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My Atlantis - Wild & Woolly May 2015 Pictures!


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Awesome tunicate pictures!!!! I have a pink/purple one that is getting really big.


I ended up ordering the Dr. Tim's from Dr.F&S. :D


Thank you. I am glad you like them. When I first discovered the black Tunicate it looked like black mold to me. Now that it has become larger it looks very cool.


Excellent new on the Dr.T's! I really believe in that stuff now. As long as it does not freeze the bacteria are dormant and will wake up in a nice environment that you are about to give them.


I will start inoculating both my tanks with Nitrifying bacteria on a regular basis. I figure if you fight fire with fire, you can fight bacteria with bacteria. If there is tons of good bacteria already established in a system then the nastier stuff will have a hard time taking hold in our tanks. :)

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Hello, everybody! :)


It seems the cyano is making a slight come back. I am going to try out Dr. Tims Re-Fresh. There have been lots of positive reviews and it claims to work on Cyano. There is a warning not to overdose this product because it may harm snails and shrimp. I will use it as recommended to avoid hurting anything. Skipper and I will keep you posted. :)


I have been adding a few things to may little pest pico. Remember the little unidentified green anemones that were sold to me as green button polyps? Those went in there. I also traded some of those to Islandoftiki for some of his Majanos and they are doing very well. He also threw in some Seafoam Palys. They are pretty too. :)


A lovely Majano with a loose paly I threw in from MyAtlantis.



Majano with pink tipped tentacles



One of the loose Dot Daisy Polyps is starting to attach itself to some sand grains in the pico.



A little green smile from the Seafoam Paly



Blue-legged hermit crab


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I have been doing more reading on the pro-biotic approach to battling Cyano and other nasties. Here is an article I would like to share with anyone interested in adding bacteria to their systems:


Scroll down the page to "Probiotic" Application of Bacteria from Advancedaquarist.com
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Love those majanos!


Thanks! They are pretty and tough!


I've got my new bottle of Dr. Tim's in the refrigerator. Will add some to the new setup next week!!!!


I also ordered some and waiting on it. :)


Can't wait to see you put your set up all together! :)

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Is it possible for a Tunicate to gobble up a whole tank? :lol:


My black Tunicate just keeps on spreading to adjacent rocks. :excl:




Here it is from the left side under the Rics:



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Mr. Microscope

Is it possible for a Tunicate to gobble up a whole tank? :lol:


My black Tunicate just keeps on spreading to adjacent rocks. :excl:



I'm pretty sure those are just invasive sponges. You could probably remove them with some tweezers.

BTW, that's a very unique color on the rics. Love that white/mint combo!

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Thanks Mr.M. I like the color of those Rics too. What would you call them? A Frosted Mint Ricordea? :)


I do not mind the look of the tunicate. It looks neat. But like you say I will start having to prune it if it continues to grow at this rate! Sheesh!


Here are the Rics right above the ones in the previous pics.






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Mr. Microscope

Mint Berry Crunch!


BTW, keep an eye on your rics near those, "tunicates". If they start to look a little sad it's probably because they're getting pinched at the base. I've had that happen with some zoas. They improved after I removed the invasion. I'd go in there, irritate the rics (or wait until night when they're close up), and remove any growth close to them.

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Mint Berry Crunch!


BTW, keep an eye on your rics near those, "tunicates". If they start to look a little sad it's probably because they're getting pinched at the base. I've had that happen with some zoas. They improved after I removed the invasion. I'd go in there, irritate the rics (or wait until night when they're close up), and remove any growth close to them.


Hahaha! Mint Berry Crunch!


Thanks for the tip. I will do as you suggest. I have noticed that the MBC Rics have not been as puffy as the Orange Creamsicle Rics above them.

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Those majanos are pretty, wish they weren't thought of as pests, be a very hardy pest to have especially since they look pretty. Good luck with the Cyano, I am curious to see your results with Dr Tims.

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Those majanos are pretty, wish they weren't thought of as pests, be a very hardy pest to have especially since they look pretty. Good luck with the Cyano, I am curious to see your results with Dr Tims.


