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Coral Vue Hydros

Nanofreaks Tiny Terror Algae returns!


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BAM! I busted arse and made good time. I only sliced two nems, which is fine, they'll heal. The scape might change a little, depending on where the nems decide to take refuge. These rocks are porous but have a much flatter appearance which is what I wanted. I ended up using a koralia 425 to keep detritus suspended and easier for my overflow to catch it.


iPhone shots, and didn't use Flickr to fix, just some,quick pics.

22319838905_a26c565fa3.jpg by -Nanofreak79-


22319849215_b623b04206.jpg by -Nanofreak79-


22330441141_dfb05b10b9.jpg by -Nanofreak79-


22132114058_da8c4bace3.jpg by -Nanofreak79-


21697089324_61ef1238c1.jpg by -Nanofreak79-


Cleaned out the sump but not a full cleaning, I'll do that later once my Python hose attachment for sinks comes in.


22330442271_b085a20d1e.jpg by -Nanofreak79-

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Looking good man,how long did it take ? I like the scape. With a long,shallow and narrow tank,you've gotta kinda go low and long lol.

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Freakin pervert, you would see a penis. Lmao, JK. Scrapes ok nothing to write moms about. Thanks though! Including shower only about two hours. I chiseled the rock, which took up most time. I threw away or out the door the other stuff, I'll probably clean it and sell it. I also cleaned all my reactors and skimmers oh and wiped down the sump on my big tank. Just need to do a,water change on the big tank, and start messin with the aqua scape for my z and p tank. No kids tomorrow so probably then. I also glued down the frags I got from CR to the rocks. I'm outta room in here,ma few more lower light corals maybe and some more sps and I'm gonna just watch it grow in the 68.

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Well shit....I can't believe it, the annoying algae is back again. I don't know what to do, I'll investigate a little more, if I can't get this under control I'm going to have to tear this down.

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It's similar to Dino but mostly flaky brown algae that blows off of the back wall and rocks. I removed all the previous rock and half the sand. Then I added new live rock I purchased online. That was roughly a week ago and now it's back to its former self.

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Yes, always 0 TDS water. It's a weird single strand brown fluffy algae that grows fairly tightly together. I just cleaned the tank again, but it shouldn't be long before some pops up. The stuff on the sand is the same as th rocks, it just looks slightly different because it's growing on sand. The old rocks were covered in a white algae and this brown crap. I feed minimal, I tong feed the sexies one pellet of shrimp pellets every other days, the maxis are fed once a week and the harlequin is an appendage evEry week. WCs happen weekly doing 80% of tank volume, not the sump.

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I wonder if using Seachem Stability to boost good fauna would help. It's a fairly cheap thing to try.

Love stability I cycle all my tanks with it. Except this one. I bought live rock thinking the same thing hmmm might pick some up, can't hurt. Thanks!

Looks almost like the dinos ben had.

I slightly remember, just not what he did to get rid of them. Lol

You think it has anything to do with the par bulbs red diode

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I don't think it's the red in the par bulb,but I've been wrong before. Maybe it was something on the rocks ?! Maybe take the rocks out and dip them in acid or something and kill all the bacteria ?!

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I don't think it's the red in the par bulb,but I've been wrong before. Maybe it was something on the rocks ?! Maybe take the rocks out and dip them in acid or something and kill all the bacteria ?!

I basically redid the rock because there was so much die off. I used lots of water changes .

If it's photosynthetic it doesn't matter what color the light is.

How do I fix this? Brb gotta go get my drugs.

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I'm thinking dino, get someone w/ a microscope to check.

Who, or where can I get that done. Once I get that done does that give me a plan of attack? Oh, and nice to see ya!

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Thanks buddy. I'll see if he wants to nerd out and help me. Really though how do I fix this, is there different ways, I mean Dino's are Dino's generalizing of course.

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So I'm thinking of tearing this down. Sell the whole lot of maxis and just be done with it. I'm sick of this algae and me trying to fight it off. You guys and gals think someone would buy 12-14 maxis?'hm

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