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eclipse 12... woot woot!!


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hey danny and SLO. you guys mind if i join you guys on tuesday in buliding the pendant because i need one too.

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i don't mind...you're driving though! ;) the civic has been giving me hell the past couple days stan. grrr. that car is gonna be the death of me, i swear.

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danny...do you have an Chateo? I need some for a new fuge system I am hooking up to my tank. If not any idea where I can get some in Sacto?

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yeah, i've got some...and i've got some calurpa too. not too much of the chaeto, but TONS of the calurpa. not that size matters anyway...i mean i started out with maybe a tiny golf ball sized wad and it grew immensely in a matter or a week or two. lmk when you need it by! :D

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I got toys!




integra finally sold - 8700-, and this just came yesterday for my sr20det powered 240. as a former coworker would have said..... BWAAAA!!!!! car looks like ish, but its nearing the integras power..


Tank looks good my friend, how is the millepora doing?



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nick- that first pic is hilarious. only the turbo enthusiasts would ever understand. :D the nissan will easily out do the integras power after you tune it and whatnot. congrats on selling the integ though...i know you had it for a helluva lot longer than you wanted. :D


most of the stuff i've got is doing well...i just built a canopy with sloreefer and wimpydailo last night and it came out really well. they're a lot easier to make than i had expected.


oh yeah, i saw bob(?) over at all about fish...i wasn't too surprised to see him there since he did well at the aquarium and it's hard to stay outta working at lfs once you start. :D it was cool to see someone i could trust though.


eric- i got it on last night and it looks sweet. minus the whole warped wood thing...lol. i figure if i just spray paint it flat black it should look pretty decent. overall, it came out really well. thanks for the help man! lmk when you want to hit up dale's and/or when you wanna get together with the girls or something. :D my gf said that it sounds like a great idea to go do something fun. lol. talk to you later 'nano inventor'! :D

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here's the newest additions to my tank. an as yet un-identified acro:



i also lucked out and found a colony of bright green cyphastrea.


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that is a surprise. man i gotta go to aqua life again. i really wanted those pieces. hehe. maybe we can go sometime again.

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2 sounds good. ill be at your place at 2. so how you liking your new frags. they look nice. should try to see if eric wunna go to dale as well. i need to give him the overflow box.

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sure...i haven't talked to dale yet though...i know he's basically outta frags for a bit of time. i don't really want to impose and bring a bunch of people over to his place, ya know? maybe it'd be better to wait till he has some stuff for sale before we all head over there...know what i mean? hit up eric on pm to see if he'll be home for us to drop off the overflow box. :D

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hey guys i'll be home around 5 15 if you want to come by then but before then i wont be around. i work the stupid normal 8-5 schedule everyday so i cant go shoping with you all ever unless we go in the evening. And i think dale said hes out of stuff for a bit so maybe in a few weeks he'll be ready for us to come by

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sounds good eric...if we're up your way around 5, i'll hit you up on the cell. maybe sometime next week we can figure out a evening run schedule...start up in rocklin and work our way down to exotic in sac.

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