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I haz a Moai in my tank...I have had it for a few years :)

here he is sporting a xenia hat :lol:



Tank looks great! I <3 the black sand and black back ground.

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Love the new scape it will look amazing once that rock colors up.

I noticed that one rock has a dime-sized patch of coralline! It's on its way! :)


I haz a Moai in my tank...I have had it for a few years :)

here he is sporting a xenia hat :lol:



Tank looks great! I <3 the black sand and black back ground.

Thanks, and your moai looks awesome! i love his hat! If this encrusting acro doesn't stop receding (it has so far, I just want it to reclaim what has bleached), I think I will give him a hat and beard of green star polyps!

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Just read thru all 13 pages, I really like the 80g/40B sump idea. My condolences on the lost fish...been thru it myself. promised myself I'd never get ich again. since then I have lost fish only while in QT....If they cant make it thru a copper treatment for two weeks....access to my DT denied! Following along! How is the TMS? is it magnetic? Josh

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Just read thru all 13 pages, I really like the 80g/40B sump idea. My condolences on the lost fish...been thru it myself. promised myself I'd never get ich again. since then I have lost fish only while in QT....If they cant make it thru a copper treatment for two weeks....access to my DT denied! Following along! How is the TMS? is it magnetic? Josh

No, Tahitian Moon Sand isn't magnetic. Most people will say it is, but it is not, I have been using it for a long time through many bags and none of it has been.



I don't copper treat all fish, but I'm thinking I might from now on. I really want a bristletooth tang, and so far copper treatment has had a 100% mortality rate with them. Meh.

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:tears: DOA?

Yep. Bowf'um. Fedex gave me the runaround about my address not being found. The package was addressed to a UPS Store that has been in the same location for almost 7 years. I worked there for 5 of those, and I know both the Fedex drivers that deliver there, but they both took today off, and the sub driver was an imbecile. They literally delivered a package to the same store with the exact same address and left mine out in the truck. :angry::tears:







Fisheye Aquaculture is really coming through for me, and I will get to pick out a new pair!

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I've been very upset at UPS myself, I sent a butt load of 6/30 orders (for my business, not reef related) all last week which were to be delivered yesterday and today. First they attempt to deliver to businesses at 8 am or 9 when they open at 10 or 11, then they send exception notices saying business was closed, and then they can't reschedule delivery today because EVERYBODY is out for blood.


Especially with livestock I will not order or ship during holidays, one mis-step or a different driver and you have to pay the price for dead animals.

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Yep. Bowf'um. Fedex gave me the runaround about my address not being found. The package was addressed to a UPS Store that has been in the same location for almost 7 years. I worked there for 5 of those, and I know both the Fedex drivers that deliver there, but they both took today off, and the sub driver was an imbecile. They literally delivered a package to the same store with the exact same address and left mine out in the truck. :angry::tears:




Fisheye Aquaculture is really coming through for me, and I will get to pick out a new pair!


That's great service on the supplier's part for sure ...


And yes that is what happens when you get a new driver ....



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I've been very upset at UPS myself, I sent a butt load of 6/30 orders (for my business, not reef related) all last week which were to be delivered yesterday and today. First they attempt to deliver to businesses at 8 am or 9 when they open at 10 or 11, then they send exception notices saying business was closed, and then they can't reschedule delivery today because EVERYBODY is out for blood.


Especially with livestock I will not order or ship during holidays, one mis-step or a different driver and you have to pay the price for dead animals.

Wow, most people complain about late deliveries, not early!! j/k :)


As they work for the company longer, they learn who they are delivering to and will learn when some of their big deliveries are open and closed and whatnot and will adjust accordingly, but around holidays and with new drivers it gets worse and worse. :/

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So all of the fish in QT are eating, minus the pearly jawfish. I've only seen him come out of his home (the PVC thingy I made) to go dig a beach house in a corner of the tank and then went back in his normal house. Even the little yellow clown goby is eating now, and I've seen each of the four anthias munch on brine shrimp eggs, New Life Spectrum Small Fish Formula pellets, frozen San Francisco Bay-brand mysis, and freeze-dried Cyclop-eeze. The Piscine Energetics mysis I have the anthias won't touch (except for the shemale), neither will the yellow clown goby. I'm thinking of getting Reef Nutrition Mysis Feast, supposedly PE mysis in a refrigerated (not frozen) bottle that are a lot smaller than are in the frozen cubes.



I also ordered this webcam to hook up to my computer while I am on vacation: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002MCZJ7...x_ya_os_product


I will also try and leave the stream up on Ustream 24/7 in case anyone would like to watch the fishies since they are so pretty. :wub:


It will be in the same room as the QT tank and I will be able to watch the fish. The corals and such I'm not so worried about. I will instruct my tank sitter(s) to only top off the coral tank and wife's pico and not worry about feeding them.





