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Tomorrow I am going to that store that always has the Possum wrasses. I would like to get one unless something else catches my eye like it always does. This place imports their own livestock so they get much different things than all the other LFSs in NY. There is always something that I never see so I love going there. Their staff is not all warm and fuzzy and the health of the animals is not always that great so you have to know what you are doing. I helped start their tanks over 40 years ago but that was a different owner.

Their prices are very good as they usually have firefish for $7.00 and it is also where I got that copperband for less than $10.00.

He is doing fine by the way as I saw pictures of it from the guy I gave it to.


Yes I guess that is the store with the Copperbands with ick ... that you cured on one of them ... Any interesting ones you see you can mention ... or maybe tomorrow after you have been there.. Always interested in finding out what some stores carry that others do not normally have ...


Wow a firefish for $7 ... that is really a bargain ... what is wrong with it that they sell it for such a low price ? Those fish normally cost a lot more ... especially the nicer ones ...


Saw some nice Bird wrasses today btw ... male and females .... 6 + inches .... and they were eating pellet food ... in the same tank there was a Clown Trigger about 4.5 inches eating pellets off the substrate ... interesting ...



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I dunno worked for me and several others on my thread so I don't think it's a bad upload? Maybe clear your cookies?


Odd but all I get is a black screen ... no sure why ... Will try again later but I have the Radio show on Blogtalk Radio tonight at 10 ... and have to catch up on a lot of email as I was out the whole day at the book signing



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Hi Albert and all.

Like Paul and some others on here I have always believed in feeding my fish a little and often and try to feed 4 times a day if I can.

Below is the results of a poll done on another forum by a member on there. I agree with his opinion on feeding and would add variety along with regular feeding. I think it would be no bad idea to run a similar poll on Nanoreefs.com as I am sure more would vote given its a larger forum with more members. It would be interesting to see how often many on here feed each day esp to their small reef fish.


Here is the results of that poll as mentioned above.


"133 of you voted.

Not surprisingly nobody said that they never feed their tank corals or fish at all directly.

3.01% said they only feed a couple of times a week.

36.84% said they feed once a day.

35.34% said they feed twice a day.

24.81% said they feed more than twice a day.


I am one of the ones who feeds more than twice a day as IME this is best for small coral reef fish that are constant feeders during daylight hours.


I guess you can make of the results above what you wish although a big 72.18% feed just once or twice a day. Not enough IMO and well fed fish kept fed as near as possible to as they would feed in nature = healthier fish that are less likely to get white spot and other diseases but then that is not just my personal view i know of others who share it."


I just set up a feeder for feeding live shrimp made by a gent in the UK. It is not as simple as Paul's brine shrimp feeder but it gets the job done.


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I just set up a feeder for feeding live shrimp made by a gent in the UK. It is not as simple as Paul's brine shrimp feeder but it gets the job done.



Nice eitallent ...









Female finally took to the nem :) kept feeding near it. And it worked



Nice .... Well it sure looks better thank just "it worked" ... Female is practically glued to the Nem now ! Great job !



P.S. Figured out the issue with the videos. Had to restart my Mac and held down the shift key while doing it which starts it in the Mac version of "safe" mode and when doing so videos do not come through ... restarted normally and all ok now ...



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Yeah that looks cool made by Cleartides here in the UK they make all manner of stuff out of acrylic skimmers reactors etc. I didnt know they made such a feeder it looks good.


I just set up a feeder for feeding live shrimp made by a gent in the UK. It is not as simple as Paul's brine shrimp feeder but it gets the job done.



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Specification and info on the Cleatides constant feeder.


Auto Feeder 200 (200mls)


Full instructions provided.


Kit Consists of :


Feeder 200, Valves x 2 And Tee Piece. The Tee Piece is to allow an existing pump to supply the continuous water supply. As a 'drip' rate of flow is required, there is no effect on the normal running of the existing pump. You can also use a dedicated pump and can be found in the shop under 'Reactor Running Kits' (known as the R50 kit).


Please State On Purchase Size Of Tee Piece Required (Outlet Diameter Of Supply Pump)


Addition Equipment Required :


Air Pump.


