy frozen food (fish, shrimp, walnut St. Jacques, fish pellets herb and carn, artemia, krill and I think calamar) every 3 days.

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M. Tournesol

I have failed myself again 🥲. The pavona and the psammocora are for the other tank (hope they will not die since they are not stylophora).


Day of arrival, Friday😬. I need to fix my micromussa to my rock now 🤦‍♂️.


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M. Tournesol

Little update: All the new livestock arrived whiteout any problem. The goby is very little and sleeps in the upper left corner where the fish could potentially jump out 😅. (the gif take some time to charge. You can see the mantis eye moving above the bottom left green micromussa lordhowensis).



One of the feather duster worms is still not at ease. Taking a photo where he is fully open is next to impossible. Here's my best try:



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  • 2 weeks later...
M. Tournesol

Today, I totally lost it. I decided to come to a recital shop 8 walking minutes from my job interview address.


I come in then come out 40 minutes later 179€ lighter. Coming in, I had a plan to maybe buy some corals for a total of 70~80€ max 🤦‍♂️. I bought a 79€ trachy and two 50€ two-polyps micromussa lordhowensis ☹️.

I didn't know that the shop was dealing with premium corals. There were some 1000€ pieces... A lot of Big and coloured micromussa lordhowensis colony for 450€ 🤤. Didn't take any photos as I was focused on the corals on display 😧.


I think I escaped in time 😰. Not being able to control myself was a first for me. It was a totally compulsive purchase 🤯. This does not bode well for the wallet of the future me 🥲.

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17 minutes ago, M. Tournesol said:

I think I escaped in time 😰. Not being able to control myself was a first for me. It was a totally compulsive purchase 🤯. This does not bode well for the wallet of the future me 🥲.

Sounds like your tank is going to have some awesome pieces soon! 

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M. Tournesol

Here are the trachyphyllia. First time keeping such coral. Mine seems to have holes in its tissue. I hope it's nothing to worry about. There was leopard polyclad looking flatworms in the coral bag. This devil flatworm was promptly dealt with.




Next is the two micromussa lordhowensis. I love them 🥰, nothing more to say.



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M. Tournesol

Little update on the "doing bad" corals:


  • My Trachyphyllia seems to be losing some of its tissue near its hole. Hope this will stop. On the positive side, It seems to have regain some of its red colouration.


  • My dying Micromussa, who lost its last head 1~2 weeks ago, have its last patch of tissue swelling and changing colour (from green-orange to red). It is a sign that a new head is forming? mystery, mystery, ... 



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