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gsgentry's Innovative Marine Nuvo 24 Build (Fried Light Pic)


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Just need to pick up some PVC pieces and throw in my dead shrimp to get this thing going. :)


Once your stuff is out of QT you can pull the tank down and quickly re-seed it by running some zeolite in a bag in your sump area. Perfect place for bacteria to live and it absorbs ammonia too. Just make sure you don't exceed the timeline for use recommended by the manufacturer because it will leach ammonia back into the water.

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Thanks. I was actually considering leaving it up 24/7 and always housing a fish in there for my daughter since it is in her room. There shouldn't be a problem with that, should there? That way if someone gets sick or I get a new fish, I just take it straight to QT. :)

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Thanks. I was actually considering leaving it up 24/7 and always housing a fish in there for my daughter since it is in her room. There shouldn't be a problem with that, should there? That way if someone gets sick or I get a new fish, I just take it straight to QT. :)

But then wouldn't her fish be exposed to your new sick fishy?

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But then wouldn't her fish be exposed to your new sick fishy?


If I had a sick fish that needed to be QT using copper or something, I would transfer hers to the DT. At least that is my thought process. LOL Maybe I am not thinking this through fully.

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Looking at the tank today and the pods are going crazy!! They are all over the place including in the back of the tank. Pretty neat.


Threw the shrimp into the QT tank and will be dosing it daily with MicroBacter 7. I didn't use that on my DT tank, but figured I would on the QT.

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I bought the Marineland powerhead for my QT tank and it came with a ton of parts for different configurations. Well I came across this venturi valve and thought I would try it on my Tunze 9002 skimmer mod. Boy what a difference!!! It is SO easy to fine tune now and make even minor adjustments. I would highly suggest that everyone who has this mod, or who will be doing it, to pick up on the these. They look better than most too. :D



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Lights looking great!! And the valve is

Nice mine is easy to fine tune but I hate the bright yellow valve lol I may have to try this then I can have just that stick up through the chamber cover I made!


Ps still waiting on the layout of yours so I can trim them it's unreal the evaporation it stops!

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I figured I would wait until I get the new probe holders and AWC stuff completed, because that will change things some. :) You are a good man for doing that for me!!

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Quick shot. Pitch black outside and this is the best I can get. :)


It is almost finished!





Ironic...My name is Greg and I am waiting for my 24 Duo also....almost got excited there for a moment.

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Ironic...My name is Greg and I am waiting for my 24 Duo also....almost got excited there for a moment.


Yours is in the same shape. Finishing the wiring up. Whoop!

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This light is going to be so AWESOME!!! I will provide some of the details on what it can do when I get it and get some pictures taken. May need to take some videos too, to show off some of the cool features it will have. :)


Thanks Dave!!! :)

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Well ran some tests tonight. Ammonia is now at 0 and Nitrate is at12ppm. No clue where Nitrites are because I didn't buy that test kit, as I figured it's only really needed during cycling. Kind of wish I did now. :)


I did notice that my pH was up to 8.1 today, when it's been around 8.0. So I feel we are just about done!! I will probably go buy a cheap API test kit for Nitrites tomorrow. I'll need it for the QT tank as well. The shrimp spiked the QT ammonia yesterday, so it's doing its thing. Must say that I love these Ammonia Alert Discs from Seachem!!!!


Cycle almost done and light almost here!! What could be better!!!

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I'd remove the shrimp soon and good to hear your QTing everything are u going to QT corals too


Not sure... Been reading mixed things on this. Thinking of just giving them a Coral Rx dip. What is your opinion on this?

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Lol as much as mr saltwater tank makes me mad some times I watched his live streama few weeks ago about coral qt...

Dipping just stuns the pests that are on the coral, it allows them to fall off but their eggs can be left behind, however i think that if you take a new tooth brush u can gently scrub the frag plugs etc but I don't know if I will qt corals or not a part of me says yes it will save me the agony of a pest but then you have to qt for 60 days to ensure any potential pests are dead. IMHO inspect allllllllllll corals SUPER thoroughly and rub off anything suspicious and dip them to. I might set up a small qt with just a par 38 bulb other wise thing could get expensive.

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Mr Saltwater annoys me for some reason!! Lol Ya, lighting is something else too. My thought is that you risk the same pests pretty much when you buy live rock. :)

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If you use coral Rx pro, as per the directions, you'll see pests dying and falling off your corals. The problem with QT'ing corals for 60 days is you need lights strong enough to keep them alive/grow them for 60 days, so you're basically just setting up another reef tank at that point. Fish are easy for 60 days, corals...not so much.

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If you use coral Rx pro, as per the directions, you'll see pests dying and falling off your corals. The problem with QT'ing corals for 60 days is you need lights strong enough to keep them alive/grow them for 60 days, so you're basically just setting up another reef tank at that point. Fish are easy for 60 days, corals...not so much.

Yes, I agree. That will probably be my plan for now. Maybe one day a QT for corals but for now I'll use the Coral RX.

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Waiting on a few things for the AWC, but it will be here soon! :)


Ammonia is at 0ppm, Nitrites at .1ppm and Nitrates at 12-14ppm. Tank should be finished cycling with the next week. Depending on how long Petco takes on the pumps for the AWC, may have to do the first one manually. Lol


I ended up not using the Aqualifter pumps for the AWC because it would have taken too long. Now I can have the Apex shut the pumps and skimmer off, draw out a few gallons, pump a few gallons in, then turn the pumps back on all in about 3 minutes. I will have a heater and power head in the new saltwater tank that both will turn on the night before to mix the water and get the temp up before the water change the next morning. More to come on all this soon. :)

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A couple of tanks, pumps, float switches and the Apex system. The Apex can be programmed to turn on certain pumps at certain times and to shut off at a certain time, or when I switch is tripped. I will post the details this weekend when I put it together. :)

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