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Coral Vue Hydros

Jgpico's 30 gal nuvo. New fts pg. 48


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Well I woke up yesterday and the fruit loops were totally gone. they must have melted cause their is no sign of them. Really sucks cause I have always wanted some fruit loops. I don't think It was my tank casue everything else is fine. I think It might have been the frag, I didn't see the polyps open in the guys tank that I got them from so I think they were doomed from the start.

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Damn that sucks to hear man, i was gana get some from that guy but ended up going to aquamart instead and picked some stuff up

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Damn that sucks to hear man, i was gana get some from that guy but ended up going to aquamart instead and picked some stuff up

yeah it sucks dude. The rastas are doing great. What you got to trade now lol?

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Sorry to hear about the loops :(

Yeah it sucks. I was really excited to have some loops finally, I have always wanted some. If you have any you want to sell let me know.

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So this might be the last crappy picture I post. well at least until I figure out the new camera lol. got it for helping a friend set up his tank. can't wait to take some sick pictures!!!IMG_20130725_215836_931_zps4e75bdc9.jpg

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Score! Post pics now! ;)
I wish I could! I need a memory card and I'm good to go. I wish I could take pictures now cause I got some sweet frags today. I almost don't want to say what they are until I can post some good pics of them.


hell yea man now u can get some clean pics up and vids!
Yeah man I can't wait to get some sweet pics.


OK so that wasn't the last crappy pic, I lied sorry. I got home and my porcelain crab was actually in a spot where I could get a picture. I have had this crab for about 3 years now just in my other tanks. I put it in this tank a few weeks ago and it went straight to the back of the scape. Now it looks like it has a new spot in the tank.Attachment-1_zpsee5edfe3.jpg

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go down to best buy and have them match price a memory card from amazon. i did that with a 32gb i got for 15 bucks. and my canon backback too. i just a lil vid on my tank right now

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go down to best buy and have them match price a memory card from amazon. i did that with a 32gb i got for 15 bucks. and my canon backback too. i just a lil vid on my tank right now

Dang dude I didn't know try would do that! I'm gonna have to try it. I'll go check out your vid now.

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WOOT WOOT just found out that I scored a free frag of red planet. I go pick it up next week. It probably wont be a huge frag but I am still stoked about it. Hopefully I will be decent at taking pics with the new camera by then.

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lol dude ur always scoring on free frags!

Yeah man. I watch masc like a hawk. Cool think is ill give away a frag of this stuff once it grows out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't updated in a while so I figured I'd let you guys know what's going on with the tank. I went to one of my local club members houses to pick up a frag of red planet and ended up leaving with more than I expected. I got the red planet frag as well as a nice size chunk of orange digi, green slimer, yellow scroll and a handful of dragons breath. I am trying to upload some pictures from my new camera of all the new stuff. Other than that, i am still fighting a little bit of hair algae. It is almost gone but still a few patches here and there.

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Yeah it sucks. I was really excited to have some loops finally, I have always wanted some. If you have any you want to sell let me know.

I'm really awful at fragging zoanthids. Awful. My loops are a nice colony now. One of these I will learn how to frag.

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I know I promised better pictures but to be honest I'm still working on my tank photography skills. I just got Lightroom 5 installed on the computer so I should have some pictures posted real soon. For not some of my bad phone pics will have to do.

I'm hoping to get an ID on this one. Just got it from a friend.


This is the green slimer I got the other night.


I added some dragons breath, it's the first time I have added algae to my tank instead of taking it out lol


Last but not least. Here is a pic I took of where I spent my weekend. This is the first pic I have taken with my new camera that I am proud of. Let me know what you think.


It's a place called crystal mill just past marble Colorado. If you ever get te opportunity to go do it. One of the most beautiful places I have ever been. It's a task to get up there but it is worth it.

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The new additions look good dude! The crystal mills pic looks stunning ive been wanting to go get pics of that place for a wail now just never gone.

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Still messing around with the new camera. Here are a couple pics I took at the Denver aquarium. Let me know what you think.


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Sweet score with the new camera. That is pretty great and yes, the picture of Crystal Mill is stunning. Where in Colorado is it located?

Still messing around with the new camera. Here are a couple pics I took at the Denver aquarium. Let me know what you think. null_zps3aa27510.jpgnull_zps76defbb4.jpg

Not bad .... before you know it you will taking pictures of your tank like this.

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Sweet score with the new camera. That is pretty great and yes, the picture of Crystal Mill is stunning. Where in Colorado is it located?


Not bad .... before you know it you will taking pictures of your tank like this.

Thanks SS. I'm hopin to be able to take pics of my tank like this sooner than later. The LEDs really do make it a little harder to get good photos but I'm getting better with light room so I'll post some pics soon.


Crystal mill is in marble Colorado. It was awesome. To get there you have to go up a 4 mile 4x4 trail so it takes about 45 minutes to get up there but it's worth it. I plan on going back soon.

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Happy to say that my tank is almost algae free. Other than the macros that I am adding. I can't believe how the tank looks without hair algae.

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