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Chucktown ELOS NPS Mini


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thats what i wanted to do too. i lost all the other auctions that i had with him but he ended up offering me other coral just for that reason. id buy from him anytime. :D


Awesome! Thanks for letting me know. Guess I'll have to start following EBay a little closer again :ninja:

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Just curious, what are peoples' thoughts on adding a small RBTA or other anemone to the tank? I know that they are known to move if they're not happy but what if I isolated it off on its own rock so there was a gap between it and the main rockwork. I guess there still would be a risk of it letting go completely and floating around.


I've always been fond of the idea of having a nem for the clowns to potentially host and I've always loved the overall look and movement that they add. I'll likely setup a dedicated tank down the road (I'm talking years) but just wondering what the possibilities are for this tank.


Maybe rock / flower anemones are the best choice at this point but just wanted to bounce the idea off others :)



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My clowns never hosted rock nems..RBTA's can get pretty big but you can always split it and make some $$ :) I miss my RBTA. take a look at Jacobnano's Elos...I think he just got an RBTA too.

Tank looks so nice!

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My clowns never hosted rock nems..RBTA's can get pretty big but you can always split it and make some $$ :) I miss my RBTA. take a look at Jacobnano's Elos...I think he just got an RBTA too.

Tank looks so nice!


Thanks, Maria. Yeah, the false percs that I had for about 5 years never paid a lick of attention to anything that they could have hosted. They took a liking to the large Frogspawn that I used to have but then switched to hosting the heater in the back of the tank when I moved -_-


I hear ya about them getting too big. I'm not sure I have the space but definitely looking to explore my options. I completely forgot that Jacob had one in his ELOS.


Thanks for the compliment :flower:

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I've always been fond of the idea of having a nem for the clowns to potentially host and I've always loved the overall look and movement that they add. I'll likely setup a dedicated tank down the road (I'm talking years) but just wondering what the possibilities are for this tank.


Maybe rock / flower anemones are the best choice at this point but just wanted to bounce the idea off others :)



Me too! I'd love to have one as well. Maybe someday :)


You won't know if it's right for you if you don't try. Keep in mind, clowns won't always choose to live in the anemone. I've read several instances where a BTA is in the tank and they still chose an LPS or softy over the anemone. But, regardless, you'll have that amazing graceful movement and beauty that the anemone gives to a tank.

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Me too! I'd love to have one as well. Maybe someday :)


You won't know if it's right for you if you don't try. Keep in mind, clowns won't always choose to live in the anemone. I've read several instances where a BTA is in the tank and they still chose an LPS or softy over the anemone. But, regardless, you'll have that amazing graceful movement and beauty that the anemone gives to a tank.


That's what I was thinking as well. Might as well give it a shot and see how it goes when things aren't fully stocked and could be removed easily. Although I'd love for them to host the BTA (if I get one), I'm not holding my breath. They've taken zero interest in the big a$$ hammer that sits right next to their favorite "sleeping" spot so who knows. Like you said, I'm more interested in the movement and color and if they host it, that would be the proverbial icing on the cake :)

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Although reefing funds are going to be a little tight over the next few weeks, here's what I have my eye out for next -

[*]Gorgs (really want to get some from SeaLife, Inc)




I love this picture. A reef tank as decoration that adds to the room, rather than looking like some behemoth of a science project. Striking, clean, and peaceful. Bravo!


Also, you'll be pleased with SeaLife's stuff. Never had a bad transaction with them and there are always extras.

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I love this picture. A reef tank as decoration that adds to the room, rather than looking like some behemoth of a science project. Striking, clean, and peaceful. Bravo!


Also, you'll be pleased with SeaLife's stuff. Never had a bad transaction with them and there are always extras.


Thanks so much for that great compliment, Aaron. That's exactly what I'm going for with this tank. I the past, I've had tanks without sumps and it resulted in the "science fair project" tanks that you describe; skimmers, pumps, heaters, etc hanging off all over the place. Hopefully I can slowly grow this into something that I'll be able to enjoy for years to come.


And thais for the bode of confidence with ordering from SeaLife.



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Full Tank Shot (Onyx was hiding behind the rocks)





I need to learn the art of the FTS, this is just straight up epic. :bowdown: Teach me oh master.


Somehow even after cleaning the glass inside and out, waiting for everything to settle and turning all the pumps off, I still can't manage a shot like this. Tripod, 90deg to the front glass to minimize distortion, it still doesn't come out right.


I'm no slouch with PS either (I'm a part time digital illustrator), and I can never seem to get the full spectrum. Do you do much post outside of the RAW editor other than levels/contrast? Much more than that feels like cheating, even if I'm only trying to get accurate color. I guess I just need to go back to photo 101.


