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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Goats Nuvo 10 Aquarium Journal


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I made it 1'-9" across so on each side of the tank I'm going to have 4.5" of ledge to store things like testing equipment and supplements or set things while doing maintenance. I'm going to make some sort of storage on one side that's not an eyesore or an afterthought. The front will sit flush. From front to back, it's 1'-11". Leaving me 8" in the rear. I did this because now the chiller will be hidden behind the aquarium along with future planned equipment. It's 36" tall. I did this so It would be even with my kitchen cabinets and plenty out of the reach of a curious 2 year old T-Rex named Dax. Another main reason for making it to these larger dimensions was the inside of the cabinet. I wanted to be sure and have room for the 5 gallon ATO container, controller modules, power strips, displays, future dosing equipment and anything else gadget wise I decide to add to the Nano. All while having room to actually move around in there and work on stuff if needed. It is a bit larger than the tank itself. But this was on purpose. Maybe in a couple of years or god forbid this tank crashes I'll upgrade to a larger cube to put some serious gallons on this tank. 

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I wanted to add that those slender stands that are made for the NUVO 10 are just too top heavy and could easily be tipped over by a few rough housing children and an English bulldog. The furniture ones like I am using are even worse. I didn't want to be restricted to have to use a corner just to support my stand from having side to side movement. This thing is a beast. 

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1 hour ago, ReefGoat said:

I wanted to add that those slender stands that are made for the NUVO 10 are just too top heavy and could easily be tipped over by a few rough housing children and an English bulldog. The furniture ones like I am using are even worse. I didn't want to be restricted to have to use a corner just to support my stand from having side to side movement. This thing is a beast. 

Lol. I think any DIY stand is better made than anything you buy now and days. I built my 75 gallon stand and its sturdy as an OX.  The stand I bought for the fusion was made from real wood and solid oak. Not that compressed particle board carp they make everything out of or cheap Pine wood. Lol


Your TREX will grow out of the habit especially if you get him involved with the hobby. My 6 year old is a marine biologist and chemist. Lol.  Now I'm in the process of teaching my 1 year old not to bang the glass becuase the FISH will OHHH OHHH. Which means DIE in baby talk lmao. 

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Also, I checked on my Acan this morning that is currently in the process of eating a dwarf cerith snail. I think that the Acan may end up perishing and I regret not pulling the snail out. Apparently last night the Acan was able to completely ingest the snail and now the point of the snails shell is protruding from the Acans center area. I'm afraid that if the Acan is not able to eject the shell then it may kill it. Oh well we are trying to recreate nature right? Who am I to interfere?

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Great news. The Acan was able to expel the snail shell. I don't think there's a snail in it anymore. What a beast of a coral. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a little while since I've updated the journal. It's not been eventful at all. Pretty much routine maintenance and staring at the tank after work. All levels are stabilized, parameters are holding steady and not fluctuating. I've seen growth from the green pocillapora but the birdsnest is still acting like an ass, the middle of the small colony is brown but the arms are bright green and I still can't get P.E out of it. It's been acting funny since that small hiccup a few weeks back with the temperature, I may frag the good part. There's a tiny new head growing from one of the Acans and also I've got two new Zoa's that have sprouted up. Sand bed is really white and clean, no algae on rocks and water is crystal clear. I met a coral hookup here locally in town that specializes in SPS. He sells out of his house and he wants me to come swing by and check out his livestock. He wants to hook me up with a few sticks. Since they're so cheap and my tank has been so stable I think i'm going to give some of his sticks a shot. If they die, then they die. No harm done as they are so cheap. Haven't bought any new gear in a while so I went ahead and bought a ULR phosphate Hanna checker. I'm going to see the coral guy this Saturday so I'll have an updated FTS for this Sunday. I also got a gift card from work for OT appreciation so I stashed that away in my drawer for my big coral haul when I get back from vacation. That's about it for now

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Ok so my camera situation still hasn't improved so sorry about quality once again. I got the corals from the local guy I mentioned. His tank was quite impressive, makes me want a big tank lol. I'm not happy with this picture at all but I wouldn't dare put something about new corals in the journal and not post a picture. Let the record state that I fully expect all these to die and this is really just seeing if these will survive. I'm still trying to get the new FTS I just can't get one that I'm happy with and feel lucky to have gotten this one. There are 7 sticks in the picture they were 20 bucks a pop 6th and 7th ones were free. Not sure of the names of any though. I do hope they live though because they are beautiful under the Kessil. 


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The sticks are all showing good P.E and seem happy. I'm going to stay steady on my weekly water changes and monitor my alk closely. It was staying steady from week to week before adding these. Keeping my fingers crossed. 

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A Little Blue
2 minutes ago, ReefGoat said:

The sticks are all showing good P.E and seem happy. I'm going to stay steady on my weekly water changes and monitor my alk closely. It was staying steady from week to week before adding these. Keeping my fingers crossed. 

Keep Alk, Ca and salinity in check and I’m sure frags will do just fine. 

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The Hanna checker arrived yesterday and I ran a ULR phosphate test. The checker gave me a .05 reading. I was pretty surprised to see that lol. It's pretty much right around where I'd like it to be. I really like the Hanna checker but didn't like that it only came with 6 tests worth. I'll probably end up buying one for calcium and one for alkalinity and trust my salifert tests for everything else. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed these sticks make it because my new SPS friend already has another pack ready for me. After another 5 pack I think that'll be it for sticks and I'll focus on encrusting corals and high end pieces. I still have a long time before I can add Montis again because of the Nudibranch saga from the beginning. I really want some of those little polyp corals that spread really fast I think they're called Blue Star Polyps. Cannedfish has a lot in his tank and it's a really nice touch among the SPS. I guess that's all for the journal entry. I'm still trying to get a FTS I'm satisfied with Lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the tank is officially 3 months old today. There hasn't been much changes aside from starting to only stock SPS. I was hesitant to try it out. But I'm really glad I did. I'm not only seeing growth but also encrustation. I'm on vacation right now and i've already swerved one disaster.   The Apex pretty much paid for itself. I had done regular tank maintenance the night before we left and apprently forgot to switch my ATO back to the ''on'' position on fusion. Well I was getting ready for bed after the long drive and checked on the tank and noticed it! Switched that bad boy back on and all is well. I was also able to get with my neice finally on vacation and she is going to let me borrow her Rebel to take some good photos finally. The day I come back from vacation my hookup has me a very nice and good sized frag pack of several sticks. So needless to say I'm ready to get home! Also I've noticed with no one in the house my PH is pretty much right where I'd like it to be. I'm likely going to invest in a C02 scrubber. Because all the people in the house appear to be my problem. I know I've been slackin on a FTS but it's coming soon. I'll be home on Saturday. 

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