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Mangrove Forest-time to say goodbye


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This tank is so great!!! I love the new angel :)

Thank you!



My next show tank will be very deep (front to back). Your first shot there really shows off illusion that the water just goes on forever. More and more I'm finding that to be the key to creating a really amazing aquarium.

Thank you, I didn't intend to do that it just kinda happened. It does look pretty cool, I'll try and get some shot that show this off


Definitely a jawfish pair or maybe a shrimp and goby.

I was thinking that too, I've never owned a pistol shrimp so maybe on of those


So are corals going in the drop off?

No there going in this, the drop off tank is gonna be for posion dart frogs, sorry if I confused that for you.

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Thank you!



Thank you, I didn't intend to do that it just kinda happened. It does look pretty cool, I'll try and get some shot that show this off



I was thinking that too, I've never owned a pistol shrimp so maybe on of those



No there going in this, the drop off tank is gonna be for posion dart frogs, sorry if I confused that for you.


Ok, I was thinking more of a drop off like you're on a sand bar and then WHUMP!! and it's like a FarSide joke.

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Just messin with the camera and took a few shots-I think some SPS are on there way, who knows!?


Got an ok pic of this guy



And my aerial roots have almost hit the water(man they grow slow indoors)




Everything FTS-it's not this dark it's just the camera being poopy





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Man, this is awesome. I can't wait to see this tank mature and fully stocked! How long does it take to grow out an mangrove like that??? <--Noobs questions, I'm not very familiar with mangrove.

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Man, this is awesome. I can't wait to see this tank mature and fully stocked! How long does it take to grow out an mangrove like that??? <--Noobs questions, I'm not very familiar with mangrove.


Thank you and these are about 6ish years old, but have been grown outside most the time-till now


Looks Awesome!!!




This tank is so awesome and the angel is such a nice touch of yellow that's hard to add without a yellow tang


Yeah I thought about a tang but didn't really want a large fish in here, so the angel fit's like a glove.

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This tank makes me want to do yoga for some reason ;):D . There's something about the way you've shaped the little trees that makes me feel relaxed.


Love it !!!!! :wub:

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This tank makes me want to do yoga for some reason ;):D . There's something about the way you've shaped the little trees that makes me feel relaxed.


Love it !!!!! :wub:


yes it very relaxing indeed! I try and watch it sunset each night-so relaxing



the angle was twitchin' my ocd. Awesome setup btw. :)



full size



I didn't change it because it can blur the image slightly lol, but thanks!

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6 f'n years?! No wonder this is so awesome. Love the little guys. It's real nice to see those schooling in a minimal setup.


How's your daughter?

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I do not post much in here but, wow... This tank is just amazing and your passion for it is even more, thanks for sharing such a beautiful idea, I will be following this.

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6 f'n years?! No wonder this is so awesome. Love the little guys. It's real nice to see those schooling in a minimal setup.


How's your daughter?


honestly that's nothing in compared to mature bonsai, I have a couple that's I've had for 10yrs and they are around 20ish years old.I'm looking into getting a white mangrove, and a button wood and then my mangrove collection will be complete(even though there are way more species out there) I'm hoping that I have these guys for a very very long time. She's great! 100% better, I tell ya being a father is the most worrying and rewarding thing I've ever done.


What a piece of art. And now you're adding all the bling!


Maybe I'll have some bling later today!? who knows?


6 YEARS?!!! :bowdown:


Yeah my first hobby was bonsai when I was about 16-I turn 29 next month and got into reefs in 07 and I've been trying to combine the two since then. It took me 7 years to finally get it right. I guess Bonsai(did I use that right?) has taught me to be patient-more or less :P


Looks incredible bud....dont know what else to say.


Thanks man!! Your is just as awesome-this hobby has so many ways to skin a cat :o ........ :rolleyes:.......... B)


I do not post much in here but, wow... This tank is just amazing and your passion for it is even more, thanks for sharing such a beautiful idea, I will be following this.


Thank you, I'm glad you like it should be even cooler once it's full of stuff

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I'm super jealous of this tank. That would be my "sitting in a chair and reading/browsing the web while drinking a good bourbon" room.


+1 on the father thing. I have been saying that it's the hardest, but most rewarding job I've ever had.

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Went to the bargain bin and got 3 corals for 30$ to test out the waters,also had to banish the Angel to the sump-it's like he hates corals. No matter what I did he would not stop attacking them. I thought maybe in an hour or two he would stop but nope-kill kill kill. So gonna trade him in for something else like a blue star wrasse or something.


A pocillopora and green zoa's



Looks like some sort of millie

From a distance



Just wanted to show all the crazy growth I'm getting!


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too bad about the angel, just doing what it does but it can'd do that in your tank. Not this one!


Yeah I liked him too, but I don't want a bare tank so he get das boot.

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That would be impressive, won't the angel nom on your corals thoughM


Edit... Awkward clearly I need to read to the most recent post before I post lol

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Mr. Microscope

Sorry about the angel. I like your idea of the wrasse though. Would add a lot of movement and you certainly have plenty of sand bed for it. Good luck with the corals!

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