Corals benefit from constant supply of both zooplanton and phytoplankton to the aquarium but until now there has not been a device that an actually drip feed zooplankton and phytoplankton to your tank.


Auto Feeder hangs on the side of your aquarium or sump and draws water from your aquarium, mixes it with a solution of zoo or phyto and drip feeds it back into your aquarium or sump.


The zoo or phyto is kept in suspension by the usu of a air inlet at the bottom of the reactor.


Auto Feeders can all so be used as a Brine Shrimp Hatchery which can be automatically dosed into your aquarium.


Auto Feeders can be used on Fresh/Marine aquariums where young or more delicate fish need constant supply of food.




Height : 200mm


Cylinder Dia: 40mm


Cost inc shipping here in the UK is £28.95p that's around $42


They also do a 500ml and 2000ml versions



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Yeah that looks cool made by Cleartides here in the UK they make all manner of stuff out of acrylic skimmers reactors etc. I didnt know they made such a feeder it looks good.


Yes it does look good indeed and I like the way it comes out of that feeder .... drip drip drip ....



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Specification and info on the Cleatides constant feeder.

Auto Feeder 200 (200 mls)

Full instructions provided.

Kit Consists of :

Feeder 200, Valves x 2 And Tee Piece. The Tee Piece is to allow an existing pump to supply the continuous water supply. As a 'drip' rate of flow is required, there is no effect on the normal running of the existing pump. You can also use a dedicated pump and can be found in the shop under 'Reactor Running Kits' (known as the R50 kit).

Please State On Purchase Size Of Tee Piece Required (Outlet Diameter Of Supply Pump)

Addition Equipment Required :

Air Pump.

Corals benefit from constant supply of both zooplanton and phytoplankton to the aquarium but until now there has not been a device that an actually drip feed zooplankton and phytoplankton to your tank.

Auto Feeder hangs on the side of your aquarium or sump and draws water from your aquarium, mixes it with a solution of zoo or phyto and drip feeds it back into your aquarium or sump.

The zoo or phyto is kept in suspension by the usu of a air inlet at the bottom of the reactor.

Auto Feeders can all so be used as a Brine Shrimp Hatchery which can be automatically dosed into your aquarium.

Auto Feeders can be used on Fresh/Marine aquariums where young or more delicate fish need constant supply of food.


Height : 200mm

Cylinder Dia: 40mm

Cost inc shipping here in the UK is £28.95p that's around $42

They also do a 500ml and 2000ml versions



Thanks Les for the detailed description of that feeder ... Not a bad price either but I guess the shipping may add another $25 or so to that cost. Not sure how much it weights etc ... looks like it works pretty well though when viewing the Video eitallent posted.



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Hi Eitallent,

May I ask what are your thoughts and experience using this feeder and what model are you using as I see they do 3 sizes. Are they easy to set up, control and maintain? Do you hatch the brine shrimp in it or in another vessel and transfer the baby brine shrimp over to it? Did you import it or did you buy it in the US or other? Any other thoughts etc much appreciated.






I just set up a feeder for feeding live shrimp made by a gent in the UK. It is not as simple as Paul's brine shrimp feeder but it gets the job done.


Yeah that looks cool made by Cleartides here in the UK they make all manner of stuff out of acrylic skimmers reactors etc. I didnt know they made such a feeder it looks good.

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Albert, what time is it in GA?

It's 3:00 AM here.


It's now 6:11 here so 3 hours difference. You must be on West Coast time and I am on East Coast time


3:00 am ... up early or to bed late ?



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Bed late.

Also, is that a liquid feeder? There was a DIY version on here a while back that utilized a wine cooler and air pump to feed chilled liquid foods.


EDIT: that liquid feeder is basically the same design but with no chilling unless you put it in a fridge.

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Bed late.

Also, is that a liquid feeder? There was a DIY version on here a while back that utilized a wine cooler and air pump to feed chilled liquid foods.


EDIT: that liquid feeder is basically the same design but with no chilling unless you put it in a fridge.


Yes very late indeed ...


And on the feeder we'll let eitallent reply and/or Les ...


