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Stella's Sixty-Six


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Stella, Do you have any white leathers in that overstuffed tank of yours? Too much going on for me to tell for sure.




I do have a smaller toad similar to Lawn's giant white one. It has a teal fluorescence to it but it is pretty white.

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Do you do anything special for it? Higher light? spot feeding?


Well, I did have a white devil's hand - that turned tan. I also had a white toad that turned pink/tan once it got under higher light. I think it is more of a bleaching thing with lack of light then they color up once they get under higher light. This toad seems to look aqua/white under high or low light. But definitely not a true white white.


Nah, no spot feeding for the toads or leathers but maybe I should.

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This one has just the very palest hint of green under intense blues. It is very white. It seems pretty happy too. Had full PE within about an hour of going in the tank, That photo was taken this morning before normal lights on. I just switched them on for the picture.

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This one has just the very palest hint of green under intense blues. It is very white. It seems pretty happy too. Had full PE within about an hour of going in the tank, That photo was taken this morning before normal lights on. I just switched them on for the picture.


That is a cool leather you have! I can't wait to see it grow out in your tank. I can't remember where, but I saw a white spaghetti leather somewhere and didn't get it and I still want to kick myself for not picking it up.

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I am absolutely LOVING the NYOS 160 skimmer. After being up and running for a little over a week, it is performing better than I expected! And it is so silent. I can hear a slight hum when I open the cabinet from the pump, but honestly, I can't hear it at all when it is closed. I keep opening the cabinet to make sure it is on as when I walk by the tank, it just seems too quiet. And honestly, I did not think the SCA 302 was loud at all.

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I got my dad a Fusion 10 for father's day! He's pretty excited about it. I'm thinking of starting a thread for it here once it is up and going since I'm going to be doing the maintenance for a bit :)


I need an ID too if anyone knows. I thought this was a favia but now i"m looking at it, I don't think it is a favia given the shape of the eyes and growth pattern. What do you guys think?






And a few photos for today.


What I call the superball favia! I got this from Glenn at CGA on one of his Facebook auctions. I love it!




Some Alves:




The happy clam:




Pipe organ:



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Your coral pictures are always gorgeous!


What a great thing to do for your dad, sharing your hobby with him.

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Your coral pictures are always gorgeous!


What a great thing to do for your dad, sharing your hobby with him.


:wub: thanks! And yeah, I'm really looking forward to doing this with him. I'm trying to tone it down so I don't overwhelm him :lol:


And one more picture. Just for Sk8n & Spectra. A STICK!!!! :huh:



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What???? I thought your aquarium was a stick-free zone! It looks pretty good for being the token SPS in a softies-only community :lol:

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What???? I thought your aquarium was a stick-free zone! It looks pretty good for being the token SPS in a softies-only community :lol:


HAHA Well, Mr. Poci isn't getting any friends so he better get used to being an only child :D


I had a poci that I loved in the biocube. It didn't seem to be bothered by leather toxins and when I nuked a lot of other SPS trying to remove pink and gold palys, the poci didn't show any signs of stress. And they're so fluffy. That part I love. I traded in that poci a few months ago and then picked this guy up. i'm hoping he decides to spread his poci love everywhere like Sk8n's did :)

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Well, I was just doing a tank look over in between meetings. I have caulerpa peltata in my display in one of the back corners. It had been growing well and then boom. It was completely white/translucent so I quickly yanked it all out. The caulerpa in the fuge is doing well, just the stuff in the DT started going. I didn't want it disintegrating letting all those nutrients back in the tank. I haven't checked nitrates/phosphates recently, so I think I will check that tonight.

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who knows. I'm thinking it actually went sexual this AM since a lot of it is already light green. I noticed some cloudy water this morning, but honestly I thought it was the outside of the glass because it was so humid in the house and I had just turned on the AC. I cleaned off the glass and it seemed like the water was cleared up, but now I'm thinking it was cloudy from the caulerpa :wacko:


All fish and corals seem happy. And I just checked nitrates and phosphates. They're lower than I usually run them at so I think the caulerpa was just trying to reproduce due to lack of nutrients.


Nitrates 2

Phosphates: .03


Both of those are much lower than they had been. Granted, the macros in my sump are using up some nutrients as is the clam, but I think my skimmer has a lot to do with it too. And the tank didn't get it's daily dose of filter feeding stuff last week when I was gone, just the morning cyclops and evening chunk of Rod's.

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That's too bad :(


That does seem like low nutrients for macros. It seems hard to believe that not feeding for just one week would make that much difference though. Maybe something related to the new skimmer taking a lot more out of the water?

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That's too bad :(

That does seem like low nutrients for macros. It seems hard to believe that not feeding for just one week would make that much difference though. Maybe something related to the new skimmer taking a lot more out of the water?

Yeah - it's not like a dump a ton of reef roids in or anything. My other macros seem fine. But I know caulerpa is more of a constant uptake macro. I think it is probably the skimmer. It really does pull a lot of stuff out. That and I did a pretty large water change before I left - and installed the new skimmer. Generally Nitrates are around 10. Phosphates around .08-.1 so that's a big decrease!

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Wow, that is a big change in a week! Good thing you don't have a lot of sticks cause they'd all be dead now :)

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Wow, that is a big change in a week! Good thing you don't have a lot of sticks cause they'd all be dead now :)

Ha no kidding! The only things that look pissed are the toads and they have been that way for months.

I didn't know your dad was into reefing! That's cool. So now is he capable of your addiction?


Well, he's not yet - but will be!!! Or I'll end up with another fusion 10 in a few months :) but he needs a hobby and I really think he will like this.

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Ha no kidding! The only things that look pissed are the toads and they have been that way for months.


Well, he's not yet - but will be!!! Or I'll end up with another fusion 10 in a few months :) but he needs a hobby and I really think he will like this.

I see you thought this through, it's a win-win!
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I see you thought this through, it's a win-win!

Ha!! I did! Sancho will give me lots of crap if I end up with another tank :lol:

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Yep, rationalizing more tanks using her dad! You shouldn't use your dad. It was just Father's Day!!!

:lol: well, I am hoping he likes it :) it would be fun to do some reefing stuff together

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I do have a smaller toad similar to Lawn's giant white one. It has a teal fluorescence to it but it is pretty white.


I have never seen a white one like ours before. Mine was teal now it's all white in high light.
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I have never seen a white one like ours before. Mine was teal now it's all white in high light.

that's cool!! It's my favorite toad by far. All my toads are still pissed off so mine aren't growing that fast
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