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Cultivated Reef

Dawn's seahorse garden. Farewell 36g bowfront!


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Eve knows she is in the display and she is so excited. Instead of being hitched she keeps swimming at the top of the bag. I do not think Adam knows that she is near. If a seahorse could smile she would be from fin to fin!

Thanks Gena and stella, i am hoping for the best for my ponies!

I went to a lfs that is kind of far away to buy live brine shrimp to gut load with furan 2. While i was therebi picked up some smaller peppermints to put in the display as well as 2 astrea and 1 trochus snail.


That's so cute about Eve, Dawn. How do you gut load them with Furan2? That's a great idea by the way.

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That's so cute about Eve, Dawn. How do you gut load them with Furan2? That's a great idea by the way.

You just put the brine shrimp in a container and sprinkle furan 2 just like you would food. Brine shrimp capture food with their appendages near their abdomens and they eat it like food.

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Good luck! Seems like she's had enough antibiotic treatment that she should be able to heal on her own now as long as you keep the display water super clean. Turning the temperature down a bit more seems like a good plan too! Hopefully she'll be fully recovered very soon.

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Good luck! Seems like she's had enough antibiotic treatment that she should be able to heal on her own now as long as you keep the display water super clean. Turning the temperature down a bit more seems like a good plan too! Hopefully she'll be fully recovered very soon.

Thanks! That's my hope Felicia.

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This video is 3 and a half minutes. I know thats a bit long but i just couldn't stop watching them but you are allowed!

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This video is 3 and a half minutes. I know thats a bit long but i just couldn't stop watching them but you are allowed!

Awesome work Dawn, the reunion is so great,love the music selection :flower:
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:wub: :wub: :wub: OMG that is cute

I know, isn't it just so sweet?

Awesome work Dawn, the reunion is so great,love the music selection :flower:

Thanks Patrick. Actually the music was what was available in a 3 and a half minute clip, ha ha!

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I know, isn't it just so sweet?

Thanks Patrick. Actually the music was what was available in a 3 and a half minute clip, ha ha!

Well it all came together like magic,love them sea ponies so awesome looking.
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RIP Sebastian


This video is 3 and a half minutes. I know thats a bit long but i just couldn't stop watching them but you are allowed!


WAAAAAHHHH! They are SO CUTE! It's great that everything is going well! *knock on wood*

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WAAAAAHHHH! They are SO CUTE! It's great that everything is going well! *knock on wood*

Adam loves her so much. He has not been eating well in her absence which is why i returned her to the display even though her ulcer is not totally gone. I was starting to worry he might get sick and thought that she is recovered enough. I hope i did the right thing.

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Adam loves her so much. He has not been eating well in her absence which is why i returned her to the display even though her ulcer is not totally gone. I was starting to worry he might get sick and thought that she is recovered enough. I hope i did the right thing.


Man, theres no way i would be able to keep up and maintain seahorses, but i love how passionate and caring u are for these guys, really inspirational :)

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Man, theres no way i would be able to keep up and maintain seahorses, but i love how passionate and caring u are for these guys, really inspirational :)

I kind of knew seahorses were problematic even before i kept them as it is advised to get a medical kit before you get seahorses. That should have been enough to forewarn me, ha ha! I really do care a lot about them, however.

OMG Dawn! That is the sweetest video!


I know, even i have watched it about 5Xs already, ha ha! Of course they are my pets and like all pet owners i think mine are the cutest!
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I kind of knew seahorses were problematic even before i kept them as it is advised to get a medical kit before you get seahorses. That should have been enough to forewarn me, ha ha! I really do care a lot about them, however.

I know, even i have watched it about 5Xs already, ha ha! Of course they are my pets and like all pet owners i think mine are the cutest!


The end when they were holding tails and swimming around :wub:


They ARE the cutest. I love those two. This video warmed my heart :)

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Love that video! Makes me miss my seahorses, but then you remind me how much work they are! I just like enjoying yours now and sticking to my easy predators. :) I always love when seahorses hitch tails and swim around like that. Looks like they are out for a romantic stroll holding hands. Glad they're back together and they really look like they're doing well. They act happy and healthy, so seems like you're out of the woods.

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OMGSH such a cute video!!! They are adorable! Happy to see them back together :wub: wub:

Me too, they belong together.

Yay....loved the video :).

Thanks Gena!

So sweet! Loved when he wrapped his tail around her. .. awwwww.

I especially like when he is first swimming up to her and he kind of lays his tail on her, almost like he is shy and asking permission. Of course he takes charge by the end of the video, ha ha!

The end when they were holding tails and swimming around :wub:


They ARE the cutest. I love those two. This video warmed my heart :)

The way they treat each other warms my heart too. I think that is why i am willing to deal with their high maintenance needs is because they are so darn cute!

Just 1 word!



I think ' cute' when i see them but hey, 'awesome' works too! Thanks!
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Love that video! Makes me miss my seahorses, but then you remind me how much work they are! I just like enjoying yours now and sticking to my easy predators. :) I always love when seahorses hitch tails and swim around like that. Looks like they are out for a romantic stroll holding hands. Glad they're back together and they really look like they're doing well. They act happy and healthy, so seems like you're out of the woods.

Yes, they sure are a lot of work. Nobody is gonna read my thread and think they are easy, which is good. They will know what the seahorse experience is like- both the joys and the pain.

I always think of them holding hands when they hitch their tails together too. Adam still didn't eat well yesterday but i think he was just too crazy excited to eat. Eve however ate enough for the both of them. She always was the chow hound of the pair.

They are looking good so i hope its smooth sailing from here.

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Me too, they belong together.

Thanks Gena!


I especially like when he is first swimming up to her and he kind of lays his tail on her, almost like he is shy and asking permission. Of course he takes charge by the end of the video, ha ha!

The way they treat each other warms my heart too. I think that is why i am willing to deal with their high maintenance needs is because they are so darn cute!

I think ' cute' when i see them but hey, 'awesome' works too! Thanks!

:wub: Umm will ADORABLE work?

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