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Rock Flower Anemone Information and Appreciation Thread


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I don't see a negative to this. ;)


Me neither, actually! I will probably never get into the SPS craze, I just don't want to stress about pristine water and so forth. I ordered four from Morgan, unfortunately I didn't grab pictures of most of them. One looked kind of like a weird tie dye shirt, one was yellow, another had orange tentacles and greenish mouth, and the fourth:




I think the ones you can partially see to the left and top left are in the order as well.


That will make 5 RFAs in a 24g. I'm thinking that's OK for now, but if they get too large I may need a bigger tank.

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Odd I have peppermint with rfa's and atleast 30 tiny baby ones I'd think they would eat.


Not to derail this thread with peppermint shrimp anymore than it is.. there are many types of shrimp that are sold as peppermint shrimp. Not all of them are reef safe and not all of them eat aiptasia.




In that picture, A) Lysmata wurdemanni is the one that is known to eat aiptasia.

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Not to derail this thread with peppermint shrimp anymore than it is.. there are many types of shrimp that are sold as peppermint shrimp. Not all of them are reef safe and not all of them eat aiptasia.




In that picture, A) Lysmata wurdemanni is the one that is known to eat aiptasia.



Mine was "D".


Edit: Apparently it is Lysmata boggessi (http://decapoda.nhm.org/pdfs/27306/27306.pdf)

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Not to derail this thread with peppermint shrimp anymore than it is.. there are many types of shrimp that are sold as peppermint shrimp. Not all of them are reef safe and not all of them eat aiptasia.




In that picture, A) Lysmata wurdemanni is the one that is known to eat aiptasia.


That's exactly why I made my original post............




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Visit to VIP reefs in Miami was good. Neat place. Unfortunately my imagination caused me to be a little let down by reality. Make no mistake, nice place, great staff, great product. I had just built it up in my head to a point that I was doomed to be disappointed.


That said I picked up 2 new RFA's. They had one I wanted to buy that he said they were keeping for themselves :(


Prepare yourself for my lousy cellphone pics.





I'm amazed at the colors this nem has developed. It's the one on the bottom above..




The pink one has placed itself in a position that is difficult to photograph in my bc29 unless you want a picture of it's butt.

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Love the green one and the flash of orange in the yellow one above is cool. More pics when you get them please!


Me neither, actually! I will probably never get into the SPS craze, I just don't want to stress about pristine water and so forth. I ordered four from Morgan, unfortunately I didn't grab pictures of most of them. One looked kind of like a weird tie dye shirt, one was yellow, another had orange tentacles and greenish mouth, and the fourth:




I think the ones you can partially see to the left and top left are in the order as well.


That will make 5 RFAs in a 24g. I'm thinking that's OK for now, but if they get too large I may need a bigger tank.

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Parentals sent some cell pics (yes they're vertical) to me today, and some were of the rock nems so I figured I'd let you guys know how they're doing :)


Pink nem getting some green streaks



Orange nem, center of the rock structure...



And my green nem hiding behind the macros. It's looking a lot better than it did when I last posted and seems to be stretching back to its original size when I first got it!



Anyways, couple of questions, does anybody know how to get the tentacles to be any longer? I've seen photos of nems with long puffy tentacles whereas mine are kind of short. Does this have any relation to the skirts of zoanthids that change in length relative to flow or lighting? All 3 of my nems had what I would say long tentacles when I first got them but after awhile they start to retract. I'd like to be able to get them back to how they were when I first got them, but I'm unsure about where to start.


Everybody's nems look great though :) Hope to get some more soon

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I think the ones you can partially see to the left and top left are in the order as well.


That will make 5 RFAs in a 24g. I'm thinking that's OK for now, but if they get too large I may need a bigger tank.

I've got 13 in a 20 gallon. :ninja:

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So I just recently picked up my first rock flowers and I had a few questions. I bought a red rock flower a few days ago. The listing was NOT wysiwyg, but.... They did have a representative picture up:



The listing did say it was their pick and sizes will vary. This is what I received:



Before I leave a review, I wanted to hear what you guys think. Am I wrong for being a little disappointed? Is this standard for this type of transaction? If I screwed up by not buying wysiwyg in the first place, please let me know. That's how I kind of feel right now, lol.

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So I just recently picked up my first rock flowers and I had a few questions. I bought a red rock flower a few days ago. The listing was NOT wysiwyg, but.... They did have a representative picture up:



The listing did say it was their pick and sizes will vary. This is what I received:



Before I leave a review, I wanted to hear what you guys think. Am I wrong for being a little disappointed? Is this standard for this type of transaction? If I screwed up by not buying wysiwyg in the first place, please let me know. That's how I kind of feel right now, lol.


That stinks. I would never buy a non WYSIWYG anemone :(


If the ad was for a "Red Rock Flower Anemone", that is a red flower anemone. Fair.


You could message the seller commenting that the picture is not representative of what you receive though and saying you are disappointed, or asking him/her to use a more representative picture in the future.

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I would also go by the price. If there using that picture with a price $20 for example then your never likely to get one as nice as there pic so as harry potter says (lol) the picture isn't representative of what you will get. If however you paid $80 or so then i would expect one as nice as the pic.

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So I just recently picked up my first rock flowers and I had a few questions. I bought a red rock flower a few days ago. The listing was NOT wysiwyg, but.... They did have a representative picture up:



The listing did say it was their pick and sizes will vary. This is what I received:



Before I leave a review, I wanted to hear what you guys think. Am I wrong for being a little disappointed? Is this standard for this type of transaction? If I screwed up by not buying wysiwyg in the first place, please let me know. That's how I kind of feel right now, lol.

Unfortunately, you purchased an anemone photographed under only royal blue LEDs. If you do not run only royal blue LEDs, your anemone will never look like the picture.

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So i just bought my last RFA for a while. I now have an even 20. I'll only add to it now if i see one very different to what i have or extra special....so probably next week lol.


The one i picked up has a central pattern i haven't seen before, was labelled "toxic splash". Excuse the phone pic for now.



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The price was 54.99. I had %20 off of that. I did message the seller about the pic not being very representative of the product received. They responded its a red RFA. I think I have to chalk this up to a learning experience on my part.

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Just got 2 of them and i like to know if i can frag them?.



Short answer is cutting them kills them. Though seem to recall someone who had one go through a pump and get cut in 1/2 and both halfs survived. They can be bread however. You would likely need more than 2 as they are not hermaphrodites, they are male and female and there is no easy way to tell them apart.




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I got my order from Morgan, one didn't make it, but the other three are settled in, and ate yesterday. These look much better with some blue, but my phone doesn't like the blue :(



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Of course Gertie is beating up another now. I can't take them out of her tank though, I have no room anywhere. And I can't move Gertie anywhere.

Can you get a breeder box, or basket of some sort to put the RFAs in? Maybe rig it to hang on the side or back wall?

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