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Stella's Sixty-Six


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Here are a couple photos from this morning as lights were starting to ramp up. Devil's hand in the midst of some other stuff:




Red gorgonian with white polyps, although I thought it looked cool under the blue lights this AM:



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Surprisingly, I'm not having trouble with the red ball and red tree sponges from KPA - but these photosynthetic ones are the bane of my existence. Really weird.


Yeah, I never had any bubble algae then got some frags in November and all the frags grew bubble algae. I had glued some up to my rock scape and some were on a frag rack. Well, I tried keeping up with the removal, but obviously I didn't and it spread. Everywhere.


It does actually look cool - and the fact that I have mostly softies (well, and some LPS), it doesn't seem to bother them. I try to keep on top of it, but I have resigned myself to the fact that I'm never going to get rid of all of it unless I breakdown my tank, take out all the rocks and dip all of them in H2o2. Which I'm not going to do. I even have it growing on my LOC lines. Ugh.



Bubble Algae is a good fit for manual removal using a siphon and tweezers, maybe you could start with that and then get a bunch of emerald crabs?

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Bubble Algae is a good fit for manual removal using a siphon and tweezers, maybe you could start with that and then get a bunch of emerald crabs?


Oh, I've tried tweezers, a siphon, a scalpel - you name it. This strain of bubble algae has very small bubbles that are very tightly anchored to the rock. so a siphon doesn't even move them. Even if I try to knock them off. I need to tweeze them off and yank - which inevitably causes some bubbles to burst. I've thought about the emerald crab, however, so many people indicate the crab doesn't help much with bubble algae. I'm a bit hesitant to introduce one into the tank with the porcelain crabs I have. Who knows.


I did add the Pencil Urchin (named Yum) from Jeff's monster tank in over the weekend. They aren't reef safe as they can eat some corals I think, but that urchin eats halimeda, chaeto, you name it. i'm hoping he will take a liking to the bubble algae and not my corals :scarry:

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Oh, I've tried tweezers, a siphon, a scalpel - you name it. This strain of bubble algae has very small bubbles that are very tightly anchored to the rock. so a siphon doesn't even move them. Even if I try to knock them off. I need to tweeze them off and yank - which inevitably causes some bubbles to burst. I've thought about the emerald crab, however, so many people indicate the crab doesn't help much with bubble algae. I'm a bit hesitant to introduce one into the tank with the porcelain crabs I have. Who knows.


I did add the Pencil Urchin (named Yum) from Jeff's monster tank in over the weekend. They aren't reef safe as they can eat some corals I think, but that urchin eats halimeda, chaeto, you name it. i'm hoping he will take a liking to the bubble algae and not my corals :scarry:

What if you turn off the pumps and SIPHON as you use tweezers? Using airline tubing or something slightly thicker.


Good luck with the urchin though

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What if you turn off the pumps and SIPHON as you use tweezers? Using airline tubing or something slightly thicker.


Good luck with the urchin though


Good thought! I generally turn off the pumps when I'm cleaning off the algae. Generally i net the bubbles right after I lift them to get them out of the tank. Seems easier to me than trying to do both tweezing and following with a siphon. I then turn the MP40 on, let it blow around, see if I missed any bubbles floating around, turn it off and remove any I missed. Seriously. I spent 2 hours every couple weeks removing bubble algae. It's a PITA.


i've had some bubbles show up in my 12, but they're not the same kind as these and they dislodge very easily. They also don't seem to grow as fast and don't grow in such tight clumps. Not sure what the difference is but this particular crap is EVIL.

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Apparently I feel the need to make up for my slacking over the past few weeks. A few more photos!


I think these are hornets or something. Thanks to Jack's advice, I put them in lower light and they are growing like crazy.



One of my baby RFAs! This one is my favorite I think. I love how it goes from darker to lighter on the face and the skirt which I thought was white initially is looking to be a green. It's smaller than a dime but bigger than a pencil eraser:



Red gorg without white polyps out:



This photo of Bert cracked me up. The mussel you see is attached to some acans and has zoas growing on it. It shifts every so often and it shifted right over Bert's cave! So now Bert has two entrances, one in front and one in back. I was cleaning the glass and Bert was watching me.



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the feather duster's new crown is getting bigger!



