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That pair of watchmans lived and spawned for about 12 years then both died with in a couple of weeks of each other.

Here they are about 9 years old. Notice how fat and old looking they got from the younger picture I posted a few posts above.


And her eggs



This is the guy that moved in with the shrimp/Gobi pair, he is twice their size


This is his color a couple of months ago. (notice the red scooter bleeny behind him)




Well if you kept those for that long that is actually a LOT longer than most report a I have seen a lot of posts pointing out that their lifespan is about from a low of 3 to a high of 5 years, so 12 is definitely a +10 in achievement, but then in your tank fish just live longer because of how you run the tank and mostly what and how you feed your fish.


And yes I can definitely see the color change but as I posted earlier, there could be many reason for it and no one seems to have determined the "exact" causes ... all one finds is "possible reasons" ...


Thanks for the pics and post Paul ...


And BTW ... I took my Worm keeper down. I worked real well for all the time I had it running and kept the Blackworms alive. Now that I ran out of the 1/4 pound that I originally started with (well somewhat less as I had the batch in the fridge for a while), I really have no use for it any longer as my local LFS is now carrying them so I can buy them in smaller quantity and keep it in the fridge (guess my wife will not like that too much as before ... but now it will be a much smaller container than before when I had that 1/4 pound).


So ... since we are on the topic of Worms : How is the feeding and keeping/growing of your white worms going ? Are you still having that culture going .. and if so I guess by now they must be large and instead of cheerios you probably have to feed them "Panettone's" to keep them going ...



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Well if you kept those for that long that is actually a LOT longer than most report a I have seen a lot of posts pointing out that their lifespan is about from a low of 3 to a high of 5 years, so 12 is definitely a +10 in achievement, but then in your tank fish just live longer because of how you run the tank and mostly what and how you feed your fish.




So ... since we are on the topic of Worms : How is the feeding and keeping/growing of your white worms going ? Are you still having that culture going .. and if so I guess by now they must be large and instead of cheerios you probably have to feed them "Panettone's" to keep them going ...



My white worm culture is loaded with worms and they are now about 3/4 the size of blackworms. They multiply like crazy, probably faster than I can use them as I mix them with blackworms to feed as I don't know which is better. But I do feed the white worms Cheerios with fish oil soaked in them and they can eat each Cheerio in a day. I feed about 5 Cheerios and a 2" X 2" piece of Matzo each day or two. They eat the entire Cheerio and I just lift out the doughnut shaped ball of worms and there is no dirt attached.

Today I have to add more potting soil as there is not much room for the worms as they inhabit the entire shoe box size container.

I think they would eat a T-bone steak if I put it in there. Those things are voracious.


As for the gobie's the larger ones like the watchmans live about 10 years and in my tank, most fish life their lifespans as they should. Citron and clown gobies only live a few years as most smaller fish do. But as you know, if your fish are not living to their natural, full lifespan, we failed miserably as all we need to do is feed correctly and limit stress. This is not rocket science but many people make it seem much harder than it really is. :rolleyes:

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My white worm culture is loaded with worms and they are now about 3/4 the size of blackworms. They multiply like crazy, probably faster than I can use them as I mix them with blackworms to feed as I don't know which is better. But I do feed the white worms Cheerios with fish oil soaked in them and they can eat each Cheerio in a day. I feed about 5 Cheerios and a 2" X 2" piece of Matzo each day or two. They eat the entire Cheerio and I just lift out the doughnut shaped ball of worms and there is no dirt attached.

Today I have to add more potting soil as there is not much room for the worms as they inhabit the entire shoe box size container.

I think they would eat a T-bone steak if I put it in there. Those things are voracious.


As for the gobie's the larger ones like the watchmans live about 10 years and in my tank, most fish life their lifespans as they should. Citron and clown gobies only live a few years as most smaller fish do. But as you know, if your fish are not living to their natural, full lifespan, we failed miserably as all we need to do is feed correctly and limit stress. This is not rocket science but many people make it seem much harder than it really is. :rolleyes:


Well those worms seem like they do eat like elephants ... and multiply like rabbits or faster .. wonder how nutritious they are but since your fish are eating them they must be appetizing ... and probably nutritious too especially with all the fish oil you feed them ..


And on the fish and their lifespan ... that is +10 for sure Paul ... if they do not live their normal lifespan we are not taking are of them properly, I agree ...


Better food = healthier Fish that live much longer and their full life span !




BTW did that LED Torch arrive yet ?

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The torch did not arrive yet, byt the mail didn't come yet today.


Thanks Paul ... well maybe today or on Monday ... Appreciate the response ...


Guess you saw the Scrubber and Video of yours I posted .. :-o



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Albert.. or anyone.


