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Cultivated Reef

Once In A Life-time Nano!!!


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yeah that it a good find... i think someone already told me that you could get the tank from an honest store that carries them for around $280 which is probably about the same as shipping... ya know....


sorry there haven't been many posts lately... i just started school and my new job...

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here is my solution to keeping my fish in th tank... its "egg create" or light diffuser... i got it from work...

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Got a new coral today.. it hasn't opened up yet, but they're called colony polyps, as the fish store says... but this particular rock has some zoos on it!!! that's why i bought it... what i acctually paid for looks ugly, but it's different... i also got some coral-vite.... great stuff guys...!!!! works great...

i drained my sump and wiped it out... it was nasty... i did a 4 gallon water change and dosed everything this afternoon... i trimed my eggcreate and installed a ball valve above the water, since i couldn't get my hand on the one in the sump... here are some pics...

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OK... a while ago some one wanted to see my sump... i cannot take pics of the back where it would be best, but here's the sides and the top...

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The colony polyps you recieved appear to be anthelia, and the sponge you have there is in a sycon sp. sponge. Nice polumbing and setup you have.

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thanks for your help... they look like regedy xenia polyps... thanks also for your complement on my plumb job...

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