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My Atlantis - Wild & Woolly May 2015 Pictures!


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I don't think I'd go that far :lol:


I would go that far because it is inexpensive, will prolly look good, it will not shade the light too much and it is DIY!

Like I said. Brilliant! :D

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Home Depot sells black bird netting. Pair that with some window screen frame and spline, and boom. You can also spraypaint the frame black to match the trim of the tank and you'll never see it and it won't affect the light penetration.

this. this is what i have. except the window frame is not quite the right size. :(

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Hi, everyone!


Kat, Ben thanks for the suggestions. I am going to HD to check out frames for screens.


I have pictures to post but the internet at the house is down. :( Boooo!


I will post as soon as all is back to normal. Bye y'all. :D

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Well, finally got enough time to post a little something! :)


It has been a crazy week with internet down, then wi-fi router down, Fourth of July, study abroad preparations for one of my kids, ect. :D Are we having fun yet?!


I have been trimming back some of the Yellow polyps and whamin' watermelon zoas. They were overgrowing other corals and zoas so it was time for a trim. I just used some stainless steel embroidery scissors I have and went to town! I put all the little snipped polyps in the pest pico and they are all alive and happy. Imagine that! :lol:


Suddenly the hammers and frogspawn look exceptionally happy and puffy. It must be the better pH with the CO2 scrubber. :)


The undata frag and the bird's nest coral are holding on. The undata is beginning to darken and its putting back on some tissue it lost. The little polyps are out now. Hopefully it will recover from the sunburn it got in the Caribbean Castle.


Here are a few pictures:


St. Nick is still around on the macros. I first found this little slug on St. Nicholas day, December 6, 2012. Here is is sitting on the cleaner magnet.



Froggie on the sandbed.



Skipper is resting and Marty is checking to make sure his buddy is comfortable. The poor undata looks horrible but it is getting better already.



Baby Xenia is waving from on top of the arch to the happy hammer.



Growth everywhere! This image is larger when clicked.



These pictures are taken through the bow-front which makes them warped and out of focus.

Froggie up above...



Baby hammer in the middle.


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Everything is looking great! And, study abroad no less; I really enjoyed my study abroad trip in college. It was a great experience.


Well, finally got enough time to post a little something! :)


It has been a crazy week with internet down, then wi-fi router down, Fourth of July, study abroad preparations for one of my kids, ect. :D Are we having fun yet?!

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The undata really does look pretty awful. At least its not dead though, so there's hope it will recover. Skipper is cute laying on it though :D

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Sheesh....GORGEOUS photos!!!!! St. Nick is too cute!!!!


Snipping with scissors sounds easy enough. :) Were you able to get the whole mat or just snipped and left some flesh?

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The undata really does look pretty awful. At least its not dead though, so there's hope it will recover. Skipper is cute laying on it though :D


I know! :( It has really improved since that picture though. I will take a pic for you and post it here. I am hopeful that it will continue to do well in MyAtlantis. Soon I will have more room in the 34 g tank for all the critters. The transfer may be stressful for the undata. I hope not too stressful.


I have ordered the glass for the dividers. I will be drilling the glass myself with Hubby's expert assistance. If I wanted the glass shop to drill and notch out the glass pieces it would cost $205, but only $38 for the plain pieces cut to size. Hopefully I will be able to drill the glass without breaking it. :scary:


Hubby is getting a new tool out of the deal. :D


Sheesh....GORGEOUS photos!!!!! St. Nick is too cute!!!!


Snipping with scissors sounds easy enough. :) Were you able to get the whole mat or just snipped and left some flesh?

Thank you. It is so neat to see him again. I guess I have enough algae to sustain him. I placed him back in the fuge. I will have to keep a look out when I remove chaeto from the fuge so that I do not accidentally kill him. That would be so sad. :(


I trimmed the Zoas as close to the mat as possible. The adjacent Zoas seemed to cover up the space as soon as they opened up. The tissue left behind did recede. I guess it did not like the irritation. They released a milky substance when I snipped them. I put in fresh carbon and made sure to leave the power heads at full flow to dilute any residual secretions in the water. I only snipped about ten polyps each time I trimmed them back. The first time I trimmed was a week and a half ago. I also trimmed the day before yesterday. So far there has been no negative effects on the corals or fish. :)

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Today I checked water quality again.


pH 7.56 :: alk 6.4 dKH :: Ca 400 ppm :: Mg 1560


I dosed ESV B-Ionic at the recommended dose stated on the bottle. However, that dose is meant to maintain alkalinity and calcium not raise it. So, today, I am increasing the dosage and adding it through out the day, according to the recommendations of the Reef Chemistry Calculator listed here by Red_Blenny:




I also got a lot out of the article on the balance between Ca, alkalinity and Mg by Randy Holmes-Farley.




