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Cultivated Reef

My Rockin' Flower Garden!


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I have spent the last 10 years reading this thread lol (it's a long thread) holy cow how did I miss this thread? Although you went through hell with the lfs with the tank/stand fiasco It all worked out for the best because that tank is awesome. Refreshing to see such ambition in with captive breeding efforts. I applaud you for the time, research, MONEY, and love you have put into this hobby. Here's to the new designer line of flower nems!

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I have spent the last 10 years reading this thread lol (it's a long thread) holy cow how did I miss this thread? Although you went through hell with the lfs with the tank/stand fiasco It all worked out for the best because that tank is awesome. Refreshing to see such ambition in with captive breeding efforts. I applaud you for the time, research, MONEY, and love you have put into this hobby. Here's to the new designer line of flower nems!


If I make some gas money I'll be happy, but moreover I just wanna make babies instead of buying adults from the ocean. I just want to see them grow, it takes a long time and it's hard to feed the little guys, and this is one of those things where there may be more hope than outcome. I had one baby in the 34g but it disappeared, melted, I don't know. Hard to feed it under the skirt of the mama.


I did hear though that there could be massive spawning in the keys somewhere tonight.

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Remember that little crab I'd see every 3 mos in Maiden's voyage? He was transferred to Rockin' Flower Garden. He lived in one of the rocks I moved over and I just saw something crawl back into the rock. Also that ended up relocating but I haven't seen it yet, the largest of the brittle worms. Still not huge but it's at least out of the 34. He can pick up any food that falls in the 60.


I had a pair of pantyhose that I got a run in today during our "dress professional" at work today. I put some phosguard in it and put it in the back of the overflow to assist with some removal maybe of this cyano, before I can do a large water change on Sun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Randi helped me notice I had tons of pods in my 60- don't know why I hadn't noticed except that the eye sore I'm seeing is the cyano probably that's why. Anyway, knowing that I thought It would be great to put a little fish in there to eat them. What about one or two of those cute ruby red and yellow dragonets? They'd be the only fish. They could eat the pods and anything frozen that fell on the wayside of the nems- would they eat a little cyclopeeze too? Thoughts???

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I think it would be totally fine as long as you trained them to eat frozen. I would imagine with so little live rock that they might get the pod population under control over time and then need to be supplemented. They will be easy to feed though since no other fish can steal their food.


I totally understand your pod problem right now since my 45g has the same problem!!! Those boogers love to take over when there isn't a predator.

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Love scooter Blennies and dragonets. Out of all the fish in my systems, people tend to notice the scooter and enjoy watching its movement more than any other fish. My kids love how it scoots along the bottom, swims around and over rocks and flares it's little back fin. With your pod population, they would do very well and hopefully will be trained on mysis and brine soon enough.

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I put Dr. Tim's Waste Away in the tank today to help with the cyano- I'm thinking what caused it to reappear and badly at that were some snails I bought 2-3 wks ago, not sure if all of them lived. Some Nerites certainly were climbing out and I'd throw them back in. But some Fl ceriths may have been the culprit too. I didn't see any move so I threw them away. The rest I put into Gertie's tank while the treatment is occuring. I probably should've done a water change before I put it in but I checked & I had no nitrates or phoshates. How soon should I do a water change?

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Remember its best to turn off your skimmer for at least 12 to 24 hours after adding Waste Away. If your water gets cloudy then you certainly can turn it back on. The bacteria will need a little time to attack the cyano and any other organic matter. I believe after a day or two you can perform a water change.

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Remember its best to turn off your skimmer for at least 12 to 24 hours after adding Waste Away. If your water gets cloudy then you certainly can turn it back on. The bacteria will need a little time to attack the cyano and any other organic matter. I believe after a day or two you can perform a water change.


Yeah, the water is cloudy. I'm going to do a water change on Mon after work then. If i see the water clears up when I wake up I'll turn off the skimmer. That'll be like 12 hrs or so it was on. Nice how the bottle didn't say anything about turning off the skimmer. I did turn up the pump for more flow, just not so much so sand was moving all around or lifting up the skirts of the nems.

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Did you turn your skimmer off? I wonder if I should go turn it off now or tomorrow am. It's been 5 hrs w/ it on now.

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Did you turn your skimmer off? I wonder if I should go turn it off, it's been 5 hrs w/ it on now.


dont have a skimmer =P. i dont do anything special. i do split the dosage into two separate days instead of the full dosage in 1 day.

