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20 Gallon Starter


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I'm getting the feeling I want an ac110. Put the ac50 onto a QT tank I haven't gotten yet. Has - Matt I have an app for resizing, image editor, it's free.

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I also have an AC 50, I almost went bigger but oh well I'm happy with it. And I would like to know what app you have. So I can post some pics of my tanks.

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Google play, image editor. So I finally "invested" in red sea reef for data on pro test kit. I tested last night and got 1400mg. About 550 cal. And 6.4 alk. So today I got seachem reef builder. I'm introducing another "regret" red banded turbo. And will be going a big cleaning and water change tonight. I looked back and everything started 01/30/15 for me, I believe I need to slow down. But I'm dying for an anemome and clowns. Petco, I hate the idea, has snowflakes for 49.99 and I believe these are black ice snowflakes. What do you think? But everything in that tank looks like hell. And I don't have a QT tank. Plus I only buy fish and coral from keizer tropical fish & aquarium, my LFS


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Dirty thoughts of changing my 20h to a 20L. Drill a 20L for over flow and refugium. And changing my 20h to a refugium with filter sock and pump. And improving the par values of my fluval reef led by decreasing the height of the water column...

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Lot of maintaince this weekend. Not enough beer and staring. The back wall is pretty algea-nic. I did a 3 gallon water change to grab the scrapped floating algea and detritus that I "blew" off the rock and siphoned the more problematic sand areas. Also I mixed up some seachem reef builder (kh buffer) and dosed as recommened. I checked parameters 24 hours later and alk was up 1.1 to 7.0. Still low but I'll check and dose in a couple days.


Additions, I added a "small" red banded turbo snail. It's taken upon itself too clean the back glass, so good for it. Also I found a small diamond goby at a "LFS" an hour away. It's adapted nicely, built a burrow where I wanted it too. Took on a whole mysis shrimp and played with for almost 20 minutes trying to eat it. I watch it slowly get broken into pieces and eaten.


Changes, my pulsing xenia is about to split again. It's getting close to frag time. My zoas have grown a couple new heads. It would be easy to frag off the new couple heads and I'm thinking about doing it. For the experience more than anything.


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Never go to LFS to waste time... I found a single "detached" zoa I had to have an "eagle eye" polyp. 2 hours later I went back because I had to have it. They didn't know what to charge me. So they sold me 3 frag plugs for $1 and gave me the zoa... than didn't want to break a $20. So freebie! I tested their water. Impressive. Almost identical to mine

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Looks good, I saw where you wrote about doing a sump. I can say after dealing with equipment in my tank alone is enough to make me want one, not to mention all the other benefits.

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I'm a little bit the victim of my girlfriend at this point. The tank is at her house. And she's no more tanks... "but it'll be part of the same system and the diamond goby will be happier with a larger sandbed/bigger foot print. Plus I don't want to do clowns until I establish an anemome. But everything will be happier with more water volume and better lighting. So I'm close to convincing her. Now I'm researching the 20L. For flow and pumps and refugium setups. Lol. Plus the 20h will be a good refugium for the 40b I want and the 20L would be a good frag tank at thay point. Lol

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I've got the best LFS! Keizer tropical fish and aquarium a in oregon... ok enough about them. It's investment day again. I went over budget today, but I had some extra set aside from the previous few weeks when I didn't spend my whole allowance. I'll post pictures as things start to open.


The biggest change is a torch coral. Purple tips and green tenticles. It's a little 3 head frag. It not real happy with me but I'm hopeful. One if my favorite is the "popcorn" zoas. I love picking out single heads of zoas from the frag tanks. I got about 6 heads today. I need to glue them down but was hoping they'd open a little so I could see what I have. Thinking about growing the single heads and fragging them into a "rainbow" rock. I also got a "light" load of pods to help seed my tank/refugium.

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So, I was laying here in bed. Listening to the girlfriend snore, after she complained I ignored her all night for my fish tank. I got back up and decided if I wanted to see the color of the zoas I better mount them. I ended up with with (3) 3 polyp frags, (2) 2 polyp frags, and (3) single head polyps. I know the majority are flavors I don't have, but I'm willing to bet I got at least 2 duplicate flavors. I mounted all the polyps on 3 separate frag plugs and put the in the frag rack. Hopefully they be open in the morning. They have enough room to multiply a few before getting there own flavored plug.

