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Nano-Reef.com Community Upgrade!

Christopher Marks

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Hi Chris,


I notice that you have to go to a user's profile to see their location. It's not in the avatar area or popup user detail. Sometimes this is important information - I miss it almost as much as my "member since" and member #. :)


Thanks for the hard work on this. I know intimately how harrowing a major software upgrade/release can be.



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Nice way to slap a man for all his hard work. Maybe you should take more then a few hours to adjust and see what works itself out before you insult it. Chris, Thanks for all the hard work your have put into this, and are probably STILL putting into it.


Pretty sure everyone is entitled to an opinion right? My opinion is this is a major downgrade. You may like it. But I see that this takes away ALOT of major features that were very nice to have and made the site work very well. I've never understood why people change things that aren't broken and work extremely well.



Chris - Thanks for trying to innovate and upgrade the site. I appreciate that you don't just let it die. I'm sure you understand that people won't like the update but that is the name of the game.

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Christopher Marks

I know I won't be able to please everyone with these changes, but I am taking all feedback into account, and I'll try to make improvements where possible. Change is difficult, it will take some time for all of us to get used to the new interface, and some time for me to finish refining it.


Our new post editor has some issues with editing large posts with lots of photos, I have a request in with the developer to try and find a solution. Unfortunately with it being a holiday week, it may take a little time to get an answer.

Where is status visible? Not under the avatar?


It appears on your profile page, and on your profile popup window.

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I know I won't be able to please everyone with these changes, but I am taking all feedback into account, and I'll try to make improvements where possible. Change is difficult, it will take some time for all of us to get used to the new interface, and some time for me to finish refining it.


Our new post editor has some issues with editing large posts with lots of photos, I have a request in with the developer to try and find a solution. Unfortunately with it being a holiday week, it may take a little time to get an answer.



It appears on your profile page, and on your profile popup window.



That is what happens when you develop websites. I've built and maintained a few and you always get people loving changes and people hating changes. I'm apparently one disliking these changes.


A major thing for me would be shrinking the spacing on "recent posts" on the front page. It is gonna drive me nuts being so big. Either way I'll adapt. I won't like it as much as the previous version but this community is too good to leave.

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Christopher Marks
I like the new update so far...... but how do i get to my subscribed topics?


Click on Content I Follow in the menu that appears when clicking your username at the top of the page. You may also want to edit your notification preferences too, there are many more options.

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A major thing for me would be shrinking the spacing on "recent posts" on the front page. It is gonna drive me nuts being so big. Either way I'll adapt. I won't like it as much as the previous version but this community is too good to leave.

Eddie, it's not looking that big for me on my iPad or on my iMac. Try re-sizing, refreshing cache or maybe trying a different device to see if ti changes for you? Maybe the new platform is not formatted for certain browsers. I'm using Chrome on the iMac and looks fine on here. The new site does seem to have more negative space but that could also be a visual perception given that the background is now white.

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I have been on this site for like 6 years. I'm also a member of a few other forums (as most on here are). I'm pretty sure this was the best site BEFORE the upgrade....and IMO, this upgrade was done very well. Format looks nice, appears just as easy to use and polished as before....Chris, thanks for all of your hard work!!

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Christopher Marks

This would be awesome! I keep getting a "You are not permitted to use that image extension on this community" error when I try to insert images from photobucket. The image extension is .jpg.

Click the cog icon in the top right side of the post editor, and select: Paste as plain text by default.


Or click the Photo icon in the editor and paste the URL into the dialog box that appears.

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