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2013 Nano Reef Gift Exchange :Secret Santa:


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Stop it. His mama knows he paid me to go out for dinner with him.
And she practically disowned me when I told her that I didn't pay you enough to bring you to Christmas dinner . I think She likes you more than she likes me


Maybe his mama gave him the money?
The big kids always beat me up and take my lunch money :(
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I'm their loss prevention lead so basically I do security+ asset protection + all the jobs the boys can't do because they're boys and thus aren't aloud to in general anything involving naked women LMAO. Also, when rich girls wanna go party but mommy and daddy want them to be safe I babysit them at LIV, make sure they come home in one piece lol

Bikini patrol on weekends :)

I bet that's an absolute blast. The stories you could tell.... Hell when I was on Bikini Patrol there as a guest it was a good time :)


I did my share of AP for Target awhile back and even in a ho hum atmosphere like that there was plenty of entertainment. I wonder how the lady on Oct 4th faired who looked liked she purposely fell and ended up breaking her ankle in the process while I was waiting with a few people for a shuttle to the airport. Hopefully the group I was with didn't cause too much grief. A couple of us took a drunken plunge into the pool after hours during an event the night we got there. We had no idea that was all off limits at like 7pm. Yours guys freaked out a little.


All in all you couldn't ask for a better deal. Daily seminars in Versailles till 5pm and a private lunch on the beach is tough to beat every day for a week.


I will be back, someday. Girls need to get a little bigger or I need to convince my wife we need a trip alone, well that and cut spending on the tanks.

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Me too.....
Your gift is suppose to be shipped today. Should be 2 separate shipments.


lucky.And here i am in a city "that never sleeps, except the post office". >____
Look for your gift today.


Sorry Tiki. I forgot to include my Secret Santa note.I'm glad you liked it.:) You and psycho inspired the ninjas stars. They are just beginners stars until you upgrade to some heavy duty ones. Only the tips are sharp to reduce the risk of cutting yourself.
James your SS was suppose to ship last week. They are not returning my PM's. There are plenty of us that will make sure you receive a gift.


Jaden part of your gift should arrive today. Ok who am I forgetting still?


Jacob I sent a PM to your SS just now.

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Just to clear things up with the list I received a Cobalt heater from Got2Envy and I sent a WXM module and Radion Lens kit to Reefer82.
Nice gifts!


Jacob your gifts were shipped and tracking shows delivered on the 16th. You alive?

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Post the names of those who haven't shipped

I know a guy



You only know one guy? Loser.




Put that pussay in this bag.


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