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Well... investment day was a bust. I got 5 gallons of saltwater and 1 gallon RODI water. I'm "saving" for an ehiem 1250. I pickup my 20 long saturday. Spend sometime cleaning it. And hopefully in 2 weeks swap everything into the long. Clean the tall and set it up for a sump. Add dividers add sand and rock and let it cycle before finishing up the piping and connecting the 2 systems. I'm thinking drilling 3 holes 1 return, 1 full siphon overflow, and 1 emergency

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Pretty light investment day livestock wise. I got a little frag rock with a beautiful orange ricordia and a mystery mushroom. The orange is about nickel sized and the neon green mystery mushroom is about half the size of a pencil eraser. Feed day Friday was little success. I attempt to feed my three head torch mysis shrimp. But they alway get away. My fish love it. Nothing more awesome than the flutter of a diamond goby eating mysis shrimp. I might try again later and turn off my hydor. I usually feed with my pumps on to keep food in the water column.

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Thanks for the reinforcement fishl. I might try again later. I'm testing and going to try fragging my pulsing xenia. Practice fragging on something hardy. If I suffer a lose I won't be heartbroken

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So, I was laying here in bed. Listening to the girlfriend snore, after she complained I ignored her all night for my fish tank. I got back up and decided if I wanted to see the color of the zoas I better mount them. I ended up with with (3) 3 polyp frags, (2) 2 polyp frags, and (3) single head polyps. I know the majority are flavors I don't have, but I'm willing to bet I got at least 2 duplicate flavors. I mounted all the polyps on 3 separate frag plugs and put the in the frag rack. Hopefully they be open in the morning. They have enough room to multiply a few before getting there own flavored plug.


Haha that's hardcore! Get out of bed in the middle of the night to go frag zoas... ! :lol::haha:


Good luck with the tank - though it looks like a few of those rocks could use a good scrubbing before switching tanks. Don't want that stuff to choke out your new frags.

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Aj, the last FTS, is terrible compared to current condition. There will definitely be some rock scrubbing. I do my best weekly during my water change. I just keep getting uploading error trying to post pictures. I guess I better try flickr

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I'm a real reef keeper now. I've lost 2 xenia frags and in the hunt for the missing frags I found my first Aiptasia. I'm pretty confident that's what it is. I'm curious to let it grow for the 2 weeks until I swap tanks. But I think I should handle it right now. It's in the back of tank and you can't see it from the normal view spot. So... opinions? Can't get a picture of it

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Yeah you'll want to reel in that algae in sometime...


I think I even have worse luck that you with aptasia. I started my new tank with 100% dry rock and today I grabbed a tiny piece of rubble with some coralline on it to seed my tank (no joke, a piece the size of 2 quarters side by side and flat) and a few hours after I put it in the tank I find a tiny tiny aptasia... I lol'd - amazed at my horrible luck. I immediately took the rock out and used a syringe with some boiling water and the tiny aptasia let go. On a positive note though I found a micro brittle star and a little chiton on the rock too.


Your goby is cool! I've never kept one before and today I got my first. It's in QT right now and if it checks out tomorrow I'll transfer it to the display tank.

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I'm never leaving the house again to see her sister! One of my astrea snail developed a bubble algae. It's a cute little green pearl. So the battle is on. All the rock is coming out and getting scrubbed. The snail might get its shell light on fire! OK a little emotional. But a bee flew down my shirt at the lacrosse game tonight.

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I did some "major" combat this morning.


the 2 rocks in front got a tooth brush scrubbing and the base rock got a 20 minute peroxide bath. The Aptasia got a hot water blast and fell into the dump bucket. Plus my poor little astrea snail with the bubble algae on its shell got removed. The algae blasted with peroxide. Popped, scrubbed, rinsed, peroxided again, rinsed. And finally dropped back into the tank.

This is the before FTS 032315


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I was just posting about how my astrea snail might not have survived the out of water and peroxide bubble algae treatment. It hadn't moved in hours after being reintroduced. But low and behold. It's started to move again. Grazing. I'm pretty happy with my tank with right now, but can't wait to move into the 20 long. Anther couple weeks away. The peroxide dip on the live rock hasn't turned the algea white yet. The scrubbed rock looks good but the turf algae is still there in small 1/8" tall tuffs

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