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Cultivated Reef

Sunstar's Nemesis III - March 2019 - looking... mature...


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I was correct. I got the replacement Hydor and it runs silent...


The story of the "fiasco"


Apparently it was delivered on the 4th and I received no call or communication. We usually get a call, but some of the posties think oh not gonna be home and card it. Really annoying because I am usually home. So I am getting a bit irritated iwth Hydor thinking, geeze send it already. When in actual fact it has been sitting waiting for me for 12 fragging days. I lodged a complaint with Canada post for their crappy issuing of pick up cards.


I emailed and thanked hydor, and told them the replacement works a charm. Good Service. I would purchase from them again. <3

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I am upset.


Rage, anger, frustration. I am not good at emotional control. NoNot when family is in the cross hairs of cancer. Mum, who I am very close to may have it again..... This time in her heart. I am so unsure how to cope. I can get mean.... I would rather not. I prefer to be nice.


Must stop temper. It won't make it right.

Positive thoughts for your mom.

Is the tumor inside the chamber of the heart? They may have referred to it as a myxoma? Or is it inside the heart muscle itself? A primary heart tumor is exceedingly rare, and almost all myxomas are benign. May I ask where her cancer was prior?

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Jan 17th 2016 11:10am


I did not get much sleep last night. Mostly because I was trying to kill the ant chem trail that was leading to my ATO reserve where they were having a little drink. I don't mind an ant or two. I do mind them in my home and I do have a mild phobia of them that increased the more they increase. Its more about their numbers than them.


Anyhow it is apparent I will have to get the exterminators in - once I tell the supers that won't be an option. So to protect my tank, I have been researching online and asking here about how do you deal with it. I have had a lot of good advice. From diatomatious earth (my preferred insecticide) to bug barrier.


The last time we had an exterminator in, it was because our neighbours had bedbugs and they do units that had back to back bedrooms. I had them do my bedroom only, and sealed off the bathroom - where I put my bird, and the living room (the tanks) But now I understand better the process of protecting the aquarium. I just have to get the bird out.


This may be a new page to my instruction manual. How to deal with emergency exterminators and aquaria.


I mentioned it, but I did not write about it, but I finally got my replacement Koralia 240. Thank you Hydor for dealing with me so professionally, I am not the easiest of person to deal with, however, you handle it fantastically, resolved the issue, sent me a new product and proved me wrong. Its dead quiet. Almost... too quiet. You definitely have me remaining as a client. A+


Also that issue I had with the oddly sad tank two weeks ago. Might have been a mix of phosphates and I had the lights dimmed a little. So things look a lot less sad and a lot more happy. I am sure they will be happier when I get that Nanobox. *bounce bounce bounce* I saw some browning of the nuclear greens that made me wonder. They seem brighter. The only browned one is under the shadow of the rockflower. Her spread is nearly 5 inches now. I think she is fat and happy. I gave her - and probably should not have - a bit of salmon. I forgot the fish is oily, but I will deal with that tonight.


One of the montipora frags fell off the plug. I glued it to the rock and I may remove the plug and put that on the rack. Have I ever stated I hate frag plugs? I mean, I understand their usefulness. But I do not like how they make my rock work look. I think I say it a lot. I mean I do have frag plugs. I try to bury some in the sand bed.


I had some plugs out and in my crab tank, but they really did not like it in there. They'll have to remain in the display until my frag tank can be made with the current fixture, and Anyway, they had grown some algae and my hermit crabs inspected each frag and tipped them over and picked them clean. They are actually quite amazing at keeping my tank macro free. Which is a downfall as I want my tank full of macros... (if I can find them).


My gorgonian is in full fluff now, I think she likes the new powerhead.


I am not sure I ever mentioned it, but I work in a restaurant. Line cook, not server... got a lovely burn last week. Part of it hurts like hell. Ah well.


Anyhow, I will give an ant update as soon as I know what I am doing.

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For ants I've had good luck with Terro - it's a liquid that they take back to the nest and poisons them there. It's gross to use because you have to leave it out where they can get it, and they swarm all over it for up to a week while it does it's thing. But it doesn't affect anything else in your environment and as long as they are sweet-loving ants it works pretty well.


