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Sunstar's Nemesis III - March 2019 - looking... mature...


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1:28am Jan 3rd 2016


This month marks the first year of my return to marine tanks It was about Mid January when I started getting my stuff sorted out and dove back in. It would be my pico's first year, but I was forced to retire it due to a leak, so its end does not conclude a failure.


Nemesis III has been, as her name suggests, been my nemesis once again this day. (that being before work jan 2nd. I go and look down the back and find the water level down and the ATO not tripping. checked the switch box, and - yeah its on. :rant: So... I get pissed. I am hungry I want to get to work to grab something to eat and my ATO is on the fritz. Fan fraggintastic. Dreading the cost of buying an ato. I decide to get to work. I will worry about it later.


So later, home from work, start to remove the switch box off the wall and open it up. checked each connection, plugged it back in and then shoot the living hell out of the switch. It fired off. SO its the float - clearly. I put it back together and set it back into the tank. I wait a while and wiggle it. It won't trip :( I grab the float and unplug the box, cut hte wires, get a new float, . I can't get solder to work, so I twist them well and give them a special wrap. Now the damn thing works.


How was your day?

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I am waaaay too excited for spending so much money, and considering the canadian to USD conversion sucks... but I really really want this.


I am in talks with Dave about a Custom Nanobox Mini Tide Plus M. I am plotting something rather Decepticon - hopefully something with elements of Starscream that I much desire.


Basically the concept i had in mind was Decepticon Wingstripe: (super crappy "photoshop"


I realise the insignia is upside down, and with good reason. Comics and Cartoon often depicted the symbol in inverse. I often figured it was his way of thumbing his nose at Megatron.


The concept is, the line is thinner on the bottom parallels with the red about twice as thick as the white. Then thickening somewhat on the angled rise.


I am partial to a grey body, but I am thinking a black body or a white body would be okay.

Again this is all part of the overall "nemesis" theme.

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I love writing. It was kind of fun. And I think some sort of manual should be written for the specific tank for situations like what happened to poor pippa. I tried to organise it in such a way for someone who has no idea, very basic explanations to slightly more complicated situations that might occur.

I am particularly fond of my glossary page. Perhaps because it is a bit tongue in cheek.

Especially if you have to go away for a period of time.

Tonight's readings. nitrates are a bit higher than I like. Magnesium is going up about 30 points per test. It'll be a short while before its up where it should be.


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this is a cross posted post: http://www.nano-reef.com/topic/369070-purple-ribbon-gorgonian-has-extended-polyp-retraction/


Since just before new years, my Gorgonian - Purple ribbon (Photosynthetic) has been retracted I have had it for over a month, it has shed its waxy layer a few times, usually retracting briefly then.


It is in an area of high flow with a Korilla 240 (noisy as hell) not far from it, just not blowing directly on it.


these are my current readings:


Temp is steady around 79f


I am using an IM10, with oceanic skimmer (on replacement list) DIY light (replacing with nanobox very soon) ATO is employed and RODI water is utilised. PH test is not available. I need to get a new kit and the Reef shop was sold out. Hopefully next week. Salt mix is IO Reef Crystals. Water change is about a gallon on sunday with 2x lL changes twice a week.


It does not appear diseased, simply, retracted. I am thinking of purchasing a soft tooth brush to gently give it a brush over, incase it is having shed issues, but overall it does not look unhealthy.


Any help in either thread regarding.

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Jan 8th 2016 12:38pm


I am generally nocturnal, simply because I work in a restaurant, I find it easier to go to bed late and get up late. It keeps my sleeping patterns normal and me "sane" sanity is rather debatable of a topic for me anyway.... I mean if I was sane would I have spent as much as I have on my tank? Especially now after I established my costs and had a quiet "dear god don't let my husband know" moment. He may find out. I keep my records open - in case he is interested.


I am nearing the end of my upgrades that I feel are necessary.

As my current heading suggests, I am getting a nanobox mini soon. I mentioned it before. But what I plan on getting after is a Skimmer IM ghost Desktop. And then I plan on getting a power backup.


I need to get my Hammer coral glued to the rock again as I accidentally knocked off a week or so ago. Only thing is, I mislaid my putty.


Basically, I want my hammers to the right hand side of the rock and my SPS montipora growing out the left hand side. I am debating if I can put my favia on that rock or move it elsewhere. I am looking at my zoanthids, I really want on the original rock, but my rockflower planted her ass right in the middle of them and i had to pull them off to protect them from being shrouded. The rockflower is also pissing off, what I think is the Yuma.


I am thinking of moving one of my nucler green paly frags to my crab/mantis tank, in an effort to reduce clutter. Alternatively I wait until I get my nanobox, setup the Quarentine/frag tank with the current light fixture and move them over there. (I want it to be bare bottom) Basically I got a lot of stuff because my eyes are larger than my tank. I have some lovely corals in there which I really want to have in prominent locations. Have I ever mentioned I can't stand frag plugs?