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Cyano is doing MUCH better. I decided not to do a water change as I saw it started to go away. I'll do one Sun and then add a new dose.




Also, meet Millie!!!!! She had a boyfriend on Sat but it was a short lived romance, he passed sometime in the night or Sun am. I'll get her another. Great price though- $25 a piece. No warranty on fish though. 2.5 hrs away.



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Millie's first video. She really needs some company in there aside from the bristle worm, tiny crab and pencil urchin.


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Awwwww...Millie's a cutie!!!! She's a fatty too LOL. Is she eating prepared foods or just pods? I sure love that peachy orange RFA.


I think she's just eating pods so far. I fed the rock flowers the Fish Frenzy food and let tiny pieces fall by her but they were probably too big. I haven't seen her personally eat yet and even though I have contacts I don't have the up close reading glasses right now because the screw fell away/broke so if she did slurp one up I didn't notice. Glad to hear you think she's doing well. At this lfs they had cleaned their tanks and most were cloudy at the moment so it was hard to see what was being picked out to go home with me. I love her scooting.


I'll try to pay attention and see if she is eating. I will pick up some brine on Monday too. I have to go downtown for labwork, then the mall to use a gift card my mother-in-law bought me last Christmas, and then I'll pick up the brine at Petco. I'll be out of town Tues and returning Thurs so I would feel better knowing I saw her eat some pods. Did you ever find the Nutramar? Oh, and do they like the tiny frozen cyclopeeze? I put some in yesterday and turned off the skimmer.

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Glad to hear that the cyno is getting under control. I really like the coloration and beauty of several of your rock anemones. I want to try a couple in my new Fusion but am afraid they may move around and sting other corals. Do you find they move a lot or stay where you put them?

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I found these dragnets difficult to keep. Mine would not go for live food that was swimming like tiger pods and brine, nor would it go for mature pods (maybe too big) so the difficulty is that they seem to only want baby pods if they eat at all. I tried everything. Very finicky eaters. I could not verify if mine was eating the pods in my tank and it was looking thin so I took her back to the LFS to the original tank she came from, I don't think she lived. Still not sure what these guys want to eat, but if you can keep an ample supply of pods in the tank I think that is the best you can do. From the looks of yours in the video, it seems to still have some weight on it, watch it carefully, as soon as you see it starting to slim out, it's run out of pods and it will likely die in a week or two.

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Hey did you guys see that Dr. Foster&Smith is supposed to have Ova in on the 1st?


I'll be watching to see if it comes in.

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So I just got my first RFA, do you feed yours anything special. I was planning on doing vitamin enriched mysis shrimp.


that's good + cyclopeeze.


Glad to hear that the cyno is getting under control. I really like the coloration and beauty of several of your rock anemones. I want to try a couple in my new Fusion but am afraid they may move around and sting other corals. Do you find they move a lot or stay where you put them?


They might move a little on one rock til they find the spot they want, or as it gets larger it might move a little while it's stretching out. They love to be up close & personal with each other, they don't have any kind of tentacles where they would reach out and sting something. You don't have to wear gloves because they don't have a sting that I have ever felt. I've taken them right out of the bag into my hand.


glad Waste Away worked for you! are you going to dose it regularly?


I don't know, I'll have to see because my sister is sending along her media reactor for me through my mom who's driving back w/ my aunt & uncle. I'd like to see how I do w/o it. I don't know if this Sun I should still use half dose or go regular dose after the larger water change.


I found these dragnets difficult to keep. Mine would not go for live food that was swimming like tiger pods and brine, nor would it go for mature pods (maybe too big) so the difficulty is that they seem to only want baby pods if they eat at all. I tried everything. Very finicky eaters. I could not verify if mine was eating the pods in my tank and it was looking thin so I took her back to the LFS to the original tank she came from, I don't think she lived. Still not sure what these guys want to eat, but if you can keep an ample supply of pods in the tank I think that is the best you can do. From the looks of yours in the video, it seems to still have some weight on it, watch it carefully, as soon as you see it starting to slim out, it's run out of pods and it will likely die in a week or two.


hopefully she'll be ok, there are no predators in the tank to eat the pods, just herself. I'll try to keep a close eye and try the brine as well.


Hey did you guys see that Dr. Foster&Smith is supposed to have Ova in on the 1st?


I'll be watching to see if it comes in.


I'll definitely get some if they have it.

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