Also, thanks for not stripping your exif data :D

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And look how perfectly level the water is in the tank :happy: It's perfection!!!!!


I'm not sure about perfection but I appreciate the compliment :)


I need to learn the art of the FTS, this is just straight up epic. :bowdown: Teach me oh master.


I'm no slouch with PS either (I'm a part time digital illustrator), and I can never seem to get the full spectrum. Do you do much post outside of the RAW editor other than levels/contrast? Much more than that feels like cheating, even if I'm only trying to get accurate color. I guess I just need to go back to photo 101.


Also, thanks for not stripping your exif data :D


Honestly, this is one of the first tanks that I've actually been able to get a decent FTS of. When I was running T5s, I could get pictures left and right that were pretty well balanced but I find the spectrum that LEDs produce really throws the CMOS and other sensors for a loop.


Here's what I've noticed has really helped taking pictures under the LEDs and I imagine this could help with your pictures as well. Also some other helpful tips that I've learned along the way -

  • I'm using a Canon 40D w/a Canon 17-40F4L
  • All are shot in RAW at an aperture of around F5.6-8.0.
  • In the past, I would always shot in Av (aperture priority) and would dial the exposure up or down in-camera by over or underexposing. Lately, I've been shooting in Manual, setting the aperture to F8, and I've been adding some fill flash using a hot-shoe mounted Sigma flash.
  • Although I'm using fill flash, I usually dial it way down so that I don't wash out the colors and blow out the highlights. That way I get some decent light but it can retain the detail/color.
  • As you can tell, I try to do as much as possible exposure-wise when taking the pictures. Although processing can be fun, it's also a pain when you just want to post up some nice pics.
  • In Photoshop, I spend the most time in the RAW editor. I always adjust the color temp (lately to around 6k-7,500), exposure (usually bump up a touch), and I'll sometimes use Recovery to bring back highlights.
  • Once it's opened in Photoshop, I'll crop, bump the contrast if it appears washed out, sharpen for web (using an action) and then resize for web.
  • Other than that, I'll sometimes use a mask layer to darken some rocks if they're too blown out (aka bright) to see if I can bring back some color.


Overall, I've been happy with the way they've been turning out although coral still aren't quite as bright as they are in person. Other than the details above, keep in mind that I usually take about 30-40 shots of which about 15-20 are keepers.


My wife and I do photography on the side as well so I've taken just a few shots over the last 8 years that I've been into photography. I just wish I had that super-sweet but super $$ Canon 100mm macro. Hard to justify that price tag just for taking closeups.



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I love this picture. A reef tank as decoration that adds to the room, rather than looking like some behemoth of a science project. Striking, clean, and peaceful. Bravo!



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Any update? :)


Nothing major to report on at this point. Might be picking up a sweet BTA from Lawnman here shortly. Other than that, things are motoring right along.


Currently editing some pictures of the clowns so those should be posted shortly after lunch.

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Just some quick updated shots of the Black Ice and Onyx/Picasso. I really enjoy watching this pair cruise the tank like old chums.








Onyx / Picasso







Really looking forward to how the Onyx' coloration develops and changes over the next several months. Should be fun to document.


Happy Friday!! :D

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Hmmm, I wonder why did you get a new onyx piccasso clown?? What happened to the old one?


You're either really observant or have a bit too much time on your hands :P It's indeed a different clown, but again from Alpha Corals. Long story short, a local stopped by to see the tank and offered me about twice what I paid for the clown since he doesn't like ordering online so rather than turn it down, I sold the first one and got a second one. In the end, it worked out so I basically paid $40 for the one I have. I hadn't gotten too attached to the first one and neither had the Black Ice so alls good :)


Nice pics man! I gotta take a hundred and they're still blurry!


These aren't quite as crisp as I'd like them but I'm glad folks they're good. I try and get at least a shutter speed of 1/100 and I've been using a little fill flash to try and freeze the action. That said, the Onyx moves so freaking quick that it's tough to get him in a good spot.


Gorgeous fish, Adam!!!!! Nice job getting them in focus too. I fail miserably with photos of my clowns. They don't want to sit still!!!!!


Thanks, Gena. I hear ya....I've found clowns and six-line wrasses to be some of the toughest to get decent, crisp, clear shots of. Constant small movements even when they're seemingly still. Feels great when you nail a clear shot though.


Hope everyone has a great start to the weekend. Looks like I'll be adding a rainbow bubble tip this coming Thursday. Really excited!!

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