Another RFA baby. I had just put some phyto in the water and it puffed up. This one is about the size of a dime.



Zoanthid encrusted sponge. I love this thing! thanks Lawn!



Looking good Stellablue- I like the shot with the little crab

Thanks Sk8n!! Hey, is Benny in your new tank yet?

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That is exactly my experience with these sponges, though IMHO it's got nothing to do with nutrients, but silica. When I stop dosing sodium silicate for a while mine die back, and they did that last week, both my red one and purple one disintegrated in a couple of days.

One of my purple sponges did the same thing last week. About 80% disintegrated. Growing back like gangbusters now though.

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I have an emerald and a porcelain, they get along just great.

This is good to know!!! Maybe I'll try one!




Orange tree (stereonepthia). I just put in phyto so all it's open polyps closed after it started feeding:







Devil's hand:



Bert and one of the cardinals:



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Sk8n Reefer

Thanks Sk8n!! Hey, is Benny in your new tank yet?


Not yet- he is holding down the Nuvo still. I was gonna try on Sunday but I had about 15 people come over to skate and we went for about 5-6 hrs. And I ran out of time. Didn't get the new skimmer (Nyos) hooked up yet either ?

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Thanks Sk8n!! Hey, is Benny in your new tank yet?


Not yet- he is holding down the Nuvo still. I was gonna try on Sunday but I had about 15 people come over to skate and we went for about 5-6 hrs. And I ran out of time. Didn't get the new skimmer (Nyos) hooked up yet either


that's ok! skating is more fun :)

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Sk8n Reefer

that's ok! skating is more fun :)

Ya, I can only cruise around so I was kicking back most of the time taking a run every once in awhile. The 50's doing really good - I got my new camera but now my imgur site is not working for me so I can't post at the moment. I could use photbucket but it reduces the quality of the photo to much. Might have to try Flickr- what site do you use?

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Ya, I can only cruise around so I was kicking back most of the time taking a run every once in awhile. The 50's doing really good - I got my new camera but now my imgur site is not working for me so I can't post at the moment. I could use photbucket but it reduces the quality of the photo to much. Might have to try Flickr- what site do you use?


I use imgur actually. I noticed it was slow, but I'm still able to load and post photos. Although I'm just posting photos taken on my cell so maybe it's because I'm posting lower quality? But a lot of things are taking much longer to load than usual.

Ok, last photo! Fiji yellow leather from Glenn. I put it high up on a branch in good flow and it seems to be happy there. I can't seem to capture how yellow this actually is. It's brighter than I can show in my crappy cell phone photos :)



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Sk8n Reefer

I use imgur actually. I noticed it was slow, but I'm still able to load and post photos. Although I'm just posting photos taken on my cell so maybe it's because I'm posting lower quality? But a lot of things are taking much longer to load than usual.Ok, last photo! Fiji yellow leather from Glenn. I put it high up on a branch in good flow and it seems to be happy there. I can't seem to capture how yellow this actually is. It's brighter than I can show in my crappy cell phone photos :)



I think I might of reached my limit on photos for it to be free. I sent them an email- I think the free volume is around 225 photos. We'll see what they say

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I think I might of reached my limit on photos for it to be free. I sent them an email- I think the free volume is around 225 photos. We'll see what they say


Well, I haven't paid anything and I have over 4000 photos loaded on my imgur :lol:


Maybe it's a certain amount of data use - so if you're loading huge photos, that could be the difference.

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Sk8n Reefer

Well, I haven't paid anything and I have over 4000 photos loaded on my imgur :lol:


Maybe it's a certain amount of data use - so if you're loading huge photos, that could be the difference.

Oh- wow, ya I actually thin I have more than that too. It's when I log on with my iPad. I think it still works with my laptop but I hate using a laptop when I can just use thenipad- so much nicer and easy to manage on your lap. I do all my editing etc. on my ipad

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Oh- wow, ya I actually thin I have more than that too. It's when I log on with my iPad. I think it still works with my laptop but I hate using a laptop when I can just use thenipad- so much nicer and easy to manage on your lap. I do all my editing etc. on my ipad


I'm totally opposite. I hate using the iPad. I generally use my macbook. I HATE typing on an iPad. It's a pain in the you know what :)

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