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ECLS Reefer

Well I have two candidates for coral fight club- ricordea Florida and frogspawn. Found the ricordea eating the frogspawn polyp. Moved them further apart after seeing this.








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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a real strange one for you - a big blasto and big acan echinata (both 40+ polyps) have been fighting back and forth a little over the past year and finally went to war and...well...the blasto won? I'm sure there will be a round two in the next few months that will turn out a bit differently, but this is odd:




And, a much more obvious and one-sided fight between a hefty favia colony and a frag of palys that was no-contest. Asterina cleaning up the bodies of the fallen:



Edit: @Christopher Marks what's going on with the image proxy script lately? It is absolutely wrecking color in photos both uploaded to the site and externally hosted. Did something change recently?


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28 minutes ago, jservedio said:

Here's a real strange one for you - a big blasto and big acan echinata (both 40+ polyps) have been fighting back and forth a little over the past year and finally went to war and...well...the blasto won? I'm sure there will be a round two in the next few months that will turn out a bit differently, but this is odd:


Wait what?! An echinata lost? Crazy!! New respect for blastos. I didn't think anything could take down an echinata...

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7 minutes ago, Cannedfish said:

Wait what?! An echinata lost? Crazy!! New respect for blastos. I didn't think anything could take down an echinata...

It definitely lost this battle, but I'm not sure how it'll fare in the wars to come. That echinata has laid waste to blastos in the past - there is a single head of a pink blasto glued directly below the big purple one that is all that remains of the last blasto to go up against that echinata. The coral directly above the echinata is a red robin stag that had to be fragged and moved since that was also wrecked by it. That echinata has the biggest or 2nd biggest body count in the tank (the other contender is also an echinata haha)

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Acropora Tortuosa > Montipora Capricornus


Here the acro killed back the monti about an inch and then grew on the dead montis skeleton. The acro continues to base out onto the monti cap very quickly while the cap tries to shade it out.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Acro > Monti Capricornus. This is round 2 this week for this particular little cap frag that got left behind when I removed a colony about a year ago. The acro out of focus in the background spanked the other side of it just a few days ago. No porthole, so no action shots.



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No pretty pics, but RFA > starlet coral. My shallow-water RFA went wandering around, and wound up with its tentacles right on a rock. A rock that I'd forgotten has a 5-polyp starlet colony on it, whoops. 

The starlet's alive. It's badly receded, but I can still see flesh. 


Also, that same RFA > Armor of God palys. It didn't sting the palys to death, but it stung them bad enough that my too-many-amphipods got excited and ate them. Dammit. Amphipods might have left those alone if fed more, but the little buggers are making it hard for things to recover- they swarm stuff that gets stressed badly enough.


I'll have to keep an eye on this RFA. My other ones just annoy zoas that they touch, but apparently this one's kinda nasty. It's a pinstripe, couple inches across, from wherever the live-plants guy gets his RFAs.


Update on June 7th: the starlet is still not extending fully, but is definitely recovering. I guess these don't have much oomph to 'em. Good thing it can retreat into its skeleton, I suspect most soft corals would have been stung way worse.

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Micromussa Amakusensis > Acropora Tortuosa as entirely expected, but pretty cool picture anyway! These guys have got to be the most peaceful LPS that we keep in our tanks. It didn't attack until the acro was not only physically touching it, but it waited until the acro prevented it from even fully expanding. Such a nice, considerate coral.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Not as good as other photos, but caught another Acro v. Acro with mesenterial filaments out plus another contender thrown in. WWC Yellow Tips vs. Tyree Pinky the Bear vs. Colonial Hydroids. Pinky wins vs. the Yellow Tips, but both acros win vs. the hydoids.





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On 5/18/2020 at 1:35 PM, Cannedfish said:

Wait what?! An echinata lost? Crazy!! New respect for blastos. I didn't think anything could take down an echinata...

Oh man, apparently I was entirely wrong and I second your new respect for blastos. They had a round two the other day and this is the follow up. Blastos laid the smack down with a People's Elbow. Both heavyweights too, both have well over 50 polyps and have been encrusting for years, so not a lopsided match up of a giant vs a frag. The blastos aren't nearly as puffed up and happy as usual, but I see no injuries or missing polyps.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...

Christmas Tree encrusting montipora > psammocora, though for only a small spot of damage. Also, sandbed > Jack-o-Lantern Leptoseris, it's died back to bare skeleton where the sand was touching it. 


And, this one, I have a pic of: 


Indonesian Acan (according to LFS) > psammocora. Psammos don't seem to have much kick. It's got a whole patch of gross dead flesh rapidly washing off the skeleton, and the acan is completely untouched. Dang hermit crabs knocking things onto other things. 

Didn't get a pic, but this acan also > leptoseris. 


Acan Lords don't have much reach or aggression, but it seems like, when they do hit their limits, they win. My LFS often has over-packed frag tanks due to people bringing in tons of frags at once, and I've seen acans murdering all sorts of things. Never anything that isn't close or outright touching them, though. 


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  • 1 year later...

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