I just put in another order with Reefcleaners for some more macro (all mine so far didn't make it, stupid me :( ) (cactus caulerpa, pencil cap, and red gracilaria are what I ordered, and a penny-portion of a random macro), a fuzzy chiton (i hear they lieks the algaes), a few Florida ceriths to replace those I lost to the hermits (all but like two from an original eight), and a surprise addition - a Hawk's Wing conch! It was the only one John had, so I figured I'd go ahead and grab it while I can! I love conchs, they're my favorite snail. My dream is to one day have a ginormous tank and a gorgeous queen conch, but I know that probably won't happen - apparently they're too tasty to be able to take off the endangered species list. :(

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Deleted User 4

Looking forward to seeing your new pair of snowflakes!! Sucks to see that pair died....makes me sad to see that happen especially to clownfishes...

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Looking forward to seeing your new pair of snowflakes!! Sucks to see that pair died....makes me sad to see that happen especially to clownfishes...

I was at work waiting for it to be delivered and one of my coworkers was very excited to see them, she was very upset when I told her. :(

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Deleted User 4
I was at work waiting for it to be delivered and one of my coworkers was very excited to see them, she was very upset when I told her. :(


lolol Does she know anything about snowflakes?? Or is she just one of those people who assumes your receiving a pair of Nemos ahahha.

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lolol Does she know anything about snowflakes?? Or is she just one of those people who assumes your receiving a pair of Nemos ahahha.

I explained what they were. She had no idea there were different types of clowns. I told her about snowflakes, occellaris and perculas, skunks, maroons, tomatos, and the lightning maroon. Educating slowly. :)

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Deleted User 4

lolol That's what I always have to do with my friends....they start to think you're crazy about fish when you get into so much details ahah.

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lolol That's what I always have to do with my friends....they start to think you're crazy about fish when you get into so much details ahah.

Well, 'tis the truth! :lol:

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I will also try and leave the stream up on Ustream 24/7 in case anyone would like to watch the fishies since they are so pretty. :wub:


I just put in another order with Reefcleaners for some more macro (all mine so far didn't make it, stupid me :( )

I look forward to the web cam. I suppose I could do that with mine, too...maybe find out what is eating my inverts over the weekend!


Macro blues...I am such an idiot. Got a great clump of dragon's breath, it looked gorgeous in the tank, then failed to tank into account the turbo who eats all things algae-like except for the halimda and red grape caulerpa! I felt bad for the macro since it was a freebie from the lfs...of course, then my new skunk died after just 3 days...

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I look forward to the web cam. I suppose I could do that with mine, too...maybe find out what is eating my inverts over the weekend!


Macro blues...I am such an idiot. Got a great clump of dragon's breath, it looked gorgeous in the tank, then failed to tank into account the turbo who eats all things algae-like except for the halimda and red grape caulerpa! I felt bad for the macro since it was a freebie from the lfs...of course, then my new skunk died after just 3 days...

I want dragon's breath but can never find any (and when I do, it's expensive as heck).



Also, I hate turbo snails. They are bulldozers and poo-factories, and I'm glad my hermits ate them lol! I much prefer my current cleanup crew (and the ones on the way :) ).



And I was considering leaving the web cam up 24/7 once I put them back into the main tank (exactly 4 weeks left for QT!! September 1st!), but after thinking for a bit, the missus doesn't exactly sleep fully clothed, and walk-bys would be... interesting to say the least! Not to mention if I ever decided to, say, scrape the glass in my birfday suit... ;) (but of course, no one would want to see that! plus I'd have no place to hold my pancreas!)

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I want dragon's breath but can never find any (and when I do, it's expensive as heck).



Also, I hate turbo snails. They are bulldozers and poo-factories, and I'm glad my hermits ate them lol! I much prefer my current cleanup crew (and the ones on the way :) ).



And I was considering leaving the web cam up 24/7 once I put them back into the main tank (exactly 4 weeks left for QT!! September 1st!), but after thinking for a bit, the missus doesn't exactly sleep fully clothed, and walk-bys would be... interesting to say the least! Not to mention if I ever decided to, say, scrape the glass in my birfday suit... ;) (but of course, no one would want to see that! plus I'd have no place to hold my pancreas!)

Well Jedi Ben now that you put it that way ... I have to agree with you ... : 0


And saw a 3 inch bit of it being sold for $20 ... that is not a give away indeed ...

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The tuxedo urchin holding two dwarf ceriths hostage. :lol:



My maxi-minis are like FEED ME!



Frogspawns are starting to open up more, but the yellow torch still is not. Has never extended its tentacles more than an inch. :(


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The tuxedo urchin holding two dwarf ceriths hostage. :lol:


My maxi-minis are like FEED ME!


Nice ... and I hope the snails make it ...


Not sure if you remember or saw the post about that little green thing we were trying to identify the other day on my thread or it could be members aquariums but believe it or not now I have exactly the same thing in my tank that was just set up and I have no idea where it came from (all I did was add some snails and I sure did not see it in those bags ...


Here is a a pic ... any idea, looks like a bivalve and is green and has a few barbs or tentacles sticking out, 2 or 3 as it is hard to see but it is alive but seems to be sessile as I have not seen it move




If you or anyone seeing this thread has any idea what it is let me know please



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