I moved my Dendro off the rock because I was having an awkward time feeding it. Simply because my emerald crab would steal all its food. I have another location in mind for the dendro. I just want to feed it up a bit before I attach it.


I think having a frag tank would be beneficial for growing out some of the corals I have and moving ones I just feel don't work with me for now. I have one I am trying to grow out, but I have to bury the base so deep in the sand because it is on a shell.


Anyway, I better jet. I feel like trying to organise stuff again...




edit: found my putty 83


Oh and this is my planned Schedule:


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I was ruminating:


When I got into reefing, it was not so much by choice but by a local forum user wishing for me to experience the joy of keeping a salt water tank. She came over with a 5 gallon tank, some sand, some rock and what I think was a kenya tree, and set me up. We tossed in a shirmp which I removed shortly after when it smelled so very bad.


It was not long before this 5 gallon sprang a leak and I decided, why not, just get a 10. I trotted off to the reef shop to get some more live rock and my learning experience really began.


“What's that?” I would usually ask, after spending hours after dark looking in with a bicycle tail light. Peanut worms, Bristle worms, Amphipods and even more startling a 4 inch long netted flatworm. I got more live rock usually with some sort of interesting something stuck to it. My most interesting something was a “rubber ring” I had no idea what it was, my curiosity demanded I get it light, feed it and see what it was. Turned out it was a tiny s. Tapetum. It grew to be as large as a quarter and then I had two. I also found a strawberry crab, and even a Mantis shrimp. I removed the mantis because of all the horror stories about them. It is perhaps my biggest regret.


I found things like red eyed crabs, aptasia, dear god... flatworms. And as time grew on, I got to understand what was what. I found predatory Isopods, Bobbit worms to name a couple of the more creepy unwanted fellows. I did keep them for as long as they would last in isolation because I dislike destroying something that is alive.


My 10 gallon spread to a 1.5 gallon contest tank, which did very well until summer of 2012. Where both 10 and pico crashed. The pico was the result of an ATO failure. The hose that supplies the water into the tank, fell in and started a cycle of syphon off, and refill on, making the water brackish. This happened while I was away for a day I came home, went to bed, and woke up next morning looking into a devastated reef. I was in the middle of a deep funk at the time and I was like Oh frag it. And drained it, and let the tank sit dry. I was going to college in the autum.


The 10 gallon lost all the coral, but the rock and some of the smaller lifeforms continued on. I kept that tank running, bare bones for most of two years. I threw some oysters I brought home from school into it and dear god, the things spawned. I found some baby oysters several months later. They didn't survive, but it was kind of neat.


It was January 2015 that I decided to try the reef tank once more. I always loved it. I had the equipment handy, I could start again. This time I wanted it visible.


My 10 gallon was beside my husband out of sight and around the corner. My pico was in my bedroom. I only ever saw it at night. I could not sit down and really enjoy either. So for the pico reboot I decided it would go on my desk.


I rinsed the sand, chose a rock from my 10 gallon and set up the tank, and cycled it. The cycle was very short and very quick because I used mature rocks. I started to get CUC and corals, infested my tank with flatworms, and had to eradicate them. I find flatworms are a lot harder to get rid of than they were back in 2010. I suspect they are getting a resistance to flatworm exit. I decided to up my game and dip each and every coral I got. Actually it was after I got a zoanthid eating spider that I really kicked my inspections into high gear.


Then a bunch of my zoas closed and after some research I realised I had zoa pox. I got the furan-2 did the dip as instructed and rid myself of that scourge.


All in all though it is a learning curve. I recently saw a new person on this forum, upset about finding things on his rocks and I realised, oh wow, I forgot what it was like... the discovery, the newness of everything. I realise now why I am even on these forums. Because of watching others discover this amazing hobby and being able to help them out with knowledge I have obtained.


I have learned a lot, but I have much more to learn. Its wonderful.


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I hate frag plugs too.

It sounds like you're putting a lot of thought into placement which is something I wish I'd done a little more of. I had the sense to give the Euphyllias their own area at least but I wish I'd planned the rockwork a little better. An empty tank seems to offer so much real estate but it gets eaten up so quickly.

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yeah it is suddenly. oh scrap.. I have no room



Mantis Shrimp ha been obtained. Its named Bonecrusher. I would have called it Scrapper if it had been a stabber.

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I am editing it to include nanobox and bluefish - when I get those products.


My mantis shrimp. It is NOT in this tank, but in a system elsewhere in my home.


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I am upset.


Rage, anger, frustration. I am not good at emotional control. NoNot when family is in the cross hairs of cancer. Mum, who I am very close to may have it again..... This time in her heart. I am so unsure how to cope. I can get mean.... I would rather not. I prefer to be nice.