So I've kept African Flame Tail Goby's aka Pink Bar aka Aurora for several years. I have had 3 total...I am on my 3rd. And as always I loose them to jumping somehow(aparently my lid wasnt tight enough)


Anyway so I got a new one and I have had it for a week. Mind you I have never seen a fish do this...ever. But this new goby tries to jump every hour or two, several times in a row smacking itself on the netting. This is the complete opposite of the previous two of this species I had where they would hide in a burrow with the shrimp if scared. This one....jump....I feel as though its jumping for fun.


Its eating fine, NLS pellets, mysis, spurlina, cyclo...


Just figured I'd see if anyone else had an experience like this where no matter what you did the fish wanted to commit suicide every hour or so...lol

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Yes I saw the scrubber and video, thanks.

Here are some white worms. I put that piece of Matzo in there about 2 hours ago. in a couple of more hours it will be gone and it was covered in fish oil. I just take a knife and lift out a blob of worms from the top and no dirt comes along with it.




That sure looks like a LOT of worms .. and I guess that is only a small part of the whole lot so you must have thousands ++


Do you know what specific white worm is Paul ... there are quite a few referred to as white worms... I am going to check and see whether I can figure it out ... but if you do know what they are let me know ... thanks


AND ... as a follow up on zapping the Aiptasia with the Majano Wand that i posted and showed a picture of, the whole white spot is now gone ... no sign of any remains of that Aiptasia ...



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Albert.. or anyone.


So I've kept African Flame Tail Goby's aka Pink Bar aka Aurora for several years. I have had 3 total...I am on my 3rd. And as always I loose them to jumping somehow(aparently my lid wasnt tight enough)


Anyway so I got a new one and I have had it for a week. Mind you I have never seen a fish do this...ever. But this new goby tries to jump every hour or two, several times in a row smacking itself on the netting. This is the complete opposite of the previous two of this species I had where they would hide in a burrow with the shrimp if scared. This one....jump....I feel as though its jumping for fun.


Its eating fine, NLS pellets, mysis, spurlina, cyclo...


Just figured I'd see if anyone else had an experience like this where no matter what you did the fish wanted to commit suicide every hour or so...lol


Yes Jumpers they are but not in the manner you describe, at least not IME ... that is a very odd behavior ... and odd too that it does it every hour or two and not on a continuous basis trying real hard to get out ...


Have not seen that happen before ... maybe someone on the thread can chime in and share their experience ... odd indeed.


Thanks for reporting it and maybe others have seen something similar and can share their experiences ...



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That sure looks like a LOT of worms .. and I guess that is only a small part of the whole lot so you must have thousands ++


Do you know what specific white worm is Paul ... there are quite a few referred to as white worms... I am going to check and see whether I can figure it out ... but if you do know what they are let me know ... thanks


AND ... as a follow up on zapping the Aiptasia with the Majano Wand that i posted and showed a picture of, the whole white spot is now gone ... no sign of any remains of that Aiptasia ...



Albert, I am just a lowly electrician with a fish tank so I depend on you to tell me what kind of white worms they are as I just ordered a culture of white worms. There was no choice as to what type of white worms they were such as garlic flavored white worms, linguini and clam flavored white worms, brocleyrob flavored white worms, or anything like that so I can't be sure. I guess they are just run of the mill white worms. When I get to collecting some mud, pods, grass shrimp etc. I will send you some worms, along with those rampant snails I have. My boat goes in the water tuesday so I will be down there and I will try to do some collecting if anything is there.

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Albert, I am just a lowly electrician with a fish tank so I depend on you to tell me what kind of white worms they are as I just ordered a culture of white worms. There was no choice as to what type of white worms they were such as garlic flavored white worms, linguini and clam flavored white worms, brocleyrob flavored white worms, or anything like that so I can't be sure. I guess they are just run of the mill white worms. When I get to collecting some mud, pods, grass shrimp etc. I will send you some worms, along with those rampant snails I have. My boat goes in the water tuesday so I will be down there and I will try to do some collecting if anything is there.


Well when I get back from the Post Office sending out a box of box to a wholesaler and some of the Critter Torches I'll try and do some searches and see what I can come up with ...


Did you order them from a specific place ? Maybe that can help in finding an ID ... Thanks Paul .. and yes if you can collect some of the mud etc .. that would be great, but no rush ... whenever you get around to it ..



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Had this PM on another forum from Adrian of seahorsebreeder.


"Hi Les
I have had quite a few orders since you and Albert (and his book) hit the streets! We do offer replacement catalysts, however im having to order more as there has been a rush on them! Im more than happy to ship to the USA as I have done before, but with no solutions!

thanks.gif for your efforts



Well it seems like after years of me telling people about Oxydator's they are slowly gaining popularity. I have to admit this is mainly due to Albert endorsing them on here on other forums and in his new book.