They are very hardy. The pest pico they are in is bare bones and very little flow. They made themselves at home by moving closer to the lights. :)


The Cyano in MyAtlantis has disappeared completely. I do not see any on the sand, rocks or the fuge. So far so good.


I saw some Cyano starting in the Macro grow-out tank. I add some of the Nannochloropsis culture and in three days the water was a lovely green soup (pics coming later). Now the Cyano is MIA. So perhaps the microalgae removed the nutrients that may have been present so fast the Cyano starved.


The Macros look good despite the limited diffuse light that must be getting to them. I think I will be moving them into the 125 g DT just to make sure I do not loose them.

























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This is exactly what my purple/pink tunicate is doing to my ricordeas on a particular rock. The rics aren't happy about it either!!!!


Gorgeous new pictures!!!!! :happy:

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This is exactly what my purple/pink tunicate is doing to my ricordeas on a particular rock. The rics aren't happy about it either!!!!


Gorgeous new pictures!!!!! :happy:


Thanks! :)


I am going to cut the Tunicates back a bit from the Rics. I like that they filter the water for free, but they want too much real estate.

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I know, right? I asked about it on Albert Thiel's thread and it seems to be a mystery. there have been many posts regarding this in many forums but no straight answers. The consensus seems to be strong flow.



Crazy skirts on those palys!



Forgot to quote ya!

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Thank you. I am glad you like them. When I first discovered the black Tunicate it looked like black mold to me. Now that it has become larger it looks very cool.


Excellent new on the Dr.T's! I really believe in that stuff now. As long as it does not freeze the bacteria are dormant and will wake up in a nice environment that you are about to give them.


I will start inoculating both my tanks with Nitrifying bacteria on a regular basis. I figure if you fight fire with fire, you can fight bacteria with bacteria. If there is tons of good bacteria already established in a system then the nastier stuff will have a hard time taking hold in our tanks. :)


Yes and if you look at Jack Kent's Continuum products, he has several types of bacterial products but the one I tried and that really seems to work well (but just my experience) are the Prodibio BioDigest and Bioptim and then the Reef Booster which is basically a food for bacteria ...


The produce comes from France and was given to me to test by Pure Reef my LFS here in Alpharetta, and I believe Marine Depot sells the product but there may be others.


My experience with those had been positive so I will try to replicate the results to determine whether what I have seen so far was possibly "anecdotal", or whether it is not ...


It comes in ampules that you break the ends off (like some medications) and below is a pic of an unopened one I still have not used.




This is FWIW

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Thank you, Albert.


I have the Dr. Tims already purchased and on its way.


If it does not work I will try the bacteria food you suggest.

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Thank you, Albert.


I have the Dr. Tims already purchased and on its way.


If it does not work I will try the bacteria food you suggest.


Do let us know how that one works out for you eitallent ... Thanks ...

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Do let us know how that one works out for you eitallent ... Thanks ...


I sure will let you know, Albert. :)


In an effort to catch the wily Blue Neon Goby, Zag, in the fuge I had to remove the macros, live rocks and down spout from the fuge. I took some of the water out in which to store the macros and caught the little slippery fella. :)




I only have an inch or less of sand in the fuge so I decided to stir it up and siphon it out to do a water change and OMG the filth! :eek:


The thick gray sediment was unbelievable in such a small amount of sand. I removed some of it, not all. I am afraid of removing too much bacteria if I try to get it too clean too fast.




This, my dear friends, is why I wear gloves or use tongs to move rocks and frags around in my tank.



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Love it, I have bristles, I just warn them before I touch anything by blasting the rocks and tapping them with the pipette, and have white vinegar on hand JIC.

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I'm glad you managed to catch the goby. The other one is already in the larger tank now right? How are they doing together? Any fighting?

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I'm glad you managed to catch the goby. The other one is already in the larger tank now right? How are they doing together? Any fighting?


Right, Felicia. Now that they are both together the old ways are back. Zag the bigger of the two chases Zig the smaller one around the tank often. I put Zig in first hoping that would help him establish dominance but it did not work. I hope that since I feed a lot Zig will get enough to eat. I may have to get more BNGs so that the aggression is spread around and not focused just on Zig.


IDK. What do you all think?

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