Must stop temper. It won't make it right.

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Jan 15th 2016 11:14am

AH hah!

So a couple revelations.

Hydor has been sucking big time due to grinding and whatnot. Turns out this little sucker is missing the damned shaft. I thought the metal axle was part of the impeller. Either I get a replacement part of the replacement fixture. I at least know why its sounding nasty


I wondered why my crab had fuzzy white stuff growing on it, like some sort of infection. I looked into a cave where this thing lives and see the walls coated in a sponge. So the crab's carapace is host to a sponge. Every now and again she's picked herself clean. I thought about dipping her in furan-2, but seems it probably is not a crippling issue.

Also it appears my hammer is going to split a 5th head. The newest hammer has like a dozen little branches forming, my gold hammer - could be frogspawn – is also developing a new branch.

I have been trying to show my husband how to operate the tank myself – along side the manual I gave him. It might be needed if I have to spend time with mother due to her condition. I have been trying to impress upon him that this tank MUST be maintained. I don't care if he scrapes the glass or not - although it would help him with identifying problems.

Anyway, tonight is ATO/RODI night.

I am going to leave my readings off for now, to once a week, but here is the reading I did on monday, I forgot to post it. I was trying to find out why my PH was low, but someone said to put the water outside and test again. Seems CO2 maybe my culprit.

this weeks readings




the recent trend




Oh hey PH tests.. I got the new kit. - the phos is 0, I forgot to plug it in at time I made the pics.

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I am upset.


Rage, anger, frustration. I am not good at emotional control. NoNot when family is in the cross hairs of cancer. Mum, who I am very close to may have it again..... This time in her heart. I am so unsure how to cope. I can get mean.... I would rather not. I prefer to be nice.


Must stop temper. It won't make it right.


I completely understand this.

A couple of years ago, my Mom and Mother-in-law simultaneously got Breast Cancer, went through Chemo and surgery.

Both came out cancer free.

It may be returning in my Mom.

I get it. <3

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I completely understand this.

A couple of years ago, my Mom and Mother-in-law simultaneously got Breast Cancer, went through Chemo and surgery.

Both came out cancer free.

It may be returning in my Mom.

I get it. <3


thanks. I really need to contain my rage. it gets out of hand. I don't want to damage something or hurt something. Here's <3 for your mum too.

I'm sorry about suction cup :( i just found your thread!


I was a bit sad about that, I feel Reeally bad... I read someone had accidentally ended their blenny and I was Oh... better make sure, but as I said, the power tripped on and off... I learned.

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I am upset.


Rage, anger, frustration. I am not good at emotional control. NoNot when family is in the cross hairs of cancer. Mum, who I am very close to may have it again..... This time in her heart. I am so unsure how to cope. I can get mean.... I would rather not. I prefer to be nice.


Must stop temper. It won't make it right.


I'm so sorry about this as well, Sunstar :( I'm sending lots of healing energy to your mum.

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thanks. I really need to contain my rage. it gets out of hand. I don't want to damage something or hurt something. Here's <3 for your mum too.


I was a bit sad about that, I feel Reeally bad... I read someone had accidentally ended their blenny and I was Oh... better make sure, but as I said, the power tripped on and off... I learned.


I don't have this problem in dealing w/my Mom's situation, but I did experience this and mood swings when my 12yo niece was killed. I adopted a dog to help with mood stabilization and it did help. You have to be careful about the temperament of the dog you adopt when doing it for that purpose, but it turned out very well for me. I still have him, he's amazing, 7 yrs old now.

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I have a bird right now, so I can't adopt a dog. I would actually like a cat, but I am wildly alergic to them. I still may get a cat, but.... I would have to get antihistamines nearly permanently. I adopted a mantis shrimp, but they are not exactly cuddly creatures, now are they?


I can't deal with her being so scared. I hate seeing her so frightened...


I'm so sorry about this as well, Sunstar :( I'm sending lots of healing energy to your mum.

thank you <3

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Hope everything works out ok with your mom. Stay strong for her, been there. It's tough to see our loved ones suffer, but positive vibes are better than negative.

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Hope everything works out ok with your mom. Stay strong for her, been there. It's tough to see our loved ones suffer, but positive vibes are better than negative.

its hard to hide my feelings. Its actually hard to hide them from her. we are so close we can virtually feel the other one. Its a cycle... but yeah if I can feel positive for her, maybe she'll feel more at ease.


I got upset with her once because she said she didn't feel like a good mother, but... she never did wrong by me. when I had problems at school with teachers or students, she was there so fast. She taught me to be a nice good kind person, which is why I am so appalled by my temperament. Nice people don't act like that.

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tonight is a WC n ight... and well I got a FINAL NOTICE for delivery on an item I did not get a first notice on. I believe it could be the replacement Hydor 240.

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