Just in case anybody might be thinking. I have no connection with anything to do with Oxydator's or the company and have always paid the full price for them apart from one I bought secondhand. I simply believe in them after discovering their worth in my reef tanks over 20 years ago.

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Had this PM on another forum from Adrian of seahorsebreeder.


"Hi Les

I have had quite a few orders since you and Albert (and his book) hit the streets! We do offer replacement catalysts, however im having to order more as there has been a rush on them! Im more than happy to ship to the USA as I have done before, but with no solutions!


thanks.gif for your efforts




Well it seems like after years of me telling people about Oxydator's they are slowly gaining popularity. I have to admit this is mainly due to Albert endorsing them on here on other forums and in his new book.


Just in case anybody might be thinking. I have no connection with anything to do with Oxydator's or the company and have always paid the full price for them apart from one I bought secondhand. I simply believe in them after discovering their worth in my reef tanks over 20 years ago.


Wow, how nice from him to send you that message ... and you deserve the credit Les, as you are the one who has been talking and writing about them for years and years and years.


And yes, I endorsed it but did so because I am using one, and because my endorsement is based on what it has done for my tank and the differences I have seen in that tank when I started using it compared to what I saw before.


I would not do without it .... Thanks for introducing me to it Les ...


In fact I think I am going to order another one as I am setting up a new tank for an Article Series that will appear in Marine Habitat in the UK, a magazine that as you know has already published a few of articles I wrote for them. In fact there is one in the current issue, and they also did a full page write up on my "Nano-Reef Aquariums" Book .... a write up that I did not even ask for or paid for. A Great review it is too ...


And just to make one more thing clear : I too have not been compensated in any way or manner for endorsing Oxydators.



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Thanks Albert, it's always nice to get credit for something you have discovered (esp something to be used in a way it was never intended) something invented and proved to yourself and then by others. Paul has done this with his black worms etc.


There is little doubt about it I would have been but a lone voice in the marine wilderness somebody who was considered as having lost the plot, a nutter. But when somebody as yourself with an open mind tries something and replicates the results as I have been having and telling about for so many years people sit up and listen. You have been the catalyst (pun intended) that has alerted the hobby to something that really is a major help in aiding water quality.


I would go as far to say possibly the greatest single item to come to the hobby since the protein skimmer. BTW I still have in my possession a marine club magazine going back to the early 80s (you guessed it up in my attic) that a reviewer described protein skimmers as nothing more than a gimmick and now they are widely accepted of course.


Thank you.



Wow, how nice from him to send you that message ... and you deserve the credit Les, as you are the one who has been talking and writing about them for years and years and years.


And yes, I endorsed it but did so because I am using one, and because my endorsement is based on what it has done for my tank and the differences I have seen in that tank when I started using it compared to what I saw before.


I would not do without it .... Thanks for introducing me to it Les ...


In fact I think I am going to order another one as I am setting up a new tank for an Article Series that will appear in Marine Habitat in the UK, a magazine that as you know has already published a few of articles I wrote for them. In fact there is one in the current issue, and they also did a full page write up on my "Nano-Reef Aquariums" Book .... a write up that I did not even ask for or paid for. A Great review it is too ...


And just to make one more thing clear : I too have not been compensated in any way or manner for endorsing Oxydators.



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Thanks Albert, it's always nice to get credit for something you have discovered (esp something to be used in a way it was never intended) something invented and proved to yourself and then by others. Paul has done this with his black worms etc.


There is little doubt about it I would have been but a lone voice in the marine wilderness somebody who was considered as having lost the plot, a nutter. But when somebody as yourself with an open mind tries something and replicates the results as I have been having and telling about for so many years people sit up and listen. You have been the catalyst (pun intended) that has alerted the hobby to something that really is a major help in aiding water quality.


I would go as far to say possibly the greatest single item to come to the hobby since the protein skimmer. BTW I still have in my possession a marine club magazine going back to the early 80s (you guessed it up in my attic) that a reviewer described protein skimmers as nothing more than a gimmick and now they are widely accepted of course.


Thank you.




There is no doubt in my mind that you deserve the credit for spreading the word about them, and especially for the perseverance you showed in doing so, even in light of all the negative comments you got and the ignored advice etc ...


And yes I know it is odd that skimmers were at one point viewed that way when Peter Wilkens recommended them in his books even in the 70's and in articles even earlier, and so did Guido Huckstedt .. but that is sometimes how it goes ... acceptance of new practices and devices at times is not a given regardless of who advocates them.


And check this what I wrote about them a long time ago ... :)




And ... one of these days you will need to get into that attic and retrieve some of the interesting information that is stored there for sure.