Here is the latest video of MyAtlantis and the DIY fuge. This may be the last video of the system as it is before it gets a new and integrated display/refugium 34 gallon AIO tank!


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Tank looks really nice :)


Hello, MGDMIRAGE. :)


Thank you.

It is a ton of fun (when it is all working like it should)! :D

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I just got a delivery from LRS fishfoods (Made in the USA, North Carolina counts right? ;) ) It arrived frozen rock solid with dry ice in a KODIACKOOLER. Larry sent two smaller (nano size) packs to give to my LFS. Hopefully they will start carrying it here.


I will try it out in the next feeding.


My son is enjoying doing experiments with the dry ice. :D



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Loved the video. LEDs are the best. :) Still loving the disco fuge. You gonna keep that disco light with the upgrade? It's too cool not to. :D

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Love your camera work, especially your Sixline and the goby.

Thank you, Red_Blenny. I am glad you enjoued the video. Marty and Skipper are great. They really get along well. I hope it stays that way when I increase their space and add the clowns and chromis to the dynamic.


Loved the video. LEDs are the best. :) Still loving the disco fuge. You gonna keep that disco light with the upgrade? It's too cool not to. :D


Thanks, Gena. I am definitely keeping the disco lights. I love them at night. I just need a little disco ball to complete the effect! :lol:


Spirofucci mailed some of his excess Blue Ochtodes macroalgae. It was supposed to come in over night but I had to go to the post office to pick it up the next day. I am sure the mail lady did not want to come out of the AC truck and did not come to the door. She left a note in the mail box. :angry:

The packaging Spiro did was so great that it arrived in perfect condition anyway! Thank you, Spirofucci! :wub:


I spread it around to all the tanks, even a few sprigs for the Pest Pico, and I hope it grows as fast for me as it does for Spiro. Pictures will be forthcoming. :)

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Thank you, Red_Blenny. I am glad you enjoued the video. Marty and Skipper are great. They really get along well. I hope it stays that way when I increase their space and add the clowns and chromis to the dynamic.



Thanks, Gena. I am definitely keeping the disco lights. I love them at night. I just need a little disco ball to complete the effect! :lol:


Spirofucci mailed some of his excess Blue Ochtodes macroalgae. It was supposed to come in over night but I had to go to the post office to pick it up the next day. I am sure the mail lady did not want to come out of the AC truck and did not come to the door. She left a note in the mail box. :angry:

The packaging Spiro did was so great that it arrived in perfect condition anyway! Thank you, Spirofucci! :wub:


I spread it around to all the tanks, even a few sprigs for the Pest Pico, and I hope it grows as fast for me as it does for Spiro. Pictures will be forthcoming. :)

ochtodes only needs a tiny fragment to survive and you'll have a beautiful ball of blue in no time.... :lol: LOVE that stuff!
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Hey! My ochtodes made it to Arkansas! Well I got them from Keydiver which means they went from Florida to California and then to Texas (Mark) and now to Arkansas. Fun!

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Need a final FTS please :)


FTS will be coming right up! I will take it today and post this evening. :)


Hey! My ochtodes made it to Arkansas! Well I got them from Keydiver which means they went from Florida to California and then to Texas (Mark) and now to Arkansas. Fun!


If only all reef life was spread around so easily there would be no more over-harvesting in the wild.


ochtodes only needs a tiny fragment to survive and you'll have a beautiful ball of blue in no time.... :lol: LOVE that stuff!


Well. Mark was very generous as he always is. I will have enough to share with my local reefers in no time!

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I like that idea ... I am wondering about the cat fur that may get in there and poor Skipper will be coughing up hair balls. :lol:


I will have to look up something that is clear so the light can get through. I know I have seen a thread with a clear net cover, I just cannot remember who. Was it Jordon?


Found it. It is Jordon's Nitoralis thread. Beautiful cover.

My net does get furry. But it's easy to change. It took about 8 months to get a little hairy...but I only have one cat! Just imagine all that nasty hair in the tank and whatever chemicals or solids are on it. That'll make u want a lid.

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Glad the blue octo made it from Felicia to me and now to you! :)


Tank looks great!!!!!!


Thank you, Spiro. It is so nice to read your posts again. :)


My net does get furry. But it's easy to change. It took about 8 months to get a little hairy...but I only have one cat! Just imagine all that nasty hair in the tank and whatever chemicals or solids are on it. That'll make u want a lid.


Funny you should mention this, pschom. I ordered the glass canopy on Saturday because I was thinking the same thing you just posted. I sweep the floors twice a day to keep up with the shedding around this wild kingdom! :lol:


Leak test for Skipper's new pad. :)



The little old supervisor, Bubbles has been on the job for a long time. :wub:


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