It took me a while to get brave about plugs. I hate them too but when I was getting started I was too afraid of hurting the corals to be very aggressive about them. Now I've gotten experience by experimenting here and there with extra or dying corals and I've realized that you really can easily remove just about any coral from the frag plug. Do you have bone cutters? Almost any coral other than zoas can be popped right off by putting one blade of the cutters in the joint between the bottom of the frag and the edge of the plug. Or you can just trim away all of the plug bit by bit until there's nothing left but frag. For zoas, I use a putty knife or old chisel the scrape the mat off the plug.

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I don't have a lot of SPS, so I don't have bone cutters, but they are on my list of things to get. Zoas I try to spread onto the rock or simply make the plug look broken. otherwise I have buried z oa plugs. Basically, I want to get my zoa plugs to spread onto their rock and then sell/trade the plugs.


My gorg frag I put on a plug with green putty, it has grown over the putty. I am hestiant to put it on the rock as I read corky fingers can dominate rocks.... they are a bit like GSP. but I want it on the same rock as my purple ribbon.


The only reason I am "okay" with frag plugs for my zoas at the moment is my rockflower likes to dominate and I may need to remove yet another colony.

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I agree - I hate the look but having a frag plug buried under the growth does make it easier if you need to relocate something later. You can also use wire cutters (dikes) if you don't have bone cutters. They work great for trimming plugs down to a minimal size.

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I think it depends on the coral. zoanthids are okay, but the rounds on say, birds nests makes me ugh. I guess if htey grow out you don't see it, but before.... >.< Personal taste.


now I just realised I have the montipora on frag plug right by the glass and I have a magnifying glass. SO I shall take a closer look :3

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Thanks gary. She is getting a cat this week and seeing her oncologist later as well.



I am wondering, could I move my hammers together, and then put my trumpet somewhere else? Its really close to the hammers and keeps getting stung by the rockflower.


I can put hammers close together right?

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thanks. I really need to contain my rage. it gets out of hand. I don't want to damage something or hurt something. Here's <3 for your mum too.


I was a bit sad about that, I feel Reeally bad... I read someone had accidentally ended their blenny and I was Oh... better make sure, but as I said, the power tripped on and off... I learned.


I've had this on my mind for the last few days.

In my current and previous jobs, I've worked with and around fear quite a bit.

I could go on a lot about it, but I won't.

Here's the important part: Action obliterates Fear.

The best thing your Mom can probably do to overcome her fear instead of being overcome by it is to take positive action about what she fears.

This might mean having scans to find out the facts about exactly what she's dealing with and making a decision about it.

Fear is the kind of thing that will rule & control you as long as you hide from it or run away from it.

The moment you face it, you remove it's power.

The moment you take action about it, you become bigger and it becomes smaller.

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Okay, I have moved stuff around. I moved my trumpet from the rock it has been attached to for about a year to a higher location. I moved a hammer to be beside an other hammer. I hope this is okay, they will touch. this means the zoanthid rock is now free of LPS and I moved a zoanthid back onto the rock. I may very well sell off my hammers at some point, depends on how it goes,a nd if i decide SPS is more my style.

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Thanks gary. She is getting a cat this week and seeing her oncologist later as well.



I am wondering, could I move my hammers together, and then put my trumpet somewhere else? Its really close to the hammers and keeps getting stung by the rockflower.


I can put hammers close together right?


Yeah, hammers can go together as can torches and frogspawn. Some people have some great Euphyllia displays.

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I am gonna see how this works, b ut I have added one lime, one Cyan and one Ultra violet to my array. I kind of wish I had them on their own channels. If I dislike it or find it has bad results I will remove the connections and just keep it on teh blues/whites untikl such time I get a new set of pucks, pots and prject boxes.

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10:30pm Jan 24th 2016 so Happy birthday reefing reboot.


A year and 6 days ago I restarted Nemesis Pico. That was my 1.5 gallon tank, I had used before under the name of Nemesis Nano. I decided pico suited its name better than nano because it was def pico than nano.