Thanks Les ...



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Albert I got the critter light and will try it out when my lights go off tonight. Looks very cool.

It also gives me an idea, I may light up some caves in my tank with red leds by installing permanent red LEDs in the tank. I did that many years ago but it was before LEDs were invented and I had to use light bulbs. Thank you, I think I am going to get a lot of use out of this thing.

I just came back from a store and I just love pipefish and usually have bluestripe pipefish, but just now I got me a dragon pipefish. I fed him a bunch of new born brine shrimp before I put him in my reef because I know the store never fed her.

Of course my copperband figured she was a worm and took some exploratory bites but I think the copperband now knows that pipefish don't taste to good. They also have a very weird looking pipefish that I may just go back and get. I don't know what it is as I never saw one before. It was very thin, thinner than most pipefish with a long tapering front end and a long tapering back end that ended in a small tail. Kind of like a knitting needle. But the front was black then gradually turning to a bright orange as if air brushed, then back to black. It was the most unusual pipefish I had even seen and I wish I had some baby brine shrimp with me to try it out on it as it looked hungry and I am sure they can't feed it and I am also sure it hasn't eaten since it was collected so it will die if I don't get her. I am not sure if I can get back there in a couple of days.




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Albert I got the critter light and will try it out when my lights go off tonight. Looks very cool.


It also gives me an idea, I may light up some caves in my tank with red leds by installing permanent red LEDs in the tank. I did that many years ago but it was before LEDs were invented and I had to use light bulbs. Thank you, I think I am going to get a lot of use out of this thing.


I just came back from a store and I just love pipefish and usually have bluestripe pipefish, but just now I got me a dragon pipefish. I fed him a bunch of new born brine shrimp before I put him in my reef because I know the store never fed her.


Of course my copperband figured she was a worm and took some exploratory bites but I think the copperband now knows that pipefish don't taste to good. They also have a very weird looking pipefish that I may just go back and get. I don't know what it is as I never saw one before. It was very thin, thinner than most pipefish with a long tapering front end and a long tapering back end that ended in a small tail. Kind of like a knitting needle. But the front was black then gradually turning to a bright orange as if air brushed, then back to black. It was the most unusual pipefish I had even seen and I wish I had some baby brine shrimp with me to try it out on it as it looked hungry and I am sure they can't feed it and I am also sure it hasn't eaten since it was collected so it will die if I don't get her. I am not sure if I can get back there in a couple of days.



Well glad the Critter Light arrived, and yes it is very bright indeed and shines very well even at a distance, not sure how far but I can see the red on a wall on the other side of the room I am in, and that wall is at least 18 feet away and that is in plain daylight and lights on in the room.


It will be interesting to find out whether you discover any new life forms in the tank when using kit.


Neat idea with the LED's "in" the tank ... that would look different for sure ... not sure whether the fish would like it though if they can't get in the caves because the brightness turns them off or scares them ... but not sure of that.


An on the pipefish ... yes they are really special ... and some more special than others ... but as you say often the stores do not know how to take care of them ... and don't feed them ... but at least you have the set up to take care of that.


Now on that odd one you saw .... does it look like the banded one you can see here :




And do tell that Copperband to leave that Pipefish alone will you :-o


And on the worms ... was that the kind you have ?



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Hi there. Me again this time with a coral question. I have a small frag of sunset monti and a 2 head bicolor branching hammer. The rest of the coral in my tank (trumpet coral, ricordea and duncan) is fine. However I had the monti high on the acrylic back wall of my aquarium and it has begun bleaching. There is still color but it is noticeably paler. My hammer is opening up and looking healthy but is getting paler in color. The hammer is on the top of a piece of live rock about 12 inches from the lights. The tank is reading pH 8.2, nitrite and ammonia zero and nitrate less than 5 ppm. Temperature is 82 which I feel is too high and I have a different heater coming next week as the one I have is aging. I light it with 2 led lights placed directly on the top of the tank. Here are the links for the lights and I have one of each http://www.buildmyled.com/custom-reef-spectrum/ and http://www.buildmyled.com/super-actinic. The lights both have 90 degree optics. I have moved the monti to the bottom of my tank and I have dimmed the white light a good bit today since I noticed the bleaching. These lights are relatively new as I purchased them in December 2012 when I set the tank up. Flow is with a 300 gph return pump and hydor koralia 425. Any ideas on cause and what I can do to correct the situation?

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Thats it, Janss pipefish. How cool is that? I have read about them and it says expert only, so I should find an expert first.

I am sure I could keep one of those in a seperate tank, but my tank already has so many pod eaters that my shrimp feeder is overworked.


It also states that bluestriped pipefish are expert only but they are as easy as guppies if you feed them correctly.

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