Thanks asid61



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From what I have been able to gleam its a live phyto/pods/newly hatched brine shrimp feeder. I am sure Eilallent will be able to fill in a lot more details. I thought there would be a few YouTube vids of it but nope even though there are others of their products being demonstrated.

Bed late.

Also, is that a liquid feeder? There was a DIY version on here a while back that utilized a wine cooler and air pump to feed chilled liquid foods.


EDIT: that liquid feeder is basically the same design but with no chilling unless you put it in a fridge.

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From what I have been able to gleam its a live phyto/pods/newly hatched brine shrimp feeder. I am sure Eilallent will be able to fill in a lot more details. I thought there would be a few YouTube vids of it but nope even though there are others of their products being demonstrated.



Yes she reads the thread so I am sure she'll give us a nice and long explanation and maybe another video ...


Ercilia over to you ....



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I just set up a feeder for feeding live shrimp made by a gent in the UK. It is not as simple as Paul's brine shrimp feeder but it gets the job done.


That feeder certainly works, but the purpose of my feeder is to keep the shrimp confined until the fish eats them. If I used that feeder in my tank, all the shrimp would be lost in the rock' pumps and UG filter. But for feeding corals it looks great.


I just got back from the LFS that always has gopher wrasses, of course they are out of them so I got a spotted shrimp gobi and some worms. They also have firefish for less than $5.00 but they always fly out of my tank. If I could keep them I would get ten.

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This shrimp who resides with the two gobies amazes me. I just looked closely at his tunnel that is quite long, and he built the entrance with a lintel. In construction when you build a door, window or other opening in rock or cement, you install a lintel or beam over the start of the doorway to hold up whatever is over it. The shrimp used a flat piece of calcium or a thin shell to prop it up. I can't tell how he supported the rest of the tunnel but he runs around in there and can make a "U" turn inside so I know it is structurally sound.

It is amazing and I wonder what engineering school he attended.





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That feeder certainly works, but the purpose of my feeder is to keep the shrimp confined until the fish eats them. If I used that feeder in my tank, all the shrimp would be lost in the rock' pumps and UG filter. But for feeding corals it looks great.


I just got back from the LFS that always has gopher wrasses, of course they are out of them so I got a spotted shrimp gobi and some worms. They also have firefish for less than $5.00 but they always fly out of my tank. If I could keep them I would get ten.


$5 for Firefish ... wow ... anything wrong with them ? Were they alive Paul :-o ?


Seems like an awfully low price for a Firefish ! Sorry they did not have the Wrasse you wanted ... next time I guess.



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The firefish looked fine, that is the place that had the copperbands for $10.00 and Moorish Idols for $25.00.

They also have percula clowns for $12.00, they got a million of them.

The place has been there about 45 years and it is huge and always crowded. There are about 12 people working there and it takes a while to get waited on.

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This shrimp who resides with the two gobies amazes me. I just looked closely at his tunnel that is quite long, and he built the entrance with a lintel. In construction when you build a door, window or other opening in rock or cement, you install a lintel or beam over the start of the doorway to hold up whatever is over it. The shrimp used a flat piece of calcium or a thin shell to prop it up. I can't tell how he supported the rest of the tunnel but he runs around in there and can make a "U" turn inside so I know it is structurally sound.

It is amazing and I wonder what engineering school he attended.




Yes those little fishes are quite amazing at building those burrows and as you say they do a real good job at making sure they do not collapse ... how they know how to do so has to be genetic, as they certainly did not go to M.I.T or some super duper Engineering School, but then who knows ... right ?


Nice ... I like how they are sharing !



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Yes it does look good indeed and I like the way it comes out of that feeder .... drip drip drip ....




It can be adjusted both by the water and the air flow. I like that. I place two check valves since it hangs outside of the tank. So far the Blue Reef Chromis are doing well and like the constant flow of food to hunt after.


Now if I could only find a quieter air supply! ;)



Cost inc shipping here in the UK is £28.95p that's around $42


They also do a 500ml and 2000ml versions




Les, that shipping cost is about the same that I paid to get it state-side. :huh:


Thank you for posting the specs for the feeder.



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