A year ago, this day I picked up 3 zoanthids and a Kenya Tree. Kenya trees just don't work for me. It died out. The Frags were, AN orange skirted zoanthid that had two heads - it still has two heads - not entirely true, it had three, but when the RFA moved over its location I had to remove the frag and well.. it is back to two heads. It sits there and does absolutely nothing. The Purple hornets I got died out, but I got more later which are "surviving" And lastly a frag of what could be green people eaters and an orange zoanthid are still with me. These got very ill and died almost all the way down. They are slowly recovering - so two of my original corals are still with me.


WC night.


Emerald Crab Moulted - I hope. It always freaks me out when my inverts decide to shed their skins... did they die? nooo? Where are they hiding? somewhere possibly collecting a new layer of sponge. Is it going to eat my corals - probably. I know my emerald crab, named Bidet - because she was eating anemone poop so joyfully, then stuck her claw into the orifice for more, likes eating my corals. I have seen her doing it.


As I said the other day my tank had some rearrangement of its corals. I put the hammers together, moved the trumpet. I also fragged my anthelia and now have a properly ugly frag rack. My DIY light fixture now has an Ultra Violet wired in.


A leather I had just before christmas which was all shrunk down and unhappy is now puffed up and looking elated at life. I am pleased that everything seems quite chuffed. I can see sponge growing inside my rocks and have found pineapple sponges growing in all sorts of places.


I can't tell if the purple ribbon gorgonian is getting longer, but it is definitely getting more purple as time goes on. it was all retracted and unhappy for a few weeks, but has since puffed out. The corky finger gorgonian seems to be getting longer in the branches.


The SPS - Montipora seems to be browning, but i speculate lighting is an issue. I am not worrying, it is growing. I want some more SPS, but I am waiting until the nanobox arrives. It has been painted/primed. Chirr! I haven't decided what SPS I want.I can't get much.

Tempting.... get a frag and share a small bit with me.

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10:30pm Jan 24th 2016 so Happy birthday reefing reboot.


A year and 6 days ago I restarted Nemesis Pico. That was my 1.5 gallon tank, I had used before under the name of Nemesis Nano. I decided pico suited its name better than nano because it was def pico than nano.


A year ago, this day I picked up 3 zoanthids and a Kenya Tree. Kenya trees just don't work for me. It died out. The Frags were, AN orange skirted zoanthid that had two heads - it still has two heads - not entirely true, it had three, but when the RFA moved over its location I had to remove the frag and well.. it is back to two heads. It sits there and does absolutely nothing. The Purple hornets I got died out, but I got more later which are "surviving" And lastly a frag of what could be green people eaters and an orange zoanthid are still with me. These got very ill and died almost all the way down. They are slowly recovering - so two of my original corals are still with me.


WC night.


Emerald Crab Moulted - I hope. It always freaks me out when my inverts decide to shed their skins... did they die? nooo? Where are they hiding? somewhere possibly collecting a new layer of sponge. Is it going to eat my corals - probably. I know my emerald crab, named Bidet - because she was eating anemone poop so joyfully, then stuck her claw into the orifice for more, likes eating my corals. I have seen her doing it.


As I said the other day my tank had some rearrangement of its corals. I put the hammers together, moved the trumpet. I also fragged my anthelia and now have a properly ugly frag rack. My DIY light fixture now has an Ultra Violet wired in.


A leather I had just before christmas which was all shrunk down and unhappy is now puffed up and looking elated at life. I am pleased that everything seems quite chuffed. I can see sponge growing inside my rocks and have found pineapple sponges growing in all sorts of places.


I can't tell if the purple ribbon gorgonian is getting longer, but it is definitely getting more purple as time goes on. it was all retracted and unhappy for a few weeks, but has since puffed out. The corky finger gorgonian seems to be getting longer in the branches.


The SPS - Montipora seems to be browning, but i speculate lighting is an issue. I am not worrying, it is growing. I want some more SPS, but I am waiting until the nanobox arrives. It has been painted/primed. Chirr! I haven't decided what SPS I want.I can't get much.

Tempting.... get a frag and share a small bit with me.

Ha! I'm positive I'd kill the crap outta a frag like that!

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Fantastic News!



The cat scan indicated that my mum had a shit head for a cardiolgyst. She is clear of cancer. the cat scan indicated none.


I kept saying